I was diagonised with pc in Dec 2019 had CT and bone scans and was told cancer was contained inside prostate.My PSA was 7•6 and Gleason 4+3 I was given a 6 mth injection of diphereline.I started taking 500mg of fenbedazole daily my PSA has gone down to •8 and doc said it had nothing to do with fenbedazole and has referred me to have radiation pellets is this the way to go thankyou.I am a 68yr old.
Fenbendazole: I was diagonised with pc... - Advanced Prostate...

Yes he is right.
Your doc is right. It is the diphereline that reduces your PSA. That is exactly what it is supposed to do. The "pellets" are called "brachytherapy." For your kind of cancer, called "unfavorable intermediate risk," brachytherapy is combined with about 20 external beam radiation treatments. The cure rate with that combination is about 92%. Long-term urinary side effects occur in about 17% of patients.
I had a PSA of 20.3 two months ago, started a daily protocol of keto, resveratrol, 50K IU Vitamin D, 22 drops of 2% Lugol's in water and brought it down to 18.6 three weeks later to the surprise of of my GP. Finally got an appointment to see an urologist last week, and am getting another PSA test on Friday.
Adding Fenben next week (with DMSO solvent and Budwig diet mixture for bioavailability,) regardless of the new PSA result, for nine weeks (3 days on, 4 off.)
I've got enough Fenben coming for the 9-week course and will get a 4th PSA after that...all before submitting to a biopsy, as the urologist is hard selling...and is clearly all fired up to declare cancer and get me radiated.
I'm so naughty.
Will report results.