My father is on hospice for stage 4 pc as well as aortic dissection with anyursym. He has lots of mets to spine to the point of a comlression fracture. I believe levoquin caused his heart issue. The fda just released this medicine can cause this rare issue. When i got up this morning my father asked me to rub medical thc cream on his back and in doing so i discovered a large softball lump on spine. He takes high doses of morphine for pain but lately doesnt cut it. He says his whole body feels like being beat with a baseball bat. I called the nurse who is on her way. The doctor did warn my mom and I how painful this disease gets in the end. Its just very hard to see. Is there anybody with advice on how to deal with this?
Has anyone been prescibed levoquin du... - Advanced Prostate...
Has anyone been prescibed levoquin during chemo? And how do you watch your loved one go through all this pain with advanced PC?

Dear Tua, I am sorry that your father suffers so much . May God have mercy on him . I’m sure that he loves you much . Love is eternal . Peace to you , stay well yourself.. 🙏

Thank you
Thank you. As of now edibles are the only thing that cant be bought in pennsylvania dispensaries. But i will see what we can get with the indica strain.
I'm stage 4 , I use Aleve and aspercream with lidocaine. I have pain but I only had 3 bone mets which have dissolved on Lupron and Xtandi. I have joint and femer pain. Taking these helps. It sounds like your Dad is further along.
I wish you best of luck. Sounds like the meds have helped you. My father took lupron and xtandi with not much success. He uses lidocaine patches now along with the morphine and medical thc. His mets are all over , ribs,spine,pelvis,iliac,arm. Hes been battling this beast since 2010 so i suppose this is the natural progession of things. Stay strong keep fighting.
Thank you. The hospice nurse is switching him to liquid morphine through his port. I asked about fentanyl but this hospice doesnt use it. They've tried methadone with the morphine before and it was a horrible experience. My father was not him. He was hallucinating and couldnt think. Didnt know who we were. Just hope theres something to help. The doctor warned us that the end stage of this disease is painful and crippling for him but its different seeing it.
May God ease his pain. And may God Bless Your Dad, your Mom, and you and your families.
j-o-h-n Thursday 04/25/2019 6:01 PM DST
I'M 66.5 years old I'm 6.5 years out. I know I'll probably die of this disease. I was PSA 31, stage 4, 3 bone mets, 5 month doubling time, staged at M1 , Gleason 9. I have osteopenia now. I don't know if my disease has progressed, I suppose it has. I was 2.5 years on Lupron , then I got in a clinical trial at NIH. They added Xtandi. Then PSA dropped to .02 and it's been there for 3.5 years. I took many supplements during the Lupron phase maybe out of fear. I take spices from the cabinet now and fill gel Caps. I have no idea if it does anything. I wish I could understand why some progress with the disease and others get put on hold. It has to be genetics. That's the only thing I can surmise. Anyway good luck , pray and maybe things will get better, you never know. I do get pain but isn't severe enough, so far, for morphine.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 04/25/2019 7:44 PM DST
I think it is genetics and also with my father he was a jumpmaster in the special forces and sustained injuries from a bad jump. This led to arthritis so i believe his bones were weaker and more susceptible to the cancer spreading.
He Maybe one of the toughest men on earth, as a jumpmaster in the special forces.. I salute him ....

