I just attended at talk by a Radiation Oncologist talking about:
(a) Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
(b) Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)
(c) Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT)
(d) Cyberknife (with is just one type of SBRT)
(e) Proton Therapy
What I came away from this was:
1. The main difference between current forms of IMRT and SBRT, is not so much the precision but that SBRT just uses fewer doses of higher radiation.
2. All of these forms of radiation treatment, even proton therapy are going Stereotactic, with proton therapy bringing up the rear. It just provides too much benefit not to do it.
3. If You Aren't getting your prostate tagged with surgical implantation of two metal markers, you aren't getting precision anything. The newest equipment comes with what are called "cone beam CTs" that track those two metal markers and automatically guide the machine to make sure the radiation is going where it is supposed to, and not going where it is not supposed to.
4. He mentioned some brands of this cone beam tracking equipment: Calypso, and Varian On-Board Imaging system.
Bottom line is: If you are not undergoing surgery to get your prostate implanted with these two metal markers prior to radiation treatment, you are likely getting treated with old generation equipment that is no where as precise as the new generation equipment and can't be as precise as new generation equipment.
If you are getting treated with old generation equipment, you need to stop and start asking questions. The accounting department with its amortization tables, shouldn't be the professionals determining what equipment is being used to treat you.