First I could not wait 12 months for Lu-177 so I am headed back to India for my second round. I will state I was Gleason 9 12 cores 2016. Xtandi had begun to fail and at time of first infusion my PSA was 13+ and climbing rapidly. I was termed to have a heavy tumor load...13 bone mets. I had a high PSMA uptake and the infusion confirmed this. 12 hours after infusion bone pain was gone and so far it has not come back. I am not quite 4 weeks out. At 3 weeks my PSA has dropped to 5.03. I will answer more questions if needed if you need to travel.
Tian Zhang is my OC at Duke . She was involved in the Vision Trial which made it easy for me. I did not want chemo route if possible. She sent me to UCLA for the scan. She also tried to place me with Tagawa at Cornell. Great trial but I did not fit. We talked to Tulane and she was not real happy nor was I as far as being a fit for me. Michael Hoffman wrote me a very informative letter but alas I was not a fit there. Braun in Germany I found out from Ishita Sen my nuclear therapy doctor in India has retired. So I decided on India. Isreal I was in contact with but I chose India. The Lu-177 is made up in Germany and shipped. India or where ever simply infuses you . 40 min...
Duke is going back into additional clinical trials in 12 months for chemo naive patients . There appears to be benefits and I think I will be another small piece of the equation when finished.
I am posting because if you need to go , logistically it can be done even during Covid. Also, for those who may need it down the road it is coming. Currently there are two of us going back and forth to India and Charlie has moved to Dr. Zhang because of her knowledge and she and Dr. Sen stay in contact with each other on our cases. Dr's Zhang and Sen are not only smart, but carry on there practices without ego. They reach out to colleagues in order to further your case. Zhang spent a great deal of time trying to place me in the US and I had an hour phone conference with Tagawa ....He is also conducting a AC-225 trial which I am to early to consider.
This post was just to give some general info...
Blue Skies,
Sky King and Penny (woof)