Having my last Docetaxel infusion today and I wanted to follow with full strength BIRM but my MO warned me that many supplements are adulterated with hormones, etc. Any comments from the BIRM community, how do feel about the purity of BIRM?
Purity of BIRM, how can we be sure of... - Advanced Prostate...
Purity of BIRM, how can we be sure of what we are getting?

Drugs are adulterated to...the FDA pulled 3 blood pressure meds because they could cause cancer...at least BIRM has a $100,000 purity guarantee backed by Dr. Nalakrats...so your only risk with BIRM is Dr. Nalakrats gets killed by a Gator.
What Nalakrats said.
"my MO warned me that many supplements are adulterated with hormones." That is an extraordinary claim. If your MO was a scientist - he or she is not - they would understand that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
There have been a few, very well publicized cases where supplements were adulterated with potentially dangerous substances, in some cases pharmaceuticals. But these cases are rare; there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of supplements offered, and the market is quite competitive. Adulteration is not only stupid and dangerous but bad for business. Reputable supplement manufacturers go to considerable lengths to assure the purity of their products.
The sad truth is that your MO is a technician, very well trained to respond in a particular way to a given set of conditions. There's nothing wrong with being a technician. Stepping way outside their knowledge to make sweeping statements about something they know literally nothing about is wrong.
BIRM may or may not be helpful, there just isn't enough evidence to make a strong case either way. But there is no evidence at all that it is adulterated or contaminated.
Ditto what Nalakrats wrote below but my husband's oncologist is in favor of it. There are plenty of them out there who are able to think outside the pharmaceutical box.
I have been taken BIRM concentrate for 12 days now and I feel good. No problems. I am a heck of a lot happier taking this king of herbal medicine than the poison that BIG PHARMA pushes through there loyal legion of legal drug pushers and we know who they are.
"BIRM community" vs your doc.
Why would you choose strangers on the internet providing you unsubstantiated information about a chemical soup with unverified and unverifiable active ingredients?
Fair point, and I have not joined the BIRMers, but to answer your question, because (1) these strangers have clearly demonstrated knowledge and experience in evaluating supplements such as BIRM whereas my docs openly say they have no interest and (2) the docs offer limited hope, a little more hope is nice.
"the docs offer limited hope, a little more hope is nice"
I would have to say that is a fair answer.
But wouldn't the better solution be to change docs?
And there are no shortage of almost there treatments undergoing clinical trials.
What percentage of the birm users are overweight and getting insufficient exercise? For them, wouldn't the money be better spent on a YMCA membership and a daily regimen of moderately vigorous exercise?
I do not want to answer the second part and speak for the BIRMers. For the first part, I have an MO and a PCP who, IMO, are outstanding in other ways. For the MO, I consider it an advantage to have a (cutting-edge) by-the-book MO as I tinker with alternate options. He keeps me from going off the deep end on alternatives, but is quite open to "reasonable" variations, such as when I did the nano-iron scan in Nijmegen and then radiated the lymph nodes that showed up.
I bought some BIRM recently, and tried it a few times. I didn’t get the energy bump that GreatJohn experienced, and I can’t vouch for its anti-cancer properties, but I accidentally spilled a few drops on the floor and my 13 year old Shih Tzu buddy, Bogey, licked it up with a grimace on his face. Not long after that his cataracts disappeared, his thin, graying coat returned to a thick black coat, and he started chasing squirrels again, but only inside the house. I slipped some into my wife’s coffee, and she’s been a lot nicer to me since then. My laundry gets whiter, my fantasy football team went on a 5 game winning streak, and I got two birdies in my last round of golf. The only way to guarantee purity is if the bottle shows it is kosher, has been blessed by a priest, imam, shaman, and a televangelist. Avoid the adulterated stuff because, well, thou shalt not commit adultery.
Everything I say is a lie, and that’s the truth. 😉😎
Next to mine... the Best post I've ever read. Thank goodness your cat didn't accidentally lick it cause you never can tell what kind of trouble you would have with a little "pussy" cat running wild around the house.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 12/13/2018 6:59 PM EST
Time for an BIRM update.
Let me start by saying that I feel great. I have been taking BIRM for a couple of months now along with vitamin C ivs. I also take ESSIAC, do acupuncture twice a week and bike indoors. Plus I sit in a far infra red sauna once a week to sweat out the toxins in my body. I also do not eat meat of any kind and eat heathy food. I do not drink and sodas and avoid sugar. I did not do kemo or radiation as I believe in what Hippocrates said and that is “ Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. — Hippocrates, father of medicine, 431 B.C.
Why would I choose to believe some one who has been dead for thousands of years and not today’s doctors. Most of today’s doctors ( not all) are under so much pressure to push big Pharma drugs and will admit if asked they know little or nothing about nutrition.
I was diagnosed 2 years ago - PSA 144, Gleason 9. I did take a Lupron shot under family pressure. Presently my PSA is 0.50. 😀
I am a very, very positive person and thanks to power of God and prayers I a confident I am going to live another 14 years. I just turned 73 in December and as I said I feel great. All praise thanks and gratitude go to God.