I heard Lupron will give you weight gain and wondering ,if i take a protein drink and eat a lot of protein meals,am i going against Lupron for what it’s meant for ( to lower testosterone)?
Lupron shots and weight gain - Advanced Prostate...
Lupron shots and weight gain

Lupron (or in my case Eligard) will / may cause you to be lethargic, and possibly cause a rise in your A1c. Joint pain accompanied my ADT from start to finish and was debilitating in the 2nd 1/2. I didn’t know to exercise through it all!! Out of ignorance, I succumbed to the couch and added a ton!!
Now, you don’t have that excuse!!! Exercise your body and mind regularly!! Yes, I said mind.... that can go too!!! As much as practical and the a little more!!!
While going on a ADT QoL vacation, and as my T showed it’s head, most of my joint pains magically went away (so it wasn’t arthritis after all (as dx’ed by PcP))!!!!! Playing catch up is long and P....A...I....N....F....U....L....L!!!! And don’t forget to exercise your faith too!!!
I’m sure that high protein diets will not counter the effects of Lupron.
That is my diet of choice along with <50 carbs daily!! Lost 30 of added the 70#’s in the past 5 weeks. Really trimmed down the belly fat with regular daily visits to the gym too!!!
Don’t let it happen to you if you’re physically able to prevent it!!!
Good luck brother!
can't emphasize enough the exercise part of it doc don't say anything but everybody in here does I've been on it 3 years put on 38 lb and fighting like hell to get it off but since now you have no testosterone you have no muscle out of dada dada
That’s pretty remarkable, brother. Now if only I could get motivated...
That is a huge hurdle!! If there is someone to do it with you, much easier!!
My wife is not a nag but she will use that “stink eye” if I talk about skipping!!!
Not sure what happens if I ignore the “eye”, but it does rhyme with die!!!
Drink all the protein drinks you want, but be sure to exercise (otherwise you will just convert the extra protein into fat). None of it has any effect on T levels.
I started Lupron in mid January. You feel tired and it is so easy to just hit the couch.
Resist it.
I have been to the gym 45 days in a row. While on Lupron I have lost 20 pounds. I am morbidly obese so the potential of gaining weight really is not an option.
My experience is you have to keep moving.
I started last June. I don't hit the gym every day, but most days I do, and am very careful eating. I have lost about 10 pounds so far, hope to loose more. Yes it is much harder than it would be otherwise, but it is doable. Some guys here have done wonders keeping themselves in shape.
To echo what others will say; stay away from the couch. It will kill you.
Even though it is common to gain weight while on Lupron, some men may not gain any weight. It happened to me twice. In 2017 when I was on Lupron for 6 months, I didn't gain any weight. This time, when I was on Lupron for a year I lost couple of pounds. I am not exactly a couch potato. I try to go to YMCA three to four times a week. Important thing is to stay active.
Hi Suds, I put on 10 pounds after starting Lupron and another 8 pounds after starting Darolutamide. Luckily I went on a diet a year before I was diagnosed and lost 20 pounds so I’m still under my long term average weight. And my weight seems to have stabilized. Before it stabilized I thought it would continue to go up and I was really stressed about that. It is really difficult to lose weight on the drugs. I exercise almost every day (did so before and after diagnosis) by walking, lifting weights, playing golf and eating less than I did before the drugs and I still put the weight on! I have avoided the joint pain for the most part probably because of the exercise. If you’re tired and don’t want to exercise, push yourself because after your finished exercising you will feel so much better. I wish you luck!
While high-protein drinks and supplements in any quantity/type may not directly interfere with Luprone or testosterone levels, it is good to remember that cancer ultimately responds to signalling and pathways that involve FAR MORE than that one hormone, testosterone.
You might want to research some of those other pathways, and then come to your own conclusions on types and quantities of protein. I have concluded that a diet with ANY EXCESS of protein is probably not the best bet for me. I could be wrong about that, of course.
When high rates of growth and cell division are desired, whether for bouncing babies or bulging bodybuilders, it is obviously desirable to upregulate all sorts of growth factors and metabolic pathways. As an aging man, what about my body really desires high rates of growth and cell division OTHER than my cancer, which has enormous energy needs compared to my regular old-guy cells?
