Just joined group, I was diagnosed with Stg 3 Prostate cancer in May, ‘15; with a Gleason score of 9/10, had a prostatectomy in Aug, followed by radiation and hormone therapy for 1 yr, prior to prostatectomy, PSA was 13 , one month after surgery, PSA was 0.04, treatment kept it at 0.008 til Sept ‘17; it is now 3.7 ug/L. Had a PSMA Pet scan , revealing mets on skull and spine, will undergo radiation, Abiraterone, Goserellin and Prednisone in Nov.
Hello!: Just joined group, I was... - Advanced Prostate...

With multiple mets on the skull and spine, you should consider docetaxel ASAP. You can follow with abiraterone after 6 cycles.
Wish well my friend bu dont forget to walk!
What did you think of the hormonal therapy! This is the second time I had to do it! I found that it wasn't as bad as the first time! I also had Provenge treatment in 2012 but it did not work!
That’s a hard blow to take . Sorry for this uptick . Hope that you can lay it back to rest. I was #4 non -op,dx also 3-15 same year as you. RT &adt to date. No signs ,PSA < .004. So when I see your story I acknowledge that we all are in limbo awaiting what we all know is a most likely return and another round of fun. I pray for your success in jumping these current hurdles... Take care. Scott
to MyKis, Your age, location, and who or where are you being treated? Sometimes this info is helpful to members who can advise you.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Friday 10/05/2018 7:00 PM EDT
Im 56, a chef in Vancouver, BC. Have been advised to take time off this second time round when treatment begins in Nov.