Marijuana may accelerate the growth o... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Marijuana may accelerate the growth of this common cancer — study.

cesces profile image
56 Replies

No, it's not prostate cancer, but it is clinical evidence that cannabis is not necessarily a cure all elixer.

Marijuana may accelerate the growth of this common cancer — study.

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cesces profile image
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56 Replies
Schwah profile image

Arghhhh. I saw that right after I took my nightly pot gummy bears to sleep. It really gets frustrating trying to consume the right stuff. Always a moving target. “Pot helps slow down cancer”, “pot accelerated cancer

Growth”. “Eggs are bad”. “Eggs are good”. “Drinking a little alcohol is good”. “Any alcohol is bad “. “Eat wheat” . “Don’t eat wheat”. Etc etc etc. drives me nuts.


45yrsDenmark profile image
45yrsDenmark in reply to Schwah

I have og excactly the same way. It's a jungle.....

in reply to Schwah

Go gummies ✌️

tom67inMA profile image

We need a study that looks at cancer survival vs marijuana use. Looking at individual effects is nice, but doesn't answer questions such as whether sleeping better helps the immune system fight cancer and that might offset a modest increase in cancer growth. Or maybe the effect doesn't matter in prostate cancer that's controlled by ADT. Humans undergoing cancer treatment are very complex systems indeed!

cesanon profile image

Would you consider distrust of unsubstantiated, and unsubstantiatable internet anecdote being "close minded" lol

Or the acceptance of "unsubstantiated, and unsubstantiatable internet anecdote" to be gullible and naive.

I will commend you to It is filled with "unsubstantiated, and unsubstantiatable internet anecdote". If you delve deep into it, you will notice a pattern. Whenever "unsubstantiatable internet anecdote" reflects well upon the teller, it expands to Wlater Mitty esq proportions.

It is hard not to come to the conclusion that most of these stories have some slight acquantence with fact, but are mostly embellishment that reflects well upon the raconteur.

Ever since the day of the snake oil salesman, unsubstantiated, and unsubstantiatable anecdote has been an unreliable basis upon which to make healthcare decisions.

See generally

in reply to cesanon


I really have difficulty sleeping without cannabis. I am an evening user and love that I can get through the night without harsh prescribed solutions and things like melatonin that don't work for me. As posited the sleep benefit overall worth the risk of potentially feeding the cancer growth. All my work life I traveled the US and never slept well in hotels. That in itself wore me out and as a stressor I wonder how it might have impacted my overall health.

I became, in short order....well under 2 years, castration resistant. No treatments have lasted very long. I am currently on the road to failing Xtandi and looking forward do not see a lot of options. With that in mind I would much prefer getting my sleep each night with cannabis over the thought of being more fatigued than I already am by giving up cannabis. I vape Indica flowers and have been grateful for the sound slumber I get most nights.

cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to

That is a personal quality of life decision. If cannabis was the only way I could sleep and I had given up on any treatment, yeah I would probably use it as well.

Though as long as I was pursuing some form of treatment, I would experiment with the many other ways to treat sleeping dysfunction.

On the other hand, if I had been self-medicating with cannabis for years while my prostate cancer was steadily getting worse, I think I would shut down the cannabis right away and see if it was contributing to the aggressiveness of the prostate cancer. And out of some sort of superstition, would probably stay away from it. Just in case.

in reply to

Each to their own brother! Right on . Do what you feel is right .👏🏼😂

Max135 profile image
Max135 in reply to

Seems we are in the same boat. I would like to chat... xtandi has failed and what is next I am not quite sure.

in reply to Max135

I know, the uncertainty is hanging out there. I have not dug deep yet as to next treatments. Oncologist mentioned Radium 223. He and I are going to discuss options next time I see him in early February. While it is very much on my mind I am also doing my best not to overthink it at this time as I am sure to be living it soon enough. Currently am enjoying being in Mexico and my biggest decisions are where to go to eat and which shorts/t shirt to wear.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Have you considered lu177 psma.

in reply to cesces

Yes, for sure it will be in our discussion.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Another one is bipolar Androgen therapy. It can reset your cancer to become androgen sensitive again.

You can read about it in the forum here.

You will probably have to travel to find a doc willing to do it. Most likely someone who participated in the original trials that proved it can work for some patients.

Max135 profile image
Max135 in reply to

For me it's the same but in Maui....

Enjoy Mexico

in reply to

Viva Mexico..!

edwards304 profile image
edwards304 in reply to

Use Sativa edible for pain and indica for sleep...

