What is the worst advice you've ever ... - Advanced Prostate...

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What is the worst advice you've ever been given by people? (humorous)

FinalBossMatt profile image
61 Replies

I was thinking the other day that one of the WORST THINGS about having advanced stage cancer isn't the medicine, isn't the personal struggle, I do admit it does break my heart when people feel bad for me because I hate seeing others I care about in personal pain... but that's not funny haha.

The worst thing about having cancer is all the bad advice people give you. I used to get frustrated about it but now I laugh since I like to see the humor in things, especially with the bad advice. I do let people know I appreciate what they suggested to me but I also let them know their advice is wrong.

Here's a list or stuff either dumb or life threatening. I might be corrected by some of the resident chemists but here's my opinion on them. :)

1) Alkaline your body, cancer can't live in an alkaline environment - Your body naturally alkalines itself anyway whether you have too much base or acid in your body sooooo that's not true.

2) Vitamin B17 - When you have to create a fake vitamin to sell something, They say the cyanide only attacks the cancer cells. Not true, it doesn't discriminate. There is no evidence that it does other than people saying, "It worked great for me."

With that said, I am aware of people in a tribe, I believe between Nepal and India eat this all the time and are healthy. Odds are that's from hundreds of years of their body chemistry adjusting to it through reproduction in their families.

I know some people on the net who don't defend B17 in an almost cult like fashion say they've taken it and were fine. I look at it this way, I have no allergy to poison ivy. I could sleep all night in it and it wouldn't affect me a bit. Since it doesn't bother me and there is evidence it can bother other people, I'm not exactly going to recommend it to others.

3) Coffee Enemas - When people give themselves alcohol enemas they get blasted out of their mind because the alcohol doesn't go through the liver, it just gets absorbed into your body. What do you think is going to happen with Coffee enemas? You're going to poop and you're going to feel insanely good because your nerves are on fire from the caffeine being absorbed into your system.

4) Hydrogen Peroxide IVs, or solutions to drink - same with the B17, it doesn't discriminate.

5) Urine Therapy - That's disgusting and it's fucking stupid to drink your pee.

6) Vitamin C IV - It's a super saturation of Vitamin C. It's a water soluble Vitamin so you'll just pee out what your body can't process.

I'm sure many of you can add to the list and I hope this gave you a few laughs.


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FinalBossMatt profile image
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61 Replies
Magnus1964 profile image

Thanks for the laughs.

LearnAll profile image

FinalBoss...I do not resent people giving advice. They are trying to help.. with knowledge what they have ...their intentions are to help. I do not accept advice blindly.. thank them and do my own research and make my own conclusions. No One has ever given me bad advice Intentionally.

Kaliber profile image

Good post 👏.


Tall_Allen profile image

Does that include advice I've seen on this forum? The worst, because it's what newly diagnosed men with metastases want to hear, is that they can just take bicalutamide or bicalutamide with Lupron for it.

I'm not sure about your #6 - but there is a clinical trial that will resolve that. I hadn't heard #5 - that's right up there with fecal transplants for yuck factor. I'd add to the list that prostate cancer can be treated by reducing sugar in the diet.

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to Tall_Allen

Well #6 is just an interesting idea that is neither dangerous nor stupid. Just an interesting idea about the anti-oxidant effects of a super dose of Vitamin C. Here is not a full on NCBI synopsis but the basic conclusion of the test is, "Eh I guess it's alright." haha

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to FinalBossMatt

Actually, when Vitamin C is infused rather than taken orally, it acts as a pro-oxidant instead of an antioxidant, which may account for a potential benefit for cancer.

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to Tall_Allen

I guess you missed it. The Vitamin C treatment is through an IV getting absorbed directly into the blood stream.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to FinalBossMatt

I didn't miss it. That's what "infusion" means.

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to Tall_Allen

Got it, I guess we had a miscommunication somewhere.

Jmr11820 profile image
Jmr11820 in reply to Tall_Allen

I thought it was fact, not fiction, that reducing sugar actually is beneficial for prostate cancer patients, no?

in reply to Jmr11820

My naturalpathic preaches this . I’m a believer that white sugar is super bad for all cancers . Cutting all white products out is good .