I spent my entire adult life (age 25 to 60) consuming calories far in excess of what my body required for maintenance and moderate physical activity. This was not all junk food. Quite a bit of it, in fact, was protein-based in the form of very ample amounts of meat, eggs, dairy, legumes, beans, nuts and seeds. I assumed fat and carbs were bad in excess, but excess protein was okay, if not beneficial. After all, with all those protein-calories I never really got obviously "fat" even though my BMI was certainly not optimal (I was what I call "skinny-fat" with plenty more fat than apparent at first glance... now I'm just "skinny").
No, I didn't get fat after all those high-calorie, high-protein years... instead, I got cancer. Coincidence? I don't think so. So it might be wise to at least monitor the protein intake and balance it against what you really need for maintaining muscle mass (or growing it, if you are working out).
PS: Don’t hold your breath expecting improved mussel mass!!! With the absence of T, any improvement will be little to marginal at best. Maintaining what you have is a really good thing. In hindsight, I would have worked on my range of motion. That’s what is killing me now!!!
And moderation on the suds!!!!
Not necessarily true. Some guys on this site (including me ) have been able to lose weight and gain some muscle mass by lifting weights hard while on adt and Zytega. Not easy but if you’re dedicated and hire a Trainer to teach you, it can be done. My favorite story is when I went for the first time to my trainer and took off my shirt. I said “I’m going to have zero testosterone. Can you keep me from looking worse a year from now”? He replied , “ If you look like that after year my gym I will close the freaking doors.” Before and after pictures available upon request.
“Little to marginal” is virtually the same as “some” gain!!!
I guess depending on how much money you’re able to throw at something will help definitely determine the outcome!!
As long as we keep pushing forward to the best of our abilities, its all good!!!
You don’t really need to throw a lot of money at it. One or two sessions with a trainer to teach you what to do and a lot of determination will go a long way.
Well, that’s a horse of a different color!!! My collective experience with gyms (other than sport type gyms) is the past 5 or 6 weeks.
I acquired and maintained my strength and endurance by working with my hands and my back, virtually everyday since my mid teens!!
Envisioned some dope standing over me yelling and spitting out commands!!!! We know what happens when you assume!!!
Observation, I was slowly losing muscle mass... well before Dx I was on HGH plus T shots. I really expected and got a strength drop off....4 years out and I am getting my strength back...Never to the level of me early days but stronger...I am having to work harder....here is what woke me up....before we tend to establish routines....the same routine without HGH and T plus the addition of Lupron and Xtandi I began after a big drop off then slowly started to lose strength...however with the addition of a Peloton my legs got really strong...what was the difference.....same routine for resistance training and busting my ass on the Peloton...I have been now 5 months on the Peloton and have really the most strength and bounce in my legs in years .Even when I was on the HGH and T. Back in those days hit a standard leg routine but now with diet mods I bounce around....Soooooooo.....I am turning up my upper body routines using protein powder with Almond milk , no sugar added and will see...If I can build my legs I can build my upper body....Just remember one thing......going to the gym to work out means just that ....it is work...if you can afford and need a trainer get one....the training on the Peloton is amazing I get off crank up the music and hit it....Blue Skies , Sky King and Penny (woof)
Like I said to Schwah, you can do almost anything if you can throw enough money at it!!! Trainers, equipment, supplements...... but that’s not always the case! And as you know, that cost can add up FAST!!!
Me, I locked into the PF 20c down, $22 a month, no commitment!!!! In the past 5 or 6 weeks so far, I see overall improvement in range of motion and strength. Anywhere where I was.... F no, but improvement!!!! Took me two and a half years to get into this unfit shape so time will tell!!!
Did I (was I able to) attempt this while on ADT, no, but it’s a biological fact that the male body normally needs T for strength gain!!! Can you cheat that.... I guess as you guys proved it!!! Congrats on that!! I did mention that my T did “ poke it head out” meaning I am slightly out of castration so this may no longer apply to me..... but certainly will to those still on the juice!!
