Hi Guys
My husband G9, MCRPC previous Doxycycline chemo, on Lupron since dx Aug 2019, PSA 320 down to 1.5, Dec 2019 PSA started to rise OC added 50mgs day Caxodex(Bicalutamide) saw OC yesterday and PSA gone up slightly (4.7, 3.9 NOW BACK UP TO 4.5) So looks like Cax has failed after 3 months, OC upped the doze to 150mgs day to see if that does anything.
Our OC (we are on the NHS in UK) said he will change to Abi or Enza when PSA reaches 15. (he seems to favour Enza) Having another body and bone scan in may, last one in Dec, no new mets,just the original 3 (2 spine , 1 pelvic bone)
My question which is the best option ? , we need to get this right.Our OC says there is not one better than the other? Is this true or is he spinning us a line ? He said he favours Enza because you don't need the steroids with that and wouldn't compromise the immune system as much.
All I want for my Husband is the best possible outcome, and we need help to choose what to do in the near future,
Thanks in anticipation of your replies,