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to

"Belief" and "preacher" being the operative words. The power of belief is real and strong.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Jmr11820

Pure fiction. There is absolutely no proof for this. The fact that PCa usually does not show up on a glucose (FDG) PET scan but does show up on a choline (fat) and an Axumin (protein) PET scan, tells us that sugar is the least favorite food of prostate cancer. Whatsmore, cancer cells are voracious feeders - if they don't have access to one nutrient, they will feed on another. You will starve yourself long before you starve the cancer.

There are many reasons to cut back on refined white sugar, but prostate cancer is not one of them.

Jmr11820 profile image
Jmr11820 in reply to Tall_Allen

So fats are more the culprit, if there is one? Thanks!

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Jmr11820

PCa prefers fats to sugar. But cancer will use whatever is available. You can't "starve" a cancer in humans.

V10fanatic profile image
V10fanatic in reply to Jmr11820

Yeah, I'd like to see some more evidence about sugar consumption that I can give to my wife. She says NO Snickers- really?? What's life without some comfort food every once and a while:-)

I am under the impression that PCa is affected more by fatty foods than sugar.

db1966 profile image

So true. I was told to take a coffee enema on this site recently. If they had read my symptoms as I described then they may not have suggested it and I would have had some trouble if I had taken his advice. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to db1966

Well I'm glad you didn't if it would have messed you up. None of us like the treatments but the mindset of, "Oh it's natural so it's good for you," is stupid.

Darryl profile image
DarrylPartner in reply to db1966

Please point me to the “coffee enema” post (for possible deletion). I don’t see it

FinalBossMatt profile image

Oh I thought of a #7. Baking Soda and Maple Syrup. From what it looks like from peoples experiences, it does change the reading of the PSA but doesn't kill the overall problem.

fluffyfur profile image

Thanks for your post. In addition to hub's PC I have a chronic illness I deal with and sometimes I can't handle all the medical advice given to me from folks who graduated from youtube university.

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to fluffyfur

I spoke to a lady who is in a similar boat like yours. Her Husband has PC and she has some sort of Chronic illness. She goes to a Chiropractor and once the Chiropractor heard she had this particular illness, they told her, "Take sheep spleen pills."

Normally I will defend Chiropractors since my pelvis popped out of place years ago and they got it sorted out. They should stick with the back cracking through and lay off putting their patients in something that looks like the medieval torture rack and lay off of the woo-woo nutrition advice haha.

ron_bucher profile image

(not funny) A radiation oncologist told me I shouldn't have had a prostatectomy a year after I had my prostatectomy. Fortunately, his partner did my salvage radiation.

abmicro profile image

Worst advice was in 2004 after I failed Luprin. KP Oncology said I could do chemo for 12 months, but after that Kaiser pays for hospice. Same doctor called Dr Charles E Myers a voodo doctor when I mentioned his name. Got out of his office fast and flew to Virginia to talk to Myers...Here I am today still kicking.

in reply to abmicro

Hec yah!

Hey Matt ! I ve done imrt and two adt s and now prolia ,all under doctors orders . It was my own decision to do 50 mgs vitamin c ivs throughout my first year and a half ,and an orchiectomy later to drop the lupron shots .. I was in dire shape with tubes out of my kidneys and a foley . The high c treatments were a godsend for me . I feel that I helped me escape that urological hell that I was in . Sorry it didnt help you . I d take people ‘s advice with a grain of salt . If it’s out of love for you then it’s all good .They must care for to give you advice .

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to

I never said I took Vitamin C or any of these. I actually said Vitamin C might have some potential. I just haven't done it yet. :)

Unfortunately SOC sometimes runs out of options.

Here's a PUB MED case report about a terminal pancreatic cancer patient who resorted to non-SOC supplements after he developed intolerance to chemo.

There's no scientific proof that the supplements helped him, but after seeing his amazing recovery the doctors who wrote the report suggested that it would be interesting to conduct a clinical trial of chemo followed by long term use of those supplements.


