Now streaming on Netflix. "Buoyed by hopeful experiences with medical marijuana, physicians and parents of children with cancer call for more research of its healing potential."
Weed The People: Now streaming on... - Advanced Prostate...
Weed The People

Children's cancer is not PCa. I have never heard anything about Marijuana affecting radiation or ADT injections, as long as you don't fall off the radiation table. I was using illegal drugs when I went through radiation for Prostate cancer and now I no longer have cancer, so in my case it did not change the outcome. So whatever works for you is fine with me. I also have five years clean now and sponsor two men in recovery. I do not use CBD oil yet most of us are eligible for a prescription for CBD oil for pain. Anyone should feel comfortable talking to your doctor about this issue. If it helps you stay on ADT injections in can help your recovery in my opinion.
Congrats on being clean for 5 years Jim, I imagine that was no easy road, and congrats on being cancer free, and paying it forward as well. I posted the video simply to raise awareness of the possibilities of cannabis. Personally I experience chronic pain and have been using Oxycodone in varying dosages since the end of 2017. I applied for a Medical Marijuana card for the exact reasons you mention. Best.
I agree with your decisions, we are not robots. AS a Pharmacist I found many cusomers who could not get off Opiates, so I did not use them. as you know I decided that if I only have 2 years left to live I might as well enjoy life and not worry about addiction. For some reason I was partying with 3 others and I wasn't getting high. So I gave them my drug and paraphernalia and the left. I was clean and went back to N.A. meetings. One month later my Mom stood up and had a stroke and died. I think God new that was going to happen, and it was a sign to me to stay clean and help others. I was on Lupron (prostate cancer chemotherapy) for 5 more years and have diabetes, heart disease, and kidney failure. I am taking 20 medications daily. I am living on borrowed time. I wish you the best of luck and understand you may not die from kidney disease. You may live a long and wonderful life. So just keep on truckin'.
Thc can help one ween off opioids ..

Yes that's what I understand, and no doubt I do have a dependence issue but I've had a fairly easy time tapering my dosage down. I usually reduce dosage by 25% per week and in a month or so I'm ready to stop but by then another problem area arises and I need to up the dose to calm the new pain. I said it's "easy" but as a cancer patient I'm privy an endless supply of opioids which lessens the psychological burden of withdrawal. I can't imagine what others deal with stopping cold-turkey, nor can I imagine why anyone would ever use opioids as a recreational drug. Honestly the first time I experienced opioid induced constipation was almost as frightening as learning I had cancer, without stool softeners and laxatives everything you eat literally turns into concrete. Now as far as marijuana I've smoked on and off my entire life and have never experienced of felt any dependency, and I look forward to trying the non-psycho active strains available...
I like the full thc indica ..Opioids recreational ? Crazy ness . Glad I never had that one. I never liked them. Chronic pain you’ve got to deal with . Hook me up when that time comes. For now I’m enjoying a Cabernet ..I was never a big pot smoker before APC . Never wanted to slow down before. Pc slowed my roll. I get enjoyment day . Peace brother.

"Recreational?", I don't know what else to call it. My neighbors son was a real doper, he started off crushing and snorting Oxycontin tabs, shortly after began shooting it, then moved on to smoking Fentanyl. 17 year old kid totally burned himself out in 2 years.
It’s suicidal
Any one doing oxy or meth has a death wish . Once hooked no recreation only suffering.
Excuse my prying but which drug was it During RT?

Personally for me the weed has a separate place in my treatment because after some illness I had attacks of a nervous breakdown and terrible insomnia which upset me very much for several months. This is terrible and I have been looking for a good medicine for a long order to be able to handle it. After many days of spending time on the Internet and on forums I still managed to find in which I found a great indoor grow kit and it was a real find for someone who considers it a life's work
Good luck feeling better ! ✌️
I went thru the whole RSO regimen x2 after dx with stage 4 mPCa and it didn’t do squat! In fact my PSA increased and my tumors grew. I think the most popular on line testimonial by Dennis Hill is an attempt, maybe rightfully so, to get the government to focus on researching cannibis since big Pharma is reluctant to do so cause its basically a non patentable substance
Good point about big pharma 6357axbz, depending on the dose big pharma bills my insurance company between $600 and $800 for a 30 day supply of pain meds, no doubt they don't want to lose patients like me to weed. Personally I see cannabis not as a cure, but as a distraction from the pain I experience.
ANYTHING that works should be fine, imho. IF, there is definite proof that cannabis works to kill cancer cells, THEN the faster it is made SOC the better.
Keeping an open mind is important. Not a spaced out mind, but an open, rational, considerate/compassionate mind. Think about it. Cheers !!
Hip hop hurray for exploration !🌵