Husbands second PSA in 30 days went up again but not by much but went up.
July he went from undetectable to 0.15 they MSK asked him to repeat in 30 days results now 0.18 still under 1.
The ADT has been out of his system since July and his Testerone came back from 39 to 250. Same month as the PSA test in July.
Just very worried.. I know that there are no scans to do as of yet. And we did have the genetic testing done because at first they thought this was very aggressive type since only 20 percent was in the gland the cancer spread outside the gland to 6 lymph nodes right side none on the left and he did radiation 40 rounds last year in June and was on ADT last shot was April last year.
The genetic test came back it was not the aggressive type. And his Gleason was a 3+4, PSA prior to radical prostatectomy was 2.4. Scans also were clear prior to prostate removal.
He’s doing well lifts and works out 5 days a week he’s plant based
Can anyone tell me is this still slow growing?
Do you know of a scan that can detect even if PSA is under 1?
I’m worried and so is he
Do you think they’ll put him back on ADT?