Hello, guys. I haven't been on line much, as we've had a rough couple of months. We went to Europe in early January. My husband had some pain, but got through the trip beautifully. A few weeks after getting home, he picked up a produce bag at the grocery store and snapped his upper arm bone.
He's since had surgery, from which he has not recovered well. His particular kind of cancer is lysing bones. Because lytic bone lesions are unusual with PC, the doc did a bone marrow biopsy and told us it could be multiple myeloma. It turned out not to be and the cancer showed no additional mutations, so he's moved on to Zytiga. However, he's still in pretty intense pain and basically moves from bed to chair and back. I'm still dressing him and prepping meals, as he can't really use the arm.
1. Does anyone have any tips for the stomach pain and nausea associated with Zytiga? We've tried Nexium and Zofran with no luck. He responded to IV Reglan in the hospital...is oral Reglan worth trying? Any other suggestions?
2. He's been taking hydrocodone and Aleve, with an Atavan topped on for night. It's barely touching the pain. He also had a weird incident where he got an unbearable pain in his jaw and I had to take him to the ER. They gave him drip Tramadol and he woke up in the morning and the pain was gone. Still have no idea what happened. MRI showed no fracture or notable lesion. We're working on getting THC gummies, despite his concerns, because he's so desperate to try something else. Hydromorphone does not work for him. Any suggestions?