Hello to all at this very helpful forum!
I’m new, making research for my father, was reading a lot, but that is my first question here.
What is the reason why new and (as it looks from trails) effective treatments like LU177 AC225 and only recommended and offered to those who have used and failed on everything else ?
Especially when many trails show that the best results were achieved on treatment-naive patients ? Those (in trails) who had no therapies before had the most remarkable response to this treatment.
It is also known that usual treatments are only palliative. And all patients will become resistant with time and the problem will grow on.
With all these obvious facts still doctors practice is to use everything on a patient before advising him alpha/beta particles option.
Eