Hi I’m new to this forum , I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in 2015 at the age of 53, I am a keen runner and have tried to keep kept fit, strong and healthy.
Saying Hello: Hi I’m new to this forum... - Advanced Prostate...
Saying Hello

Welcome! You seem to be managing your disease quite well, and staying fit in the process. I hope the enzalutamide keeps working for a very long time.
Welcome Mick... there's quite a number of runners here-- dockham, tominMass, myself and others.... and then more who are weight lifters-- Nal, bodysculpt, and others. Your high activity level can do nothing but help. Congrats on making it five years and keeping up your lifestyle! cheers- Tim
A 150 miles a month? I thought my 80 a month at a 9:00 pace was doing very well. I'm 70, you?

59 this month, diagnosed at 53.
Welcome ! All aboard Mick . I too was dxed and 53 in 2015 . Keep rolling..
We always say: Welcome to the club, but sorry you have to be here. Sounds like you've had a good response so far. I wouldn't be concerned about your PSA not going below 1. For some, it can stay around that level for many years. Hope for continued success.

Have gotten used to it to a great extent it’s just my normal.
True. Sorry you are here, but these guys in the forum are your friends and experienced warriors of this common enemy.
I encourage you to continue training You will find it very rewarding in the long run
Hello Mick,
Pleased to meet you, most of us took up running to get to the loo as fast as possible. Now I just walk 😳.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Welcome. Great information and support can be found here. And some much needed humor.
Hello welcome aboard
Hi Mick, Also welcome and sorry you are here, lol. You are doing well so far and the fact that you are so fit is really a good thing. What was your PSA at diagnosis?
Welcome , I was diagnosed at 51 with stage 4 , hanging in there 2 years later , this is a great forum , feel free to share and ask questions , some real smart folks on here , a lot smarter than I am for sure .......
Hello Mich,
I was dx at 46 GL 9, 55 now. Welcome to the club, a dubious distinction to be sure.
Greetings Mick.....I know your real name is Mickey but they call you Mick for short even though it isn't.....
You are required to post here at least once a month....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 04/06/2021 5:22 PM DST
Welcome Mick to the club nobody wants to belong to but you will be glad to be here with all the support, intelligence, and information provided. Staying physically active will serve, in large part, to ameliorate many treatment side effects. Continued treatment effectiveness