Best wishes to all


Muffin2019 profile image

Never heard if B17, new on me

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to Muffin2019

It's also known as laetrile or amygdalin. It's shit no matter what you call it. :)

in reply to FinalBossMatt

I’ve done that also

ImaSurvivor1 profile image
ImaSurvivor1 in reply to FinalBossMatt

Laetrile has had a cult following for at least 50 years. A pre-med student friend of mine was big on it in college in the '60s.

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to ImaSurvivor1

That's no joke either. I did a video about how bad it was on my youtube channel and I got called the worst possible things by people who psychotically LOVED IT. All they said was, "You're wrong, it works for me."

Ummmmm....... okay.

dmt1121 profile image

Well, there are all kinds of "cures" on the web. They are funny in a way but based on what's happening with the pandemic, I think some people can convince themselves of almost anything. We all want the magic bullet. I believe the complexity of the disease often requires a more multi-faceted approach.

Everyone is different and treatments must fit the individual. I think the way we know good advice is when it suggests checking out a treatment, speaking to your oncologist about options, etc. Advice should not speak in absolutes because there are always options.

I have not been given bad advice here and hope I am not giving any. People here are generally very knowledgeable and thoughtful because they have been there, have the experience, and done the research. You obviously know bad advice when you see it, so you are safe.

Lettuce231 profile image

Good post Matt,

It's amazing how much well meaning advice we all get and it on the whole it is well meaning, but misplaced.

I was advised to consume apricot kernels, which had allegedly been " proven " to cure prostate cancer. I searched it on Google and sure enough there was a clinic which claimed to have had amazing success with Apricot Kernels and a different but very strict dietary plan. Not for me I like meat 😊. However I knew of someone who had this condition and he popped these kernels like sweeties, unfortunately it didn't work for him and he is know longer with us. The kernels also contain arsenic.

One other piece of advice I was given " give up alcohol " that includes whiskey ! I stuttered a little and had an FCough, you know the sort I mean 😳.

Cheers everyone, we've all given up enough pleasures .


FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to Lettuce231

Interesting you found something that was successful. All I found was a scientific study, I believe in the 70's where they tried it and all it did was give people cyanide poisoning.

Grouser profile image

My unfunny favorite is "So whats your prognosis" I always take that to mean so when are your going to die.

I try to avoid that question when talking to others.

dadzone43 profile image

The placebo effect is real, is powerful and affects us all. Whence krebiozen, amygdalin, and dozens of other shams and scams.

MateoBeach profile image

Steve was”the man”, would fight to the end.

MateoBeach profile image

My reply is “Hey man, don’t hit on my wife or be eyeing my stuff. I ain’t dead yet. “ (humorously with a big smile)

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to MateoBeach

Sounds like something I would say. I usually say, "At least I don't have cancer," to look at the bright side of bad things that might happen to me haha.

in reply to FinalBossMatt

Not having cancer is a big one .🏋🏽‍♂️

j-o-h-n profile image

When I tell people I have Pca..... they usually say "you deserve it you dickhead"....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 11/16/2020 10:12 AM EST

Bunkerboy profile image

Thank you👍🏻😂. Needed that👍🏻 Gloomy Monday weather here and feel better already😉🤪😂😷👍🏻

Graham49 profile image


Dietary acid load and risk of prostate cancer:(a case-control study)

Sanaz Mehranfar, Yahya Jalilpiran, Alireza Jafari, Seyed Amir Reza Mohajeri, Shiva Faghih

Authorea Preprints, 2020


There are few studies which have shown inconsistent results regarding the associations between dietary acid load (DAL) and the risk of cancer. This study aimed to examine the association between DAL and prostate cancer (PC) risk among Iranian population.


One hundred and twenty participants (60 controls and 60 newly diagnosed PC patients) engaged in a hospital-based case-control study. Validated 160-items semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was used to assess usual dietary intakes. DAL was calculated using potential renal acid load (PRAL) and the net endogenous acid production (NEAP). Multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratios.


