A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of fishing on the Skeena river in BC. So beautiful. 7 days of fishing with a buddy and I hardly ever thought about cancer. Last week I finished #16 chemo over the last 12 months. Nice to have a break. Heading to MX in a few weeks and I will be flying up to the states every 4 weeks as I continue on Xtandi. Any kind of break is good!
Still distracting myself from pc..... - Advanced Prostate...
Still distracting myself from pc.....

Great photo. Looks like your 4 legged friend is interested in what you caught.
I once caught a fish that small...... Keep on Funning....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 10/29/2019 10:18 PM DST
Steady as she goes . That’s living !🥳
We have a handsome GSP too! Bet he (she?) caught the fish.
Good for you...living your life!
Nice fish, catch em up!
Nice GSP, I had 3 at throughout my lifetime, beautiful and smart Dogs.
GSP-- German Short-haired Pointer?????
Actually, the dog is a friend of mine, but he belongs to another human friend. Both of these friends invite me on some of their adventures. Pretty special friend as he really takes care of me on these trip since I was diagnosed 1.5 years ago. The dog is a Braque Francais. He is incredibly smart and independent.
The trip was for huge steelhead. I kept catching these coho/silver salmon. This was the smallest I caught. My friend caught some huge steelhead. Next year for me!!
Tomorrow is my last dungeness crab outing for the year before I pull the boat out. After my next oncologist appointment I am off to Baja for lots more fishing. I am pretty lazy except when I fish, crab or clam.
That fish is making me hungry! Congratulations, good buddy!
A good catch 8knots
Cheers on you mate for looking great even after completing #16 chemo over the last 12 months. Woah, I was like crap after my #6th 😒🤔
Take good care bro. Life is to be savored like a good wine...
So you are on Xtandi, have you been on it long? Have you fail primary ADT?
Great shot of you, the fish the dog and the setting, keep it up
For the last 8 months I have been on a clinical trial utilizing Cabzitaxel and Xtandi combined. I am done now with the chemo part of the trial and continue on Xtandi until that fails. Most recent psa was .48 and my scans showed no growth from my 20+ mets.
Earlier treatments with Docetaxel and Zytiga did not take.
Back when I did the first 6 infusions of Docetaxel it was very rough with weakness/fatigue/bloody nose and so on and my psa kept going up so it's been nice to have the trial combo work and I am taking advantage of feeling decent.