Is there any treatment after Lupron failure
What comes after Lupron failure - Advanced Prostate...
What comes after Lupron failure

Can you give us your treatment history?
Generally speaking, you would try one of the second-line ADT drugs such as Zytiga or Xtandi, both of which are approved for castrate resistant prostate cancer.

I had my prostate removed in 2002...gleason 9. Had radiation to lymphs and prostate bed in 2010. Was on Zytiga with great success until 2018 when PSA increase about 5-10/ month. Tried help. Had chemo and PSA dropped but came right back. Went to Germany and had 4 LU 177 treatments and 2 AC 225. PSA started to drop for two months and then it came right back up. Not sure what else to do
I would have a biospy done and molecular testing for treatable mutations and they also can look for neuroendocrine differentiation which could benefit from platinum-based chemo or a combination.
What's your current PSA and have you had imaging that shows progression?
Just saw this about BAT plus inmuno
Also I read somewhere that quercetin might overcome enzalutamide resistance
I would also take the cholera vaccine. Doesn't seem to harm and trying is free.
There is also that cabergoline study to block prolactin. (Costello et al.)
Assuming you are metastatic, you would continue with Lupron and add any of docetaxel, zytiga, Xtandi, Xofigo (if bone mets), or Provenge.
I had my prostate removed in 2002...gleason 9. Had radiation to lymphs and prostate bed in 2010. Was on Zytiga with great success until 2018 when PSA increase about 5-10/ month. Tried help. Had chemo and PSA dropped but came right back. Went to Germany and had 4 LU 177 treatments and 2 AC 225. PSA started to drop for two months and then it came right back up. Not sure what else to do
Jevtana with or without carboplatin. Have you had any metastases biopsied?
I have been asked that question too, if I have had the metastases in my lymph nodes, biopsied, the answer is no. My doctor does not see the point in doing it. What is the advantage of this biopsy? Can it possible show mutations that can be treated different that the prostate biopsy? Which by the way, showed no mutations.
8 years on zytiga gives hope to many. Thanks
You will move into your Anti Androgens and combo therapies to possibly include chemo.
I’m non-metastatic, Gleason 9, did not have surgery. I also failed Lupron after 12 years of control. Then I failed Zytiga. Then I failed cryo. Then I failed chemo. Now, however, Lupron is working again in combo with Apalutamide (Erleada).
Lupron gave you life ..12 years is remarkable ..👏🏼
Ok ....riddle me this ive been on the loop / earleda train for 30 its failing thinking of just taking vacation from all the sure the collateral damage is permament...but i think realeasing thineself from this fn fog ...would be matter the outcome....p.c. the slow dancer. ...
If your psa is rising I would not chance a vacation until you are far into undetectable ..again .. Im castrated and only dream of t returning. Still my mo won’t ok a vacation for me .. I follow the dr .. I doubt if your dr will recommend a vacation right now. On the other hand , I’m no expert either..

Yes whimp ur correct none of my docs will allow it either...soc.....but arent we masters of our own destiny....
Hahaha 😂 . Maybe? Kind of ? Not really? I gave up thinking I was master of anything when APC drug me to the ground the first time. I’m humbled by this beast . I thought I was master in charge of life before.