Both PRAL (OR=5.44; 95% CI= (2.09-14.17)) and NEAP (OR=4.88; 95% CI= (2.22-13.41)) were associated with increased risk of PC in crude model. After adjusting for potential confounders (energy intake, smoking, physical activity, ethnicity, job, education, and some drugs usage) compared to the first category, being in the third category of PRAL (OR=3.42; 95% CI= (1.11-8.65)) and NEAP (OR=3.88; 95% CI= (1.26-9.55)) was associated with increased risk of PC.


Our findings suggest that DAL could be associated with increased risk of PC. However, further prospective studies with larger sample sizes and longer durations are needed to confirm these findings

monte1111 profile image

Alcohol enema? Sign me up. A relative told me I needed to be gung ho, look on the bright side of life, you are going to beat it, you have to be just like your cousin who has leukemia and is going to win just by his sheer will. Asked later about cousin - he passed. In his 40's. Really sad. He didn't do his will and etc. Left family problems. So, I guess it's the cheer leaders who know absolutely nothing that irritate me the most. My opinion, for me only, is the drugs work, or they don't. My second line drug (Xtandi) will someday fail. Probably sooner than later. Then I will be on a slow elevator, going ever downwards, with j-o-h-n repeatedly pushing the basement button. Alcohol enema? Sign me up.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to monte1111

Hey waiter......... I'll take the chocolate chip ice cream enema.... (two scoops)...Hey Monti.... "hole de door" "hole de door"......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 11/16/2020 7:40 PM EST

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to j-o-h-n

You had me at "hole de door".

Patrick-Turner profile image

I generally agree with all of that. But people who live in Nepal and many other places where claims are made about them all living to 102, may be not all likely to live to 102, and in fact many may die much younger of a pile of illnesses that western medicine cures in days.

There is seldom any census information for old ppl living in such tribal or primitive ways we could never tolerate, so just who dies of what type of cancer usually remains quite unknown.

I found a number of things that didn't work to reduce my Psa in past years despite large numbers of ppl online saying I would be cured......

Cannabis oil. I grew some Sativa that gave delightful 4 hour high which was the sign that the CBD was high enough to kill stage 4 Pca. I did not have the slightest Psa reduction when at

stage 2 before ADT failed. But 2mg of the oil I extracted from my plants was enough to cover the head of a pin, and when I quit taking it every night for 8 months in 2015, there were no withdrawal symptoms, no paranoia, and I felt well calmed down while taking it.

But the grow houses sell diluted high THC junk oil which poisons the minds of many young ppl and so many ppl are totally ignorant about cannabis. There's good and bad of it, but no cancer cure.

Bitter almonds, 30 a day for 3mg of amygdalin which contains cyanide combined with other molecules, and it once led to Leatrile clinics where large amounts of bitter almond extract was infused, ie, given same way chemo is done now. The clinics were closed down. Maybe something is still available in Mexico.

Baking soda. If you try to make your blood more alkaline, your body will fight you all the way and make your blood more acidic to counter drinking lots of dissolved baking soda. So you get the opposite effect that you wish for, all based on the non scientific ramblings of old wives.

Dandeline tea. Its a real horrid potion if ever there was one.

Red light illumination of PG. This is done using many high-brightness LEDs mounted on a tube to become something very red indeed, about the same size as a vibrator sex toy, and the user pokes this up his arse and the red light shines through rectal tissue and gives enough red light to cause Pca cell death in PG.

Prayers. I cannot say Prayer does not work , its very nasty and unsocial to utter such horrid things to religious ppl, so I won't say prayers don't work, OK.

Time I went to lunch after a hard work morning of hedge trimming and house cleaning.

Patrick Turner.

FinalBossMatt profile image
FinalBossMatt in reply to Patrick-Turner

On a somewhat similar notion about prayers, even though I have a relationship with God, I don't like saying, "I'm blessed," since I've been very fortunate so far. I know people who were diagnosed around the same time as me with much lower PSAs but high gleason scores and they're either in hospice right now or dead.

The reason why I don't like saying, "I'm blessed," is I think it's rude to the people who this disease took. If I say I'm blessed I'm saying God loves me more than them.

I'm just "fortunate." :)

Sorry to hear about your dads friend.

