What can be a natural proven cure for... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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What can be a natural proven cure for...?

ozofam profile image
18 Replies

I was diagnosed closed to two years for prostate cancer.I have undergone treatments in a clinic setting,taken self prescribed prostate natural remedies.The only significant result that I got was my PSA level came down from 8.1 to 5.7.

I do want to undergo surgery,radiation or chemo.I want to if there are 100% proven natural care for 1st stage prostate cancer.

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ozofam profile image
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18 Replies
LearnAll profile image

What natural remedy caused your PSA to drop from 8.1 to 5.7 ? Please tell the name.

You really need to read your post over and correct the errors. The way you have it composed makes little sense.

ozofam profile image
ozofam in reply to

Do you know of any natural way to cure prostate cancer in the first stage.

ck722 profile image

Follow the standard treatments. Use supplements along with standard treatment but read up on anything you might take as they can cause more harm than good. To my knowledge, no supplement will "cure " prostate cancer. Supplements -might- help slow the disease progression and that is the best we can hope for at this time. I do hope I am wrong.

Cannabis reduced my PSA but it was too late, I was Gleason 9. One thing, you don't want to treat the PSA, you want to treat the disease.

Gleason score?


Time frames of events?

The good news is a lot of new treatments have come about that did not exist a few years back.

Your doc will advise you as to the best way to go in treatment. You can discuss any concerns here.

There is no magic pill friend, for any disease. Conventional treatment offers options that can be effective but the recurrence rate is high, even higher than your doctor will tell you. But aside from that, you will likely be left with significant permanent side effects so this is why many men consider alternative/natural protocols. But again, there is no magic pill, one size fits all.

You mention "natural". I went this route 7 years ago with higher grade and more aggressive Pca than you and was told without immediate conventional treatment I may not make 3 months. My story is not routine, I combined my deep faith in Jesus Christ along with a complete lifestyle change which was crucial to correcting the issues that likely got me the cancer to begin with.

There are many natural/alternative cancer protocols that have documented testimonials of cures and remissions. I am one of those. 7 years into this I will tell you that other than my initial biopsy in 2013 I have had no other conventional, standard treatment. I succeeded in keeping my PSA below 10 for the first 4 years and only after going off my protocols and resuming the chemical laden food and water did I have a total relapse 2 years ago with PSA sky-rocketing and lesions growing.

So this is a life-long commitment. I have again achieved what I call a state of remission with lesions halved in past 6 months and PSA plummeted as well as 4 bone mets disappearing. So I know I must maintain this total lifestyle change for the rest of my life which of course includes a very strict diet, among other things. Some people opt for conventional treatment because all I describe here they may feel is not for them, and if that's the case, then conventional treatment would be what's best for them. Only you can decide which path to take.

I created a website that may help you as I list most of the protocols I've been using over the years, some of the newer ones I have not added to the site yet.


You may want to begin by just looking up and asking God to put you on the path you need to be on. If your heart is truly open, he will not only lead you to the path but he will walk you down it as well.

Blessings to you brother,

dusty -

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

The site referenced above comes up as Forbidden when I googled it. Also you say "Some people opt for conventional treatment because all I describe here" but I don't see much description?

in reply to treedown

The site is back up where you can see descriptions of protocols I use.

DaveNes profile image
DaveNes in reply to

I cannot bring it up.

ozofam profile image
ozofam in reply to


j-o-h-n profile image

If you want the group to be able to help you, please furnish us with your bio info. All info is voluntary. i.e., Age? Location? Treatments to date? Treatment center(s)? Doctor's name(s)?

Thank you!!! If you respond add the data to your home page.


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 07/21/2020 8:26 PM DST

There are no natural proven cures although there are many people who develop their own unique "protocols" and then claim they worked for them simply because their cancer has stayed in remission or not developed into something that needs treatment. There is little consistency between these approaches and my personal opinion is that a lot of it is really shameless self-promotion.

Fortunately, prostate cancer is often slow growing and many men will not die from it even if they don't seek treatment. But this doesn't mean that their diets, supplements or whatever else people do actually caused that to happen. There is a difference between causation and correlation.

Beware of anything "works for me" since we almost never hear of people who try these things and die because it didn't work. I have a friend in this category. He tried unproven treatments and died much earlier than he needed to. I mention him because he will never be counted due to the selective reporting and andecdotal evidence we get.

Not everyone needs treatment, but if you do, don't risk your life with unproven non-treatments. Follow the science and ignore the conspiracy nonsense about the big, bad medical industry, etc. Look for published studies based on science that actually tell you how many people it didn't work for.

Wishing you the best.

ozofam profile image
ozofam in reply to

Thanks for your inputs.I would have considered removing the prostate gland entirely.There is a 50-50 chance that it will go well.The thought of wearing adult diaper is highly unimaginable to me.

I underwent a natural protocol 5 days for 5 weeks that included

Ozone sauna with 02, Ozone UBI VI treatment,Ion cleanse ,High dose Vitamin C,Colon Hydrotherapy with ozone and several supplement that I can list. The outcome was a slight decrease in my PSA level.

in reply to ozofam

The question is: was the slight decrease in your PSA significant? Probably not. I'm not saying you need treatment.

In many cases, prostate cancer is slow growing and will not kill you. In other cases it is aggressive and will kill you. The problem has always been trying to figure out which one you have. One way is to get a biopsy and have the cancer graded. That helps you make an informed decision about treatment.

You are right that there are significant side effects to prostate cancer treatment and these have to be considered. One of the arguments that advocates of natural treatments make is their treatments have no side effects. That's great IF and only IF they work. But we can't make our decisions based on how good things "sound". That's where I think people fall into the trap of doing things that "sound good."

I don't care for the side effects of ADT, but I wouldn't be here writing this without it. There's that old saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't."

ozofam profile image
ozofam in reply to

These are the markers when I did the first biopsy.J RLB Cancer GS (3+3) 2%

K.RLM Cancer(3+3) 30% and L RLA (3+3) 20%, all in first state.Just did MRI and my doctor said that much changed.He wants to conduct another biopsy after 18 months.I am not going for that.I started taking Fenbendazole(a dog dewormer) which my naturalist recommended. I will do a retest of my PSA before I take another step,

j-o-h-n profile image

A RPD does not automatically mean you will have urinary issues when completed. Do many many Kegels and find an excellent Urologist who has performed a gazzilion succesful RPDs. Post here and ask for the name of a great Urologist from some of our members. Location plays an important part in finding a great Urologist, so please supply us with your bio data that I requested (see above). Keep posting....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 07/22/2020 6:28 PM DST

ozofam profile image
ozofam in reply to j-o-h-n

I leave in Chandler Arizona,USA.Just 58,never sick before as to be hospitalized and this came out of the blues.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to ozofam

Thank you for your response. I was never sick maybe one aspirin a year... and then "BINGO"..... My first reaction was "why me?" Got over that quickly and started to fight those tiny M.F. bastards. So put that past to rest and concentrate on each new day. I forgot to mention that the most annoying thing for be from my RPD was wearing a foley bag for a few freaking days. Couldn't wait to have them remove it.

So start a new post asking for any references for a 'great' urologist within your travel limits. Hopefully someone here will be able to refer you to one. Keep sane bro and remember concentrate on each new day you have. Keep posting here and try to laugh/smile.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Thursday 07/23/2020 10:41 PM DST

ck722 profile image

Yes to the above.

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