If you have aggressive cancer, like me, diet won't make a huge difference. I didn't gain weight on Lupron. I had radiation to a spinal met shortly after diagnosis, and that and chemo destroyed my ability to digest food. I started eating all sorts of easily digested "junk food", including protein shakes, to slow the weight loss. Meanwhile my PSA plummeted from 216 to 0.02.
After chemo I started to feel better and regained a few pounds, then started Abiraterone. I instantly lost several pounds, PSA went to <0.01 and has remained there. I ran a half marathon in October and have maintained most of my strength, with the disclaimer that I've never been a muscular guy. In my case, I workout a bit harder to stay where I was. Body weight and health seem to matter greatly, but how you get there is less important.
Of course, nothing about my experience has been typical. I now have neuroendocrine prostate cancer and am on chemo for that, and once again eating anything remotely palatable to limit the weight loss. I was 165 at my original diagnosis, and trying to stay above 150 now.
Despite swimming laps every other day and doing resistance training on alternate days the belly fat is the hardest to lose. I have been on Lupron/Eligard almost continuously since 2012. I am unwilling to give up certain food/drink items but others have posted or will post on their success in dropping the belly fat. It is very, very difficult with castrate levels of testosterone.
Best wishes!
I lost weight on Lupron. It may result from other health issues I have. My wife keeps cooking special dishes to get my weight up.
Weight gain is not caused by any ADT. But what does cause weight gain is that the amount of calories you eat may exceed what calories you burn up in daily life.
If you eat a lot of protein, your body takes what it needs, and converts the rest to fat.
The problem with increasing obesity throughout the world is because more ppl have more money to spend on food and much of the food is designed to make ppl more hungry more often without any nutrition so ppl are eating and drinking vast amount of junk foods and drinks laced with fructose, fat, and salt. But excess protein is also bad, and what is missing in all this ? WILLPOWER.
Lupron and other ADT chemicals shut down your testicles to stop making testosterone. Without testosterone, many men get lethargic and lose interest in active living, and they go off the straight and narrow road of good living by eating too much, then blame a drug.
I can only say that blaming a drug you must take to live longer is kind of illogical, and what needs to happen is to respect the drug that extends your life by NOT increasing food intake, and instead reduce food intake.
In 2006 I was 102Kg, I had been taking Celebrex and Vioox for sore osteo arthritis in both knees for some years, so I could not excercize as much as I liked, Despite trying to keep food intake low, weight had crept up and up. But a surgeon did a double arthroscopy which freed me from the pain, so I began to ride a bicycle a lot and in 6 months mt weight went down to 83Kg, about what it was when I raced on bicycles in 1986 to 1993.
I kept up the cycling and found 200km a week was about right, so about 8 to 10 hours of hard slog per week which I much enjoyed. But Pca Dx in 2009 was a horror story of Gleason 9 and non-operable so I began ADT, and KEPT ON CYCLING, and when I retired from work in 2012, same thing, I kept up the exercise. Various treatments have been imposed upon me with weight gains forecast for all of them, but I am still cycling 200km a week, a bit slower because I am 72 now.
I eat very well, with large amounts of raw vegetables in salads and less than 150 grams of protein and 150 grams of carbohydrates a day, 365 days a year.
I am 1.85M tall, presently 77Kg, waist < 95cm, BMI = 22.5. Resting heart rate is a regular 48bpm. Docs think I am healthiest stage 4 Pca patient they have on their books.
I do allow myself a pecan nut tart after a 1 salad sandwich for lunch. But over last 3 weeks, I have done about 660km, or equal to 31.4 km a day, or 1.42 hours out of the house, raising a good sweat up hills and down, and along flat roads and tracks. I hate gyms, its like being in prison, and I need to move in the landscape, be in Nature, and not closed off from it, and I don't mind if nobody else shares my ideals so I do my thing all alone.
As we age, we lose muscle mass no matter what we do. Therefore we need to eat less not more, so that we lose fat as well as muscle. But I see so many men my age or younger with big fat bellies, and I have to be polite, because I know they will have all sorts of absurd reasons why they are in such poor shape if ever it was discussed.
I never get hungry between meals except on days when I have cycled further than usual, say 80km+, and I might have 50 grams of cooked rolled oats at 10pm.
