Zytiga : Anyone on Zytiga and... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Chris52981 profile image
36 Replies

Anyone on Zytiga and prednisone and lupron- if so are the side effects terrible ( my Dad just started all three) I understand everyone is different - he is hormone sensitive still

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Chris52981 profile image
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36 Replies
SPEEDYX profile image

I have been on for 19 months...exercise helps a lot....positive mindset...is he on 10mg predisone or 5mg...I was switched to 5mg and fatigue is more apparent but I am adapting...time helps to.

Chris52981 profile image
Chris52981 in reply to SPEEDYX

He is on 5

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to Chris52981

When I was on 10 I had more energy...check with MO if you can increase to 10 it may help him...it is a side effect of predisone

Chris52981 profile image
Chris52981 in reply to SPEEDYX

How was ur blood pressure and liver enzymes-

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to Chris52981

BP is ok....liver enzymes were ok to but they were rising a little and they put me on 5 also to see if PSA would come down more which it did...we are talking small dosages too

Chris52981 profile image
Chris52981 in reply to SPEEDYX

What amount of Zytiga r u on

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to Chris52981

4 250 in morning with water...eat 1 hour later and take prednisone ..works best for me

Muffin2019 profile image
Muffin2019 in reply to SPEEDYX

Could you not take 2 with breakfast, that would help the cost, I have heard that works just as good as 4 on an empty stomach, it is what research indicates.

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to Muffin2019

Some here take less with food for cost concerns...but your MO would have to sign off on that protocal...since treatment effects everyone different you want to make sure the medication is working for your benefit and not just reducing side effects...but working together with a plan maybe you can achieve both goals!!!!

jsmith2506 profile image
jsmith2506 in reply to SPEEDYX

That's my regimen as well.....I'm tired, but I'm alive, so I'm good.....:))

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to jsmith2506

That's the goal....alive and ready to enjoy and treasure each day...all the best J

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to Chris52981

I also work full time helps focus and energy

6357axbz profile image

Well over a year and the only SEs of significance are hot flashes:night sweats. Not bad. Most of us who do well are very active, physically, and exercise regularly.

I've been on Zytiga for over 2 years. I have some fatigue, but it's not bad.

I think most of it is from ADT (Eligard) anyway.

Gearhead profile image

I've been on all 3 for about 20 months. I have a bunch of different side effects. They aren't much fun, but they don't severely compromise my quality of life. Chris, please post if any specific SEs really bother your dad, and maybe we can help.

GoBucks profile image

Been on that combo 33 months. Fatigue, hot flashes, more fatigue. But it works. My PSA is <0.01. So I love it. You fight fatigue with strength. Cardio exercises, weight training-nothing fancy. Some days machines at gym. Other days hand weights at home. And walking. Lots of walking. Learn to love nature and walks are great.

London441 profile image

It’s the Lupron. It has a long list of side effects, every one of which can be greatly reduced or eliminated with exercise and restrained healthy eating, also important since metabolism slows as well.

Weight lifting is particularly helpful, lots of muscle wasting without it. No one likes Lupron, and I’m no exception, but I tolerate it very well.

BillNIttles profile image

I am on Lupron and get plenty of side effects, but none are killing me. When I was getting chemo I was also on Prednisone and Lupron. I figured out after I finished chemo and stopped and restarted Prednisone several months later that most of my worst chemo SEs were from the Prednisone. Horrible stuff, I lasted a week & a half before I stopped it. This is to say, I am not on zytiga, and everybody is different. It took a break to learn what was causing the weirdest, most painful and destructive side effects I have had.

Irun profile image

I have been on that combo for over 4 years, I run every day, do core stuff and eat occasional bad stuff. Probably am a bit more tired but sometimes I have to boot myself up the backside and just get in with it, always feel better after. Hot flushes probably my worst side effect, usually at night. A small price to pay for still being here.

Doggedness profile image

My husband was on the Lupron equivalent (Eligard) about 2 months before he started on the Zytiga and Prednisone, and found that the latter made no obvious difference as far as side effects went. His doc prescribed electrolytes too to keep his potassium levels up as I think the prednisone can deplete the system of potassium. My husband has found 'targeted exercise' a good thing to do too. I suspect it has made a big difference to his muscle mass and fatigue levels. Good luck! personally, I am very glad he is on Zytiga (his 7 bone mets have normalised in a year)!

Haniff profile image

Hi Chris

I just started on Zytiga some two months back.

First, within a week, all was good. Then came the bloodwork results-no good, fatty liver increased and had to stop all supplements plus my cholesterol tablets.

Next, a month later, rashes started appearing on my exposed arms and legs. Very itchy and became bad till I had to get a jab to stop the itch. Spoke to my oncologist and he said he doubt had to do with the zytiga.

Then, went over to the National Skin Centre and still on the 1000 mg Zytiga plus 10 mg predisolene. According to the Doctor there, it has to do with sun exposure and this is strange but thinning of my skin. 🤔

However my PSA has decreased and I have been asked by my oncologist to stay on Zytiga.