He really is. Thank you. And im sorry for what you went through with levaquin. Im looking into lawyers because he was prescribed it on november 26 2018 and he was hospitalized on december 18th 2018 with aorta dissection and aneurysm. He needed surgery but with his health and the cancer this was not an option.
Make em pay..
Your jumpmaster Dad needs this right now:
America salutes him. God Bless him again and again.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/26/2019 2:53 PM DST
Salute Dad !
Keep on rolling Kevinski65...
Leviquin has many side effects. Find another antibiotic. On me it caused the skin on the glans of my penis to shred off and bleed profusely.. Also all the skin inside my mouth. He has enough problems. He doesn't need more. It also causes auto immune reactions in some people. My problem has never completely gone away.
Hey oldbeek , I’m a disgruntled leviquin past user also . I think that it gave me neuropathy after I used it when it first came out ,for a staff infection in my knee joint.I know it was new and expensive the time z..I saw the drug reps at my doctors office slapping him on the back . I used it for almost two months . Flash forward 3-13-15 I went into k failure due to pc tumors blocking urethra and bladder.. The hospitalist wanted to put me on leviquin . I refuse it then and to this day . I saw a class action suit against the maker for causing neauropathy .. I spent over one year and a half with constant strong antibiotics for UTIs such as ; cipro and all of the rest . Finally the only one that still worked was bactrim . Didn’t agree with me . Thank god that I got out of that precarious syndrome ..I feel it took a huge tole on my muscle and bones . Do not use Leviquin ... I feel that they Owe us money for pushing this poison ..I paid cash at the time ..didnt have insurance , 8 weeks times $500 per week was not cheap , especially because my. Dr. refused to chang from it to another anti , because it wasn’t working , that Dr Pain , yes that was his real name , kept me on the “New” drug ..
Thanks Dr Pain , the next step if I didn’t heal up from a bursectomy was to install a water pump in my knee , if that failed , could have lost my leg . So Leviquin I’m No Fan . Take care buddy ...

Press Announcements > FDA updates warnings for fluoroquinolone ...
Geezamacrip Lulu "could have lost my leg" Does that mean I'd have to call you Lu?
Kidding aside you went through a lot.... What is Dr. Pain's real name, I tried to google him but no success.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/26/2019 2:48 PM DST
Yes he was an ortho here in Tucson at the time.. what a name for a doctor?
Payne I think

Dr. William Payne.... Tucson - Diamond Children's Medical Center. - Speaks English, (but is completely deaf when it comes to patients complaints). Not too late to give him a bad review - only 1 so far and it's five stars. But I don't want to egg you on.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/26/2019 6:01 PM DST
Deaf hahaha .
You’re amazing friend . Cipro ain’t no joke either . A year and and a half with constant anti s took me down pretty hard . Including cipro . I’m limping back . Just glad to be rid of that hell . Thanks J-o-h-n
Geez... So sorry to hear about your bout with Leviquin. Somehow users of these types of meds should be compensated monetarily. The pain and problem would still have happened but the money would buy you a doctor(s) who would be able to treat the condition that Leviquin brought on.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/26/2019 2:59 PM DST
Besides that staff infection John, I lived a doctor free life before pc.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/27/2019 6:09 PM DST
The nurse just left and she upped his morphine to 300 mgs a day. I hope this helps with his pain. It breaks my heart seeing him like this. We also recieved news that my father in law has stage 4 bladder cancer that has spread to his lungs. Seems like so much cancer in this little area. My mother is a survivor of lymphoma.
WOW.... sorry to hear that.... Just a note about cancer in the lungs... Maybe Keytruda will help your father-in-law, so far it's helped me with my lung melanoma. A SHOT IN THE DARK.
KEYTRUDA helps the immune system do what it was meant to do: detect and fight cancer cells. ... KEYTRUDA may be used with the chemotherapy medicines carboplatin and either paclitaxel or nab‑paclitaxel as your first treatment when your lung cancer has spread (advanced NSCLC) and is a type called "squamous."
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/26/2019 5:50 PM DST
Thank you. I will pass that along. I know his kids were wanting him to get a second opinion at a bigger cancer center. But he doesnt feel comfortable travelling. That keytruda sounds promising. I know hes scheduled to get a port and chemo i believe 8 rounds.
Keytruda has helped you hasn’t it? That’s. Great .

Yep, thank goodness, at $30K per injection.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/27/2019 1:27 PM DST
Did u get that in a clinical trial?
No, it is new and current way to treat lung melanoma at MSKcc in NYC. So far it's working (and for other lung cancers too). Both my Prostate and Melanoma MO's said it's not showing best results with Pca so far. I was hoping as a byproduct it would help with my Pca. If you know anyone with Lung cancer mention Keytruda to them.
Happy Eastern Orthodox Easter.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 04/28/2019 6:24 PM DST
So my dad has still been in excruiating pain even with morphine increase. The nurse that came today said she thinks he has a broken rib. She said at this stage in his cancer sometimes the bones just weaken and break from the cancer. I made the mistake of googling this and i read horror stories. Im not sure if its because im his youngest child i worry so much. My syblings arent like nor do they help care for him like i do. Sometimes i think im more afraid for my dad than he is.