I have an electronic scale to weigh myself naked every morning without fail. Its accurate to 0.1Kg and I record this in my daily journal, so I see the trends that happen.
Last year, during winter, and with a sore hip that stopped me execising I ate too much and was 85Kg for a week, so I stopped eating so many carbs, and by spring I was 82Kg and I began cycling again and pain was gone so healing must have happened .
In last November I had a stomach blockage, spent 11 days in hospital, and lost 8Kg,
and found sitting down on hard chairs was very uncomfortable. I've regained some weight, and grown some new muscle, and bike speed has returned. But less fat is on my belly.
Psa is rising but was 1.3 at 3 weeks ago, so Pca is under control and I have zero symptoms of the disease. I still have lingering side effects of chemo which is terrible for athletic activity. Some how or other I try to keep going.
I spend much time seated at my lap top doing design work for a man building electronic gear and to type to all the ppl here to invite you to share my life as it happens. I seem to know what works for me. I am also lucky I live in a small city of Canberra, about 460,000ppl and there are about 600km of sealed bike tracks, and many roads and streets have very little traffic so its safe to cycle.
Nice scenery, and I feel no need to travel OS on some cruise. I am travelling about 8,000km total a year now, ( Pca treatments sometimes stop me doing "normal" 10,000km ) All of this travel in human powered.
A well adjusted man is happy in himself, and finds staying in the one place good, with no need of great variety at huge cost.
I did have a wife who hated every single idea about living life. Alas,love did not conquer all, and she soon vanished. Following searches for ladies with busy habits and no vices was futile. OK, so, I'd just live alone. It does not matter much if you are not valued or loved.
Have you not got something to do? I don't have dreams either, but I have a few plans.
Well, sometimes I dream in bed about women in strange situations, but when awake I don't.
Patrick Turner.
Hi Suds4me
As you will have read from the various responses to your post, exercise is crucial to maintain muscle while on Lupron. There is a program called 'Man Plan' subsidised by Lupron which comes at a very small cost to the user A$5 a session here in Australia. A referral is needed from your doctor. Specialised exercise physiologists, located at a variety of locations, are used who are familiar with the effects of Lupron and skilled in providing a program suitable each individual. My understanding is that the program is available wherever Lupron is provided. Well worth investigating.
I didn't know about this plan subsidised by Lupron in Australia where I live, but I am having Lucrin, which may made by another company. I'll google to see if something is here in Canberra. I've never been to such gatherings and have simply cycled 200km a week instead but of course upper body strength isn't much helped on a bicycle.
Thanks for the lead,
Patrick Turner.
I'm not sure about the availability for those using Lucrin..if that's distributed/manufactured by another company. Initially, you get approval for about 18 weeks but the physiologist says it's not difficult to get that extended with a doctor's certificate. The Man Plan had amazing benefits for my husband who did absolutely no exercise what so ever. It prompted him to lose weight and his twice weekly visits paid off as the personal trainers gave him encouragement to work towards improving muscle strength and gradually extend his time on the walking machines from not coping with 50m to walking for 300m. Now that he is presently unable to attend for an unresolved problem the real improvements and benefits of the program have become even more clear in the gradual loss of the gains he made - muscle wastage and lack of mobility. He often comments how much he misses the program and it's not something that he would have volunteered to attend without his specialists encouragement. A significant benefit is that the trainers are used addressing the effects of the medication and working towards the best outcome for each individual.
Regards, Marnie.
I contacted the Man Plan ppl who are located in Bunbury in Western Australia, about 5,000km away from here. They replied with email and did not say any Man Plan was available here in Canberra. It may give huge benefits to those thousands of old men and old women just don't ever exercise, apart from getting out of bed and doing a minimum of things around the house or their apartment which they often bought after living in a house that needed much gardening or pool cleaning and housework to be done. .
I think I probably am in real good shape and ready for anything because I cycle 200km a week, a feat that all my old friends over 60 feel would be far too difficult for them. I will try to live in my house until I die. The 37yo vinyl pool liner has begun to leak, so its aud $6,000 to replace it, and I don't mind this cost, and I want to swim a lot more yet, at 72yo.