Boacan profile image

I started using limited CBD oil in relation to my recent diagnosis of prostate cancer. Robotic surgery January 6, 2020. Noted nodule on my nose a couple of weeks ago that looked suspicious. Saw dermatologist yesterday and he took biopsy informing that it’s squamous cell carcinoma. Mohs surgery to remove scheduled this Tuesday. Never had anything like this before and wondering if this study may be spot on?

in reply to Boacan

I've had any number of basal cell and one squamous cell skin cancer removed via MOHS. That was years before my PC diagnosis allowed me to buy and use medical marijuana. I live in AZ and use sunblock on my face year round. In the two years I've been lightly using cannabis and religiously using sunblock I haven't had any more MOHS surgeries. They say that skin cancer is often the result of sun exposure many years prior. Good luck with the surgery on your nose, that doesn't sound like fun.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Each cancer is different.

Prostate cancer cells have extra cannabinoid receptors.

Until the hard data comes in you can rationalize anything you want.

Personally, I'm just not into risking lot for a little. Not my kind of gambling.

in reply to cesces

Sun exposure causes skin cancer. Marijuana use? Meh. We were talking about skin cancer, weren't we?

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Nope, I was talking about denial.

Sort of similar to that of the women who insist on stuffing an infection encouraging Jade egg up their vagina.

Or those who deny global warming.

Of course a human dedicated to a particular belief system will never be denied.

in reply to cesces

Wow, you worked genital infection and global warming into your reply. Riddle me this: do you live in a cannabis prohibition state?

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to


You are projecting.

I have cannabis industry investments.

Should I ever go into hospice I will most certainly use cannabis for it's proven pain management attributes.

I am ruthlessly pragmatic. Or at least I aspire to be.

I don't believe in risking a lot for a little.

Prostate cancer cells have extra cannabinoid receptors. So, given the nature of the mammalian cannabinoid system, it is not unlikely that cannabinoids either accelerate or suppress their activity.

There are some clinical observations that it may accelerate their growth.

The point I was making was about irrational belief system based decision making engaged in by lesser human beings.

If you want to encourage others to risk a lot for a little, go right ahead. If they listen to you I guess they deserve what they get.

See generally

Qanon, over and out

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to cesces

Wow ... feels like I sudda been in the middle of this someplace yayahahahaya. My Kaiser GP has now forbid my use of cannabinoids , insisting 24/7 use of opioids instead yayahahahaya . Go figure and she does sneaky DAP checks on me frequently. Industry investment... me too .... for nearly 14 years I was in the top 8 medical producers for a major local medical co-op , indoor connoisseur grade hydro my speciality , .... plus , I ran a 5’ tall kimax soxlet refluxer in a hall closet for nearly 10 years ... it could turn out 2 oz of oil every 24 hours. Wasted zero parts of those ultra fragrant hydro beauties.

Those were the days tho, seems like another lifetime .... now everybody, anybody can walk in off the street to your local Johnny Quick and buy it off a wall rack yayahahahaya the choices head numbing.

I gave away so much product that even my “ bud “ friends didn’t want any more of it .... this buds for you !!! Medical cards still allow up to 8 pounds of product in the stash closet and 99 live plants. Recreational stash of a few ounces and 6 - 8 plants. I live in a modestly upscale burbs neighborhood and 7 out 10 people here are growing in their backyards.... probably novelty more than anything and way less expensive than booze. I still believe cannabis has many positive medical benefits, for nausea, pain, eating disorders.. a healthier substitute for heavy alcohol consumption ...etc. add me to the “ pro cannabis “ list of advocates.


cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to Kaliber


As best I can tell you are approaching this as some type of populariy contest. It isn't or at least shouldn't be.

At this point it is pretty clear that opioids are not good for long term pain management. They just aren't.

Cannabis is proven for pain control, pretty much.

Your GP lives in a much more complicated world than you. His decision making may likely be more nuanced. And given the rah rah disjointed nature of your post... the data set you are working with within your mind, may not be the same one the Doc is using.


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to cesanon

Yayahahahaya you are a trip my man ....

My current GP is new, had my last one about 20 years. My old one retired. Cannabis is forbidden at Kaiser but my old doc said “ considering my near death prognosis, that it was all about doing what I wanted , what made me comfortable and happy “ . He didn’t care about the prohibition by Kaiser at all . It was all about my life quality in what remaining life I have left. Personally I rather dislike opiates a lot ... I’ve always tried to cycle off them to clear things up and revive their potency without taking higher doses. I get the issues my new and struggling GP faces in dealing with the bureaucracy and my quality of life. Her fix is to make sure I stay on the opiates as directed. Whatever ..

