So if you check my post history, you can see that the hospital tried to screw up my father pretty bad. A day after stabilizing from septic shock and getting all of his numbers back up, they pull him out of the ICU and put him in the step-down unit and then take him off all antibiotic support! All antibiotic support the day after stabilizing from septic shock.....
So he gets progressively sicker over 3 days and lands back in the ICU with the same problems. He stabilized tonight but the "trauma" team called this morning and made it sound like my Dad was going to die and like they were giving up. Basically railroaded my mom into almost agreeing to pulling him off everything and taking him home.... as he is stabilizing again. So I raised hell and my Mom called back and told them she wants him to be fully resuscitated if anything happens and that we want to stay the course and not pull him.
We are going in 10:30 tomorrow for a meeting and I made sure to call the patient advocate, who will not be there tomorrow, but said that she will substitute with the Nursing Supervisor.. which i feel is even better.
But I really want to rip into them. For how they made my mom feel like just pulling everything on him and taking him off antibiotic support like morons. Then having a doctor call me and not be able to defend anything he was saying. Saying stuff like "antibiotic resistance can happen in 6 days"...... They have other antibiotics and he has SEPTIC SHOCK.
So all I want is for them to stabilize him, keep him on antibiotics, put him in the step-down unit, monitor him and continue the antibiotic course, put him in the general room, and then we will take him home. This request feels like I'm asking for the world, it's so surreal. I'm just trying to figure out how to handle this.
Any suggestions or tips?