Do you know if they were diagnosed with unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma like the patient in the case report?

When the authors wrote that report in 2016 they believed their patient was the longest surviving person with unresectable biopsy proven pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

In the report they actually gave credit for his recovery to his conventional treatment, but they admitted that they couldn't completely discount the possibility that the alternatives might've helped. They even went so far to suggest it might be interesting to do a clinical trial of chemo followed by long term use of the supplements he took.

SPEEDYX profile image

You are blessed.....God always answers pray...he may say yes or no or in his time...his ways are perfect..his perfect will be done...I have witness answers to pray for many...life is a temporary condition and if we hold on to him he will guide us thru this life into eternity!!!....I hold on to that....the alternative is not very promising!!...

Patrick-Turner profile image
Patrick-Turner in reply to SPEEDYX

I am one of those many who cannot believe in God or that prayer works against cancer or that God is perfect, and how he does things is perfect.

IMHO, God is an imagined entity in many ppl's minds to aid coping with adversity and this imagined being is adopted by many to bond us together except I find that impossible for me as well as many other beliefs.

In India, there are 300 Gods, and tribes of ppl natives in Brazil to bankers in Wall street, and all through the known past, ppl have invented gods, and worshipped them, and enforced the worship with an imagined soul and hell to make sure that happens, and imagined heaven for reward of being good. So many rivers of blood have flowed because of religions. Did Jesus want any of that? I can't associate myself with ppl who carry on wars while professing they have God on their side, and that they believe in Jesus.

I find the whole study of theology and God, and souls is a monumental pile of nonsense, a complete waste of precious time. Building Pyramids in Egypt and huge churches and other places of worship mean nothing to me except a waste of human labour better spent building good bridges and sewers and other places for peaceful secular gatherings.

Only Nature exists, that force we cannot ever define fully, and its not a he, she, or thing with human character, its indefinable because we are quite a stupid species so far, and we have not yet evolved infinite comprehension of Infinity or Eternity, and we scratch at the surface of deep understanding of many things, Sure, we do know more than most ppl knew when Christ was with us, but he was just a man with good ideas about living and morals, but the writings in Bible that preceded him and what came after are jam packed with fake information. Nobody has ever seen a soul, or seen God or any god, and no supernatural being has ever given me his, her, its address, or sent me an email.

Living life with all its struggles and joys should the the teacher, as it was when we gradually evolved with bigger brains than monkey millions of years ago. Even then we are a mixture of good and bad and our behavior is often no better than an average chimpanzee. We waste precious time having wars, and slowly dominating the planet to degrade it and exclude other species and those of us in wealthy parts of world have no way of making wealth equally distributed to those less wealthy who we often despise.

We build massive defense systems with hundreds of nuclear bombs. Before anyone thinks about a God for 1 minute, I suggest they have a real long think about us and how bad we are.

So living life might really only teach us we exist, and the seven virtues need a study as so the seven vices, and this can all be done without wasting a second on God.

So I believe in Goodness without God. This simplifies my life hugely, and trains my conscience to see my own evil if I do it.

Somebody did invent a vaccine that works against Cervical Cancer. Now instead of building grand churches, or spending any time worshipping something that just is not there, how about we find a vaccine for Pca, and all the other cancers?

But then we need to follow up on expanded thoughts about much longer lifetime on Earth.

Just how would you cope with living to 200 years old? or 2,000 years.

If we could defeat Pca and other fatal diseases, and the slow loss of our healthy functionality over the years, and get married say 20 times and have say 50 children and umpteen others follow, then what about over-population of the planet? As a species, we don't like the word NO. We tend to like YES for all things.

Nobody is ever going to be converted by reading what I write, as I am a complete nobody in the world list of who is who. So no need to worry about things you cannot understand because the experts cannot yet understand, and when they claim to understand, they don't agree with each other, so what real understanding can I have, a dumb man have? I am bright enough to realize I am dumb, but not stupid enough to be superstitious, or believe in Santa Claus. I can't and won't stop ppl believing in God, because I like social peace around me, and so a few if not many silly beliefs all should be tolerable because they are mainly benign.