Most of all I love the way you so freely attack someone on this group with any kind of negativity. A large number of us are deep into the reality of brain mets and brain cell damaging heavy adt drugs ....not to mention facing the overpowering very real reality of daily death. I’d hope you would have a little more respect , but like you said my rah rah disjointed reality just wouldn’t get that ... eh ?

Right on brother ✌️✌️✌️✌️

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to Kaliber

"just the facts ma'am" Joe Friday

"My Kaiser GP has now forbid my use of cannabinoids , insisting 24/7 use of opioids instead yayahahahaya". Kaliber

" “ considering my near death prognosis, that it was all about doing what I wanted , what made me comfortable and happy “ Kaliber

Ok, so your new Doc is refraining from recommending cannabis because his institution prohibits him from encouraging violation of Federal law.

He isn't prohibiting you from anything. You continue to take it?

Now you did read the part about the cannabinoid receptors. Right?

"in what remaining life I have left"

Sure, when I get near the end my plan is to self medicate with cannabis, and avoid opiates.

In between medication sessions, maybe you might want to consider whether your case might be evidence why others may want to be cautious with cannabis.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to cesces

Kaiser is rather draconian with their opioid contract and prohibition of cannabis. I’m DAP tested at irregular intervals and they sneak an extra couple vials out of my end of the month bloodwork as well. If they caught me hot with anything they didn’t prescribe , or with inappropriate amounts of drugs they do prescribe... even to the point of being “ clean “ ... which my GP has already asked me to not cycle off ( after all I might be selling them, right ? ) ...any of this is a violation of the opioid contract they force you to sign and results in termination of your opioid prescriptions. Don’t know what happens next. Kaiser has reacted strongly to the opioid crisis and basically quit handing out pain killer pills .. where once they freely handed them out all over the place. It’s nearly impossible to get them there now unless you are palliative, stage 4 or hospice, you get 7 or 12 pills after surgery ... and even then you have to jump thru the hoops like I do. They have a very aggressive monitoring program in place. No I can’t use cannabis anymore, even circling the drain’s too risky for me to lose my pain management...

In all fairness , I have to admit that I have fewer “ uncomfortable “ days or periods of time now ... gotta give her that for sure . I would prefer to cycle off but people say ... in my circumstances “ why “ .... just be comfortable and try to enjoy a better quality of life. What possible difference could it make now. It’s hard to argue with that I guess yayahahahaya. I think I still have some of the lifelong “ narcotics will ruin your life “ programming hanging around ... might be denial , who knows .... funnie how “ all that “ can become rather irrelevant in your life . Whom wudda thunk it ?

Peace brother 😁😁😁

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to Kaliber

Wow, that's pretty draconian.

I take it that your health plan doesn't permit you to change providers?

If I were in end of life care I would probably take the cannabis over the opioids.

After two weeks the bounce back from the opioids is worse than the original pain. Or that's my understanding of the most current research.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to cesces

I can change providers in open season , but Kaiser is the best Facility in my smallish town.

That’s exactly why I like to cycle off opiates... I don’t experience “ addiction “ but everyone has opioid receptors and can develop dependence... stepping off a small curb is way better than falling off a tall building when it comes to withdrawal.

Still I have an old friend that has PCa ( for over 20 years now ) that has nothing left except to manage his debilitating pain and hope something new comes along pretty ( real ) soon. He takes 65mg or more of morphine daily , sometimes lots more and just quits cold, easily in a day or two without blinking ... dunno how he does it ... it’s amazing, how he has lasted so long is amazing too . I’d like to be more like him. When you really really need them , opiates are a game changer, but don’t come without strings ( ropes ) attached.


cesces profile image
cesces in reply to Kaliber

Just for the heck of it, you see if you can talk to someone at the ACLU.

They are threatening to deny you healthcare for what seems to be arbitrary and capricious reasons.

You have an unrestricted right to your medical records. You should check out to see if they have performed any tests you haven't authorized.

If anyone ever tries to get me to sign a BS agreement like that I am going to sign "I Disagree". And see what they do with that.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to cesces

Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya no kidding “ I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it !! “ memba that ? Yayahahahaya half my first oncologist visit was shared with my hospice crew ... they initially thought I might just go straight to hospice, they would keep me comfortable, warm and fuzzy , I opted for the adt and am already well past the expiration date on my carton. Kaiser has quite literally extended my life considerably and given much more time with my wife and love ones and in their odd sort of way , kinda insisting I remain comfortable as possible along the way. You gotta give them credit ... and it’s working even though I’d like it to be a bit different . I got to respect them for results ... even if my perspective and theirs diverge considerably yayahahahaya.

