What is sex life after Lupron treatment
Sex after Lupron treatment - Advanced Prostate...
Sex after Lupron treatment

During Lupron all women look like trees. After Lupron, all trees look like women.
Knock on wood!😂
Before Lupron , your wife looks like a beautiful woman.
After Lupron , YOU look like an ugly woman.
Just say’in 😂😂😂
Seriously, it's important to keep having erections because the penis is like a muscle that you use or lose. So even if your desire vanishes, make sure you exercise that "muscle" on a fairly regular basis.
Different for all .....Lupron takes the desire and even thinking about sex off of the table for most of us .... after awhile sex doesn’t occupy your thoughts anymore .. with no Testosterone spells no libido ..This has been my experience as a former sexually driven dude .I do get nightwood but that has yet to translate into sex. My gorgeous wife has social distanced me for the past three years . She’s exiting menopause soon hopefully . Otherwise she keeps six feet away at all times ... I don’t blame her , I was a jackass to her for my first two years with tubes and such . For me it’s all about sharing that wonderful close contact ... losing to intimate touch of someone that you love is a great loss indeed . my body is shot and aged 20 years beyond my true age . I no longer feel strong or even attractive physically .. I can’t blame her ..I’m the one with the damed disease ..I am happy 5ha5 she is healthy though . APC is a chance for me to evolve spiritually .. sex is left in the dust of the distant memory banks .. Good luck to you ..
ADT treatment is like being reborn into a body that does not have sexuality.

Dunno about that ... my new giant set of boobs draws a lot of admiring glances 😱😱😱😱
T recovery will be slow & may not return to previous high. Nalakrats being the only exception I know.
Personally, I would supplement to get T above 650 ng/dL as soon as possible. (Many will disagree.) You can use Avodart to block conversion of T to DHT, & Arimidex to block T conversion to estradiol.
Sex was just one part of a relationship there’s so much more you could have great sex and have a horrible relationship As long as it kills that beast God bless that medicine
Dear Wags4300,
I see a rich diversity of opinions here. There are also some scientific data on this topic for Lupron and drugs like it. I reviewed that literature in:
Wassersug RJ 2016 Maintaining intimacy for prostate cancer patients on androgen deprivation therapy. Current Opin. Support. & Palliative Care, 10:55-65.
If you'd like a copy, that can just email me directly.
Richard W.
Sex I remember that. I was at least a five times a week man in my hay days.
ADT will definitely do a job on your way of life,but the key word there is life. It will be very soon into treatment that sex will become a fond memory.
Never give up never surrender . Leo
Consider it chemical castration - a very effective form of it, where desire evaporates to basically non-existent ....
It really depends on you. If you want it, go for it. It won’t be as you remember it, but stuffable.......
Don't give up. Cialis, sex toys and a cock ring have worked for me. It's not like it used to be but still good.
Good Luck!
There have been four reports of "sex after Lupron [or similar drugs]." The literature is review i the paper mention above.
The five steps to great sex:
1. get naked.
2. shower.
3. turn off bedroom light.
4. sleep.
5. dream about great sex.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/24/2020 11:44 PM DST