After 23 of 35 days of radiotherapy I have met many people and have even made good friends. A friend of this new group has bone metastases and great pain, he is currently on opioids but his pain is not diminished. Does anyone have an idea how he could decrease this pain? Many thanks!
How can we decrease pain on bones? - Advanced Prostate...
How can we decrease pain on bones?
Radiation of the bone metastases does a good job in alleviating pain, but it sometimes can feel worse for a week or two. Xofigo and docetaxel are also palliative.
Increase the fats in his diet. After my first initial treatment I had pain in my legs. I increased saturated fat in my diet by putting coconut oil on everything.
I was eating food with calcium in it, and since calcium is fat soluble the saturated fats help transport it where it needed to go.
Don't go nuts on the coconut oil, because you'll be running to the toilet all the time. Just try and figure out a way to work it in.
As a study of one when I was in excruciating metastatic bone pain I added CBD dose every 6hrs.
I felt it reduced MY pain by 70%. Over time I reduced dosage from around 400mg a day down to 20mg 2yrs later. I dropped Norco from over 12 per day down to 2.
No guarantee your experience would match mine. 90% of other cancer patients that tried this path reported to ME they had similar though varying results.
This was added not in place of SOC.
Could you tell me how much you were taking per dose? I have a CBD oil that contains 1,000 mg/bottle or 33 mg per dose.
IF that is a 1oz or 30ml tincture bottle then I know there are 600 drops.
1000mg/600 tells me there is 1.66mg per drop. Do the math for whatever size bottle you have to learn strength per drop.
I place drops on 1/2 oyster cracker(s) and place cracker under my tongue. I found this worked better than holding liquid only under tongue for ME.
I had no prior cannabis experience and could find no reliable guidance. After first testing small dose, say 10mg with no noticeable side effects I fairly quickly ramped up to about 60mg per dose applied EVERY 4 hours before noticing significant pain relief for ME.
I then varied my dose when 4hrs rolled around based on MY pain. I was only seeking tolerable levels and finally getting a little sleep.
As time has gone on (1 1/2 yrs), I have been able to cut back all the way to 20mg a day most days along with 1 Norco every 12hrs (instead of more than a dozen a day).
I get my CBD in 3500mg strength in 1oz/30ml tincture bottle IN OLIVE OIL which is about 6.83mg per drop to better manage MY dosage.
MY fully metastized APCa has been slowed by SOC Lupron + Xtandi and body scan now shows active metastasis has been slowed by maybe 60% MY pain likely lessened by the combination.
PSA at Dx 1300+, fully metastasized throughout my skeleton. NOW 1.1.
After a week, the opiods basically cease working as the body adapts and you start needing more, getting bounce back and other issues.
Unless you are in a hospice, where you are on a one-way trip already, the opiods will make things worse, not better.
It will end up causing more pain not less.
If he has been taking them for several weeks already, you should talk to a malpractice lawyer.
My friend ... it's a one way street for us all. And sure, I get your meaning. I wouldn't be reading your stuff were you not part of our common cause. Can't cure APC but we're trying hell itself to treat our common symptoms. So thanks. At the same time you might want to review your opioid database ... it's not always such a grim story.
See generally my favorite peer reviewed journal
Opioid use disorder - Wikipedia
While it is certainly a more complicated issue than I made it out to be.
You don't treat one disease by exposing yourself to an equally deadly one.
You really want to save opiod use for hospice when you will have real bone pain.
Building up early resistance to it will only expose yourself to real hell later when your bones start disintegrating in the latter stages of bone metastatis.
Unless you are in hospice, taking opiods for more than a week, is almost certainly a one way ticket to hell.
If you have metastatic prostate cancer and been taking opiods long term, and are not yet in hospice, I don't know what the solution is.
Pain is difficult to measure, but early sustained use of opiods by metastatic prostate cancer patients with bone metastatis is almost certainly going to generate much more total lifetime pain than if it's use is delayed until the latter stages of the disease.
Long term use of opiods actually senitizes users to pain. The KGB famously used this attribute of opiods as part of their torture protocols.
I am sorry if you may have gotten snagged up in it's early sustained use. But I think others need to be forewarned.