Good talking with you brother 👍

in reply to cesces

I'm not projecting anything, I simply dispute the notion that cannabis has dire consequences for either skin cancer or prostate cancer. To each his own.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

You were projecting that I was forming healthcare opinions based upon a political or quasi political belief system that starts with a bias for or against something.


cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Yep. You are disputing something

"based upon a political or quasi political belief system that starts with a bias for or against something."

I am not.

But you were projecting your analytical approach on to me.

Just saying

in reply to cesces

??? No capiche.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Not important, really.

in reply to

I second that! I’ve used high Thc oil everyday for five years. 41/2 years clear of all visible signs of pc ..

in reply to


Boacan profile image
Boacan in reply to

Thanks! I am 61 and was exposed to a lot of sun in my youth as nobody seemed to know back then of the dangers of too much sun exposure. We all had took our shirt off to work or play. I also spend a lot of time in retirement as a ski instructor and get exposure year round but I put sun screen on every time. I think the sun finally caught up with me.

in reply to Boacan

I spent most of my life in the sun. Luckily no skin cancer yet . I’m a big candidate for it . A side note: I’m 58 with five years in adt plus Idid Rt . My skin looks like a 99 yr old mans . Not a pretty cite. In the last years liver spits all over my hands. So much for sun worshipping just feels good .

Muffin2019 profile image

Sugar was supposed to be bad for prostate cancer and did dairy products. Moderation in all is the key with no red meat or limit it.

in reply to Muffin2019

I agree with all of this . ✌️

johnscats profile image

Interesting article but again no human trials to fully test its a pity governments won't fund these kind of findings

RonnyBaby profile image

MAY is the right term here.

I can think of how many contradictory reports about all kinds of stuff that flips and flops

based on the 'latest study'.

MAYBE this could be true for a small group in society.

MAYBE this report is total crap with a hidden agenda.

MAYBE more research is required.

MAYBE these types of people should avoid cannabis .....

In the meantime, countless are being helped because medial cannabis applications are for real and many lives are improved as a result.

The research showing the 'good' response(s) to cannabis can't be dumped like rancid garbage OR can it ?

I will NOT quit my medical use of the plant because it really helps me on a day to day basis.

So, what's up ?

in reply to RonnyBaby

Me three!

cesces profile image


One thing for certain is that cancerous prostate cells have extra cannabinoid receptors.

in reply to cesces

So what if they do? Is there research that proves that ingesting cannabis fuels growth of cancerous cells?

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

The cannabinoid systems role is to suppress or amplify other processes.

It is likely doing one or the other with prostate cancer cells.

Lay your money down and pick a number.

in reply to cesces

I already have. Red seven!

in reply to

Hell no!

RonnyBaby profile image
RonnyBaby in reply to cesces

Where did you get that information (extra receptors)?

I can point to research that would contradict some of the conclusions that are being drawn.

First of all, we are talking about HPV specifically and the brain and in some cases development that has not yet been completed (think youthful ages below 25 which is a targeted group for push-back).

Next, how much daily THC do you need to come to that conclusion ?

I had to be treated for an HPV related infection over 40 years ago.

That certainly didn't affect my brain.

I would also suggest that more research is needed in all areas involving medical cannabis.

There certainly is a large body of researchers and doctors that are claiming that there are varied benefits for some patient types and different diseases.

Last but not least, cannabis is a combination of hundreds of compounds (cannabanoids and terpines) that provide a lot more than a high. There is an effect called 'entourage' or full spectrum that goes well beyond THC.

For example, I have at least 7 varieties that I have legally grown myself that I use to make oil based tinctures (MCT and/or olive oil refers).

I'll be 68 soon. My brain isn't going to turn to mush tomorrow. I have all my faculties and I hope / suspect that I'm not going to have to worry about THC.

I don't want to shoot the messenger, but THIS study will not cut it as a stand alone reference, at least not - IMHO.

cesces profile image

It was a while back when I learned about the receptors. Dr Myers confirmed it at the time.

I believe it is a pretty non-controversial and generally accepted fact.

"I can point to research that would contradict some of the conclusions that are being drawn."

There are no conclusions to contradict. Lol.

No one knows. Anyone who thinks they do is delusional.

That is the problem. There's no one with both the resources and the incentive to do the research to form evidence based conclusions.

cesces profile image


You can't know that without a clinical trial.

Anecdote is proven to be horribly misleading in healthcare. Especially when supported by belief systems or ideology.

See generally:

ck722 profile image

Well my PSA numbers told me what works for me. It works, for now anyway. At least until I become CR-cannabis resistant. Your mileage shall vary!

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