So my husband is going to start taxotere chemo next week, we are scheduled for 3 rounds, then a recheck and then another three rounds. if it is all going well, will we continue to stay on this chemo longer? Or can you not do that? Just not sure how it all works, its all so overwhelming.
How many cycles of taxotere can you g... - Advanced Prostate...
How many cycles of taxotere can you go on?

It will all depend how well he tolerates the chemotherapy and how effective it is.
Some men here have done many more than 6 cycles. However, as the tumor load decreases with each cycle (we hope), subsequent cycles will be killing less and less cancer simply because there's less of it. However, side effects and damage to normal tissue, including bone marrow, will continue to accumulate. This eventually reaches a point of diminishing returns.
More cycles may be beneficial for some patients, but there are reasons chemo is generally not done indefinitely.
The usual protocol is 6 cycles, although I've seen it extended as long as 10 cycles when it was well-tolerated and effective. After that, it's a good idea to move onto the next therapy. He can always re-do Taxotere or Jevtana later.
Hi DefeatCancer,
I have mets in lymph nodes and liver. My chemo treatment is Docetaxel/Carboplatin combo which I have had 18 times at present.
This was 2 rounds of 6 cycles each,
1 round of 4 cycles, and now halfway through another round of 4 cycles,
Good news is that my cancer is still responding to chemo. Typically I have a break of 4-6 months between chemo rounds depending on PSA and scans.
We have rechallenged with Xtandi between rounds, except last 2 rounds included Xtandi PLUS chemo.
I am 72 and can still tolerate this much chemo, especially since it is still working.
Best Wishes. Never Give In.
Mark, Atlanta
6 cycles is typical for men doing early Taxotere while hormone sensitive.
Following castrate resistance, more cycles than 6 are often done as long as it is working and the side effects are acceptable.
I did 6 cycles, and it was effective. But after several (3?) infusions, it was decided that the bad side effects were getting worse too quickly, and my dose was cut back some. That seemed to work OK.
Yeah, I did 6 cycles of Taxotere in my first year of dx, then my MO gave me a break (4 months) until my PSA started to move up. He then added Carboplatin to the Taxotere for 10 more rounds. That ended 15 months ago, and have been on Aberaterone since. PSA slowly rising of late....
I was 67 when I started 6 cycles Taxotere. It was extended to 8 cycles. 2 more cycles were canceled, and I admit I was happy about that. The 8 cycles were because I was responding well and tolerating well. Chemo itself was not bad for me, but I did hate the low white blood cell shots. I ended up with foot neuropathy after the chemo was done. You may want to consider icing feet, hands and chew on ice chips. I was unaware of icing until all was over.
My husband starts his chemo next week also with Taxotere. They told him an infusion once every 3 weeks for 10 sessions.