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Marijuana use may be associated with reduced prevalence of prostate cancer - cross sectional study

Graham49 profile image
19 Replies

The study seems quite small

“Results: Prevalence of PC was significantly lower among current MJ users (46/145, 31.7%), and former users (323/1021, 31.6%) in comparison to non-users (534/1337, 39.9%, p < 0.001). Older MJ users (≥ 65) had significantly lower prevalence of PC compared to nonusers (36.4% vs. 42.4%, p = 0.016). A similar significant reduction was documented among non-Hispanic white (NHW) MJ users when compared to nonusers (28.9% vs. 38.3%, p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in the prevalence of PC between MJ users and non-users among the young (50-64) or other race/ethnicity. In MV logistic regression analyses, former MJ use was associated with a lower prevalence of PC compared to never use (OR = 0.74, 95% CI 0.62 - 0.90, p=0.001). Current MJ use also was suggestive of reduced prevalence but did not reach statistical significance (OR=0.77, 95% CI 0.52 – 1.14, p=0.198) possibly due to low sample size.

Conclusions: Our findings provide additional data to link MJ use with low prevalence of PC, particularly in NHW. Future prospective studies using regulatory approved medical MJ are warranted.”

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Graham49 profile image
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19 Replies
spencoid2 profile image

And unregulated MJ too. I waited too long but I guess it is never too late to slow the PC down a little. Seriously I do find MJ comforting to get me out of my thinking of doom and death.

cesanon profile image

Dr. Myers had several thousand prostate cancer patients.

His observation was that those patients who were overtly self medicating with cannabis seemed to consistently have the most aggressive cancer.

Both prostate cells and prostate cancer cells have cannabinoid receptors, but the prostate cancer cells have more of them.

Given the way cannabinoid pathways work it would be reasonable to believe cannabinoids should either inhibit or suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells

It seems the study indicates that if you take cannabinoids prior to getting prostate cancer you are less likely to get it.

That is not inconsistent with Dr. Myers observation that once you have prostate cancer, cannabinoids may promote the growth and health of prostate cancer cells.

32Percenter profile image
32Percenter in reply to cesanon

The negative effect might be from the THC component, a chemical(s) caused by the smoking of the plant, or a combination of these.

It appears the CBD and CBG components though "display antineoplastic effects by repressing tumor growth and angiogenesis both in cell line and animal models" (from a Turkish study by Yuksel et al.). Also search for the article by Jie Li et al. "Anti-proliferative effect of Cannabidiol in Prostate Cancer cell PC3 is mediated by apoptotic cell death, NFkB activation, increased oxidative stress, and lower reduced glutathione status".

I've been taking a CBD (30mg) + CBG (10mg) oil blend before bed nightly for almost a year, based on this research and other studies. It also really helps me settle down to sleep, which in itself helps to fight The Beast (these compounds don't get you high, which is good because being stoned is a feeling I absolutely hate). It's hard to say if it's helping because I'm on D-mide and Zoladex already, but my PSA remains undetectable.

groundhogy profile image

funny, another guy posted a study that said MJ was bad for PCa a couple months ago.

Maxone73 profile image

Could the contrasting results of the studies be due to the way you use MJ? Smoking it mixed with tobacco and ingesting it in a cookie should be different given the amount of carcinogens inside tobacco.

Plus we have learned that what is good to prevent could not be good (or even be bad) once you have the disease. Oh well....too late for me, but personally I used MJ in the weekends (ok maybe it's too little) and here I am anyway 😜

85745 profile image

I read THC is not good for PC , but there are certain cannabinoids if isolated said to be beneficial. I don't know enough to say more, for me at this time I will pass on it. For me if I get stressed I pray.

Leaffan57 profile image

I smoke/ingest in a daily basis, have been for over 50yrs. My MO says whatever gets you through the night is cool.

NewPotatoCaboose profile image
NewPotatoCaboose in reply to Leaffan57

Over 50 years for me too and my doctors either agree it's medicinal or do not care. I find it good for the body and soul in dealing with Pc and other medical issues.

Leaffan57 profile image
Leaffan57 in reply to NewPotatoCaboose

And the music after dinner gets into a good groove and sets me up for a tolerable evening. YOLO and I’ll go down enjoying all the gifts nature gives me. My MO feels the same way about micro dosing mushrooms.

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to NewPotatoCaboose

Glad I had 50 years experience before dx so that I knew the benefit to my body and soul without having to be a newbie to it. No learning curve.

With PC and its treatments alcohol at least for me takes a toll physically so nice to have cannabis as not only an imbibement but a treatment in living life with the physical and mental aspects of PC in effect.

I think we are still waiting on wether the DEA will agree to reclassify. If reclassified then the door will be open to much more research. For now despite studies and the fascinating fact that we share natural cannabinoids with cannabis the "good for bad for" question remains.

For now I'll keep rescuing dogs and hanging out on the couch with my buds.

my buddies hangin out with me
CAMPSOUPS profile image

Just rescuing dogs

friends think Im stoned. just rescuing dogs
Leaffan57 profile image
Leaffan57 in reply to CAMPSOUPS

Legal here, but the grey market has higher quality ….and just booked Negril Jamaica for Feb 29 and to escape the grey , dreary weather

dhccpa profile image

I had never used cannabis before January 2019, after I was diagnosed as metastatic. I haven't noticed any changes in aggressiveness during 5+ years in only Lupron.

PJW2 profile image

So I tried some MJ that my sister said was excellent. Didn’t seem to have any affect on me. Tried the gummies and the brownies as well and got nothing. Gave a co-worker same gummy and he thought he was going to die. Also pain killers like hydrocodone don’t affect me much either. Anyone got any ideas why? I have been on Xtandi and Lupron for about 4 years now. Things like Aspirin and advil still work well

Bangkok profile image

I think societies view on Cannabis has to change. Too many people associate the use of Cannabinoids with distain (1950's Reefer Madness movies shown in highschools). The use of rear seatbelts in automobiles were delayed because women usually sat in the back seat. This type of binary thinking should not inhibit clinical studies on the inherent health potential of Cannabinoids.I believe that a major paradigm shift in attitude will take place when alcoholic beverage manufacturers deliver great tasting beverages that can be ordered in lounges, bars and entertainment venues.

SteveTheJ profile image

On a sample size of one, I'd say the study is "a little off". If you smoke weed, you're certainly increasing your chance of cancer generally.

NewPotatoCaboose profile image
NewPotatoCaboose in reply to SteveTheJ

"while a few small, uncontrolled studies have suggested that heavy, regular marijuana smoking could increase risk for respiratory cancers, well-designed population studies have failed to find an increased risk of lung cancer associated with marijuana use.67"

j-o-h-n profile image

WTF The whole country is dopey anyway........

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


GoBucks profile image


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