I know the meaning of life is that it has no meaning, and it just is. So my advice is to be a good person because you don't have much time here. I cannot believe in life after death. I know that when I die, that's it, I am definitely GONE, and my atoms which I borrow from Nature will find their way to be re-arranged into countless other things, both living or not living.

So I believe that if life has no meaning and that we don't know why the Universe exists, but I really don't want to see suffering or misery in any around me, and so I am so lucky to live where I do where so many share my secular ideas and they never pray or go to a church. I'll happily buy you lunch if you'd like that, and you were hungry. Just don't ask me to pray. I'll happily thank Nature that a lunch is there to be enjoyed, and I'll just never thank God because when I looked, I could not see God at the stove preparing our lunch.

The idea of Goodness Without God, GWG has mighty appeal for me. It humbles me because I don't really score high in goodness. Why don't I give all my dough to the poor?

Ask all the rich ppl that question before bothering me.

The morals of human Existence are truly a vexatious irritation to contemplate, but when I die, I wave goodbye to all my dollars and other stuff, and the Federal Treasurer never gives any credit to ppl who hang onto their wealth and avoid taxes until they die, and instead of buying an apartment in Heaven, they leave their stuff behind for next generation, who might fight long court cases to get a slice of the pie.

A vaccine for Pca would be a really nice thing to be able to get.

You are free to pray that one is invented soon, but money invested in research may just bear more fruit than prayer. What about investment in vaccines for childrens' illnesses. Don't they have a bigger right to a good life than an old man?

After yesterday's hedge trimming and house work, I am glad to rest a bit. I do have a pile of papers on kitchen table to sort out; is it not a Miss Terry as why such tableful's of papers pile up around the house?

I might get back onto bicycle tomorrow.

Patrick Turner.

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to Patrick-Turner

Hi Patrick...I know of your thoughts and I respect your right to believe it...The prince of darkness rules the world and in the end he will be defeated...I choose to side with God and his salvation plan...It is a plan.. I have not seen any other around the gives me hope..I have to live by faith....Peace Brother. ...PS I will keep you on my prayer list😊

Patrick-Turner profile image
Patrick-Turner in reply to SPEEDYX

I cannot see that any prince of darkness or god can exist, except as imagined things in minds of religious ppl. I don't believe in salvation plan of any God. I don't need the hope that might spring from any belief in any religious or spiritual idea or concept.

But I sure do share you belief that the world has a large amount of evil. There is sinning, ignorance, stupidity, along with the 7 easily identifiable vices. But its from within humans, not any imagined devil. I see goodness and at least 7 virtues practiced widely by so many, without any propulsion by any god.

All the imagined stuff in ppl's minds about religion seems to be irrational to me, but I am still a very moral man, I have highly refined ideas about right and wrong, despite abandoning being a Catholic at age 16, because the Catholic Church and most other religious institutions depended on brain washing and propaganda, and getting control over ppl and their money. I've only been to church to listen to classical music and there's no way I can listen to a preacher going on about God and the Devil, and if I pick up a bible to read its just so full of BS I just can't read it.

When I got to 19, my Australia tried to get me involved in a ballot for conscription into army, because our politicians wanted young men help the USA win the war in Vietnam. An application for ballot was sent out, and I filled mine in with "conscientious objector" across the pages I had to fill in. My number was not picked from the barrel. The ballot was a way to screen out the un-willing COs being in the ballot, and avoid legal fights with COs as more than 50% of Australians began to understand the evil of being involved in Viet war, and they would not vote for any party who sent their sons to be killed in a dreadful cause.

In about 1990, Robert Macnamara made a film, "The Dogs Of War" on just how stupid the USA had been in Vietnam, and explained how many died needlessly. Where was God to save us all from the horrors of an evil war?

I became a builder, and like Christ I became a carpenter, and helped build a better Australia with my mind and my bare hands, a far better pursuit by a young man seeking adventure in Vietnam, and killing Asians, and risking being shot, maimed, or poisoned by agent orange. I saw many Vietnam vets who returned so very mucked up, but I survived my time in the trenches of peaceful work to benefit all, and despite a bit of Pca at 73, I have nothing to complain about, and I really don't care about anyone thinking / saying I am a athiest traitor.

