It's been a rough go on Docetaxel and Carboplatin. Ended up in the hospital twice after infusions, pneumonia and then a high fever/rash. Now new rash all over is terrible, so Dr. decided to give me a break after 4 infusions and call it quits for the time being. PSA did go down to .8, so it was working, but the rash is very concerning. Glad to be on a holiday! Will be doing scans the middle of September and then we will see where we go from there.
Chemo done after 4 infusions - Advanced Prostate...
Chemo done after 4 infusions

Sorry to hear you ended up in the hospital but .8 is a solid response. Did they give you prednisone for the rash?? Hope you feel better soon....
Don Pescado
I'm currently on a daily .5 dose as I was on Zytiga before the chemo and onologist said to just continue the Dex. Rash is better after two weeks, but now I'm peeling all over. But, this too shall pass and I'm just glad I'm off the monster for a little while. I know everyone has different reactions, and I have had very few reactions on all the other things I've been on, so thought chemo would be a piece of cake ... it was not.
I am so sorry to hear you had to stop treatment. But September is not too far away and after scans you will hopefully have a better idea of what the next step could be.
I had never heard of this side-effect before, but perhaps it is your body's attempt to detox? Maybe the combo was too much for your body at the moment.
Anyway, please keep us posted!
I suggest also asking the doctor about lower dosages. One approach is to use the same schedule, e.g., one infusion every three weeks, but with a lower dose. Another is to have one infusion every week, but at only 1/3 the normal three week dose. I have heard anecdotal evidence that that can be just as effective but significantly reduces side effects.
Best of luck.
Yes, TMH in Bombay does just that. TMH= Tata Memorial Hospital.
Smaller doses but more infusions. Simple.
Apparently it works rather well.
After the scans in September, if PSA is going back up, I'll check on doing that. Thanks
Sorry to hear about rough side effects. Were you treated with taxanes (docetaxel) before? Did you have significant side effects at that time? Whast is your protocol/dose for each drug? I agree, sometimes lowerg doses can work with less side effects.
Some believe that a PARP inhibitor may work as well as a platin for BRCA2+. Perhaps it might be less toxic than adding the carboplatin. Here's a list of clinical trials where you can get a PARP inhibitor for BRCA2+:
My husband only tolerated two of six docetaxal
Hospitalised five times with neutropenia
Dr called it quits
Always high fevers but no rash
I hope it settles quickly and you can complete the course
All the very best
Sorry to hear you had such a bad go, I guess I’m lucky that I’ve only felt tired & lost my sense of taste after 5 infusions. Hope you feel better every day. Hang in there brotha!!