Its been raining yesterday and today, so no bike ride, but maybe tomorrow. It looks like the drought may be over, but scientists say the long term weather trend is for less rain and more dryness, and hotter maximum summer temps with longer summers and shorter winters. I won't mind the shorter winter.
Time for a sandwich at my local cafe,
Patrick Turner.
I can echo all that everyone has written. I'm ok Firmagon for 9 months. The only difference in my experience was that I don't have joint pain but when I sit for more than 30 mins I have stiff joints and it takes me five or six steps before I feel normal. I eat carefully, walk 5km (four days a week) and play18 holes thrice a week & 10 min weights three times a week. My muscle tone is good, I've lost 6 lbs and feel fit. I was mildly pre-diabetic for past 10 years. Now I think this is pushing me into the diabetic zone. Otherwise worry not you can keep it all good.
One other thought: your routine blood tests should include a metabolic panel which along with liver and kidney function will show total protein in the blood. This is what the cells in your body will see, including the cancer. If is low or below normal, your normal cells will restrict their usage, but your cancer cells may take all they want (such signaling is usually broken in them). You can use this as a guide for protein supplementation. I'm usually on the low end of the normal range, and now dropping slightly during chemo.
I’m in the “exercise daily camp” here. I went from a lean 160 to 180 with Lupron. While technically still not overweight, I was also losing lots of muscle...so I was a flabby thin guy with small man boobs. I doubled my daily distance to 10km (walking mostly for me) with resistance training 2x per week. Now, I’m down one year later to 150 lbs and have gotten back some lean muscle mass and lost most of the fat. Man boobs are gone...my belly has a little pooch it didn’t have before but it’s as good as it’s going to be and I’m steady in maintenance mode. The fat does come back if I overeat more easily than I recall in the past but I’m also three years older than when this whole adventure started! Good luck and peace! ✌️
Speaking for myself, I gained No weight from Lupron (I get Elligard =).
I started to lose weight before I was even diagnosed. I decided I was eating too much sugar and upped my exercise. The weight loss continued through surgery recovery, adding ADT, and SRT. I was down about 25 lbs and my wife said I looked like a skeleton. I was maybe 10 lbs overweight when I decided to alter my diet before surgery and became even more restrictive after my diagnosis. Boy, did I miss that sugar!!
I did not like how I looked in the mirror so I have started eating 5x a day, (don't hate me ) :), still mostly healthy but some treats included to help put some weight back on. I finally stabilized the weight loss and added about 6 lbs. My wife says I do not look so scary any more. I should mention I work out 6 days a week, weights, swimming, hiking. plus stair climber. Virtually no SE's from ADT except my skinny biceps. I think the exercise is the key!
Hi and thanks for the responses. I’m not obese but have put some extra weight on. I went from 174 ,up to around 194, which isn’t too bad but , it’s a weight gain for me. I have a tread mill , stationary bike, sprint master,free weights and I just recently bought resistance bands to add to my collection of exercise equipment. I haven’t used the equipment for a couple of months because of my prostate issue. I take Prosteon for bone health that my doctor prescribed . I’m on the keto/ Mediterranean way of eating and that seems to help with my energy level plus I got back to my bowling leagues again. So, I’m getting on the right track physically and mentally. I’m 75 years young and hope to continue my life being healthy and of sound mind. Thanks again and will have more questions as I think of them.
You tend to gain weight in your stomach with ADT. I finally lost 50 lbs by using an app called “my plate” ( there are others) to track what I eat at every meal. You must consume fewer calories than you need to maintain your weight . Plus exercise is very important for maintaining muscle and bone loss which ADT will cause as well as helping use up calories. You do to need to eat more protein than the daily requirement. Eat balanced meals and lose the bad carbs.
I have had PC close to 15 years. Was always heavy. I got the gastric sleeve 4.5 years ago. I have lost 220 pounds. Currently on my 5th round of Lupron, now along with Erleada. Erleada is stronger on my system. I have a hard time keeping food down. So, no weight gain for me!
I now wear boy’s size 16 pants.
My diet (when it stays) is primarily protein. Protein is great for you.