Fatigue hardly any, just listless at night. Exercise, I try to walk about 4 km most days and have joined a gym with my spouse, guided by a personal trainer twice a week. Life’s normal and oh yes also on Lucrin jabs every 3 months.

So hope all this info helps ❤️


dhccpa profile image

Some doctors are now recommending taking only 25% Lupron dose after a meal rather than full dose on empty stomach, based on a U of Chicago study. Supposedly just as effective. See what your doctor thinks.

leo2634 profile image

I've been on the same medication for going on three years and the side effects vary in everyone but most common are hot flashes, weight gain, fatigue ,and confusion just to name a few. The medication isn't a wonder drug but has worked wonders for me. It is definitely a lifestyle changer but the key word is "Life" it will help keep you alive. Never give up Never surrender. Leo

ctflatlander profile image

I'm 76 and been on all 3 for 33 months. SE 's are manageable . Stay active,exercise, eat healthy.u

Billy_Boe profile image

Fatigue is a common side effect, but there are others that vary by person. Exercise is very important to limit some side effects.

Please have your dad get his liver enzymes tested 3 weeks into taking Zytega. Zytega can affect the liver so it needs to be monitored early. My doctor waited 7 weeks, which is too long, and zytega almost destroyed my liver, thankfully it healed but was a big deal. As such, they took me off zytega. Others can get by with lower doses depending on the impact on the liver.

Racybud profile image

My husband had a bit of a tummy ache at first but is tolerating it very well. We just started it about a month ago

Walter_Gould profile image

I have been on all three for 10 years. When I started I had bone metastasis all over my body and shadows in lung, kidney and liver. After 10 years I have no libido, some fatigue, high blood pressure ( controlled by meds ) and osteoporosis ( controlled by meds ) but I am alive with only cancer still visible in my spine.

mrscruffy profile image

I am on the same combo. I have had just about all the side effects but the one I don't have is fatigue. I am in fear of huge weight gains so I don't take the prednisone except as needed for swelling ankles, have only had that happen three times. I have kept my weight in check by eating less than 1200 calories a day. I hit my goal weight 4 weeks ago and now am addressing my muscle loss with my personal trainer and her supplement recommendations as well as HIIT. I am now consuming 3500 calories a day and you can actually see huge gains in muscle development. It has been a long road to this point but am figuring it out. It is difficult to find information on a lot that goes on with this cancer so you need to be in charge of your own health and do what you feel is best in conjunction with your doctor. Good luck moving forward.

billyboy3 profile image

If you really want to assist your father, quickly learn the realities of his being an advanced prostate cancer patient. There is NO cure at present, ALL treatments have serious side effects, some worse than others and some affecting others in many different ways.

That said, all current treatment do is to buy time, either to extend one's life long enough that some magic cure will appear-or make it a chronic disease. Moreso, if one gets smart real quick, one will set up a bucket list and start to live one's last days LARGE, and by that I mean to enjoy life to the fullest with what time is remaining!!!!

I think that this also applies to everyone, but in our case, we have a template, somewhat flexible, as to our future and cause of death.

Tough words but so necessary for those who have a loved one with APC to understand!!

Chris52981 profile image
Chris52981 in reply to billyboy3

Well I like to have hope and know that it’s treatable

lincolnj8 profile image

Ice cream makes them bigger too. Wifey is jealous..

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to lincolnj8

Mine is too........... and she keeps wanting to play with them....(the juggling hurts)....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 09/04/2020 10:50 PM DST

lincolnj8 profile image
lincolnj8 in reply to j-o-h-n

OMG, good one

billyboy3 profile image

well, I like to be honest and also have those around me be the same way. People complain that the docs do not give us the straight goods and comments like yours partly explain this bizarre stepping on eggs mentality that pervades end stage disease patients.

I never said that APC was not treatable, what I said for the record was, THERE IS NO CURE AT THIS TIME, period end of story!!!

I am reading far too often on this site of men trying to make up some magic potion in their kitchens, or taking some stupid treatment that does nothing but waste money and more importantly, take valuable time that is better spent on enjoying life, not trying to become the next mad scientist!!

Hope is great but so is facing reality and then managing pc and more importantly, ones last days!!!!

I also feel bad for those who spend ALL or MOST of their days in attempting to thwart the TRUTH, of how serious advanced prostate cancer is. I have heard far too often from men who told me on their last days, that they wish that they had started to live large, to enjoy and make up a bucket list and do things that they had held back from doing, whether it be ride in a hot rod or drag car, fly in a small plane, visit the pyramids, go down the Mississippi River in a boat etc.


Unusualmint45 profile image

Hi Chris, I have been on that regime since May 2018 and thank the Lord, I've had no problems. I'm taking 1000mg/ + 5mg prednisone/ day. I take the pills in the morning. I receive a Lupron

(6 mo. dose). I get blood work done about every 2-3mo. CBC/Differential panel and chemistry panel plus PSA. Hope this helps

j-o-h-n profile image

Okay - heads up.... I'm deleting all my junk....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 09/05/2020 1:10 PM DST

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