Hello all,
My Dad, a spunky 83, is in this fight and is my hero. Today, he consulted for a 2nd opinion with Dr. Gilligan at the Cleveland Clinic. I am looking for any advice that anyone can offer who may have walked a similar path and how I can help support him in this next round. Here is where he has been and where he is going:
DX 11/2017 Gleason 9 stage 4 and bone mets
Began lupron, zometa and zytiga
Got almost a year on Zytiga and then onto Xtandi
Things looking good until PSA began rising in June 2019
PSA numbers:
1/8/18 6.590
4/27/18- 2.108
7/27/18- 1.534
8/24/18- 2.88
10/23/18- 9.54
11/6/18- 17.95
12/12/18- 43.915
3/5/19- 3.372
6/19/19- 7.196
9/11/19- 16.049
Had a new bone scan 9/19 which showed progression
Had a CT scan 10/19 which showed an aortic aneurysm, spot on the lung that the onc says they will watch
From the Ct Scan report:
Lungs: No consolidation or atelectasis. Mild emphysematous changes
are present with multiple small blebs in both lungs. There is an 11 mm
right lower lobe nodule
Mediastinum/Hila: There is enlarged right hilar lymph node measuring
13 mm in short axis diameter. There is a large right lower
paratracheal lymph node measuring 10 mm in short axis diameter.
Osseous structures: Sclerotic lesions are present in multiple
bilateral ribs, bilateral scapula, sternum, and multiple thoracic
vertebrae. These are consistent with osseous metastatic disease.
Degenerative changes are present in the spine.
1. Osseous metastatic disease.
2. No evidence of a soft tissue mass or lymphadenopathy within the
abdomen or pelvis.
3. Abdominal aortic aneurysm measuring up to 3.3 cm. Focal left common
iliac artery dissection, likely chronic.
4. Colonic diverticulosis.
So, Dr. Gilligan is starting him on Xofigo every 4 weeks for I think, he said, three cycles and then Docetaxel every three weeks for I'm not sure how many cycles.
Anyone who has had a similar protocol that can offer any advice on how to help him through this next chapter? I am still ALMOST divorced, and he is still planning to be here in Florida for a good part of the winter being Grandpa when he is not being treated in Ohio. And if you read all that, God bless you! I print everything you all write in response to my posts and share it with him. He is amazed that this community exists, and he is grateful for all the support (and so am I!) Keep fighting!