They'd be wrong to say I am an athiest, because there must be something greater than ourselves. But whatever it is, it has never contacted me to say hello. For me to figure out what the message might be is arrogant stupidity. I met ppl who wanted to nuke all Vietnam. They wanted to nuke Korea, they said we really won in Vietnam because "we killed 3 million of them and we lost only 50,000 of us". Moral discussions don't work on many, while they claim god is on their side. We could have a WW3. But WW4 will be fought with bows and arrows.

But if evil became too popular here I'd not hesitate to join the resistance.

I could never adopt Communism because those in power always end up saying "what is mine is mine, and what is yours is er, um, also mine" and they loaf about and the others work. Soon you have a police state. So have no fear of me, I insist on human rights, but I also expect duty of care by all, and I think my country does enough despite the democratic criticism I hear and read of my country. I don't like the economic inequality going on which makes it difficult for young ppl to buy a house and have kids, but I also realize that more ppl on Earth are not needed unless we commit to far better care of the natural environment. I began to practice that idea early, and saw the benefit in frugality, and I grew to not be upset by not having any children, and I could not be seduced by immoral women.

The man across the road believes Jesus will return, soon. But he's quite harmless, although I don't like his ideas about how God is going to kill all the sinners on judgement day because just how is such mass killing going to be done justly? His religious ideas don't add up to being sensible or just, but we are still good neighbors.

How many times will Jesus have to return and see to the killing of sinners?

It ain't going to happen.

Oh how the weeks fly past when I am busy. Its a fine day, I'm in my shed, lots to do, but I will do a cycle ride tomorrow.

Patrick Turner.

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to Patrick-Turner

I just think how fast life goes by...and what gives me comfort is knowing that my relationship with jesus will give me life everlasting and If it were not true I'd be no worse off than you...the choice to me is crystal clear...enjoy your cycling it is invigorating!!!...Peace My Brother!!

Patrick-Turner profile image
Patrick-Turner in reply to SPEEDYX

I don't believe in life everlasting. I think the belief is believed by those who cannot accept that after they die, they become nothing except dead meat, fertilizer if buried, and smoke if cremated. But by all means follow Jesus if you can figure out what he really did and said during his short life cut short by Romans who decided he was a damn trouble maker.

I cannot ascend up to heaven. I'd need rocket and space suit. I don't believe any of the miracles which IMHO were all written into the story of Christ's life to get ppl to become Christians. Miracles were all fake info, just like the piles of fake info on Internet today so someone benefits with sales or political position.

I know I am, and if I die I won't be, and there is not one bit of believable evidence I'll continue on after I die.

Its OK, just Nature taking its normal course, and all things are temporary given enough time.

Quite nice being alive enough to cycle 60km+ on any day.

Patrick Turner.

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SPEEDYX in reply to Patrick-Turner

Onward "OPPY"...Ride On!!!

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Patrick-Turner in reply to SPEEDYX

Hubert Opperman was a far better cyclist than I could ever have been, and rode in TDF in 1920s, along with others from Oz. Oppy set records for cycling long distances all around Oz and struggled on unsealed roads in appalling conditions. He was elected to Oz Government, and didn't give up the bike until 90, but died on a indoor exercise bike at 93. Before anyone says they were, are, or will be the best, they wood be much humbled by reading what Oppy did. I had a nice little 60.0km cycle this am, and it got hot early, and we ended up with

34C at about 3pm, so at my bench in shed soldering up a tube amp circuit it must have been about 35C max, but 2 swims of 180M each, and an extra jug of green tea kept my body feeling good.

I have to read an email from doc supervising my Lu177 doses. I'll leave that till last, to get used to what may be challenging information.

Patrick Turner.

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SPEEDYX in reply to Patrick-Turner

All the best Pat!!!!

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SPEEDYX in reply to Patrick-Turner

Always loved Australia...some my favorite films from there....Big Rod Laver fan..3 of my sons are tennis pros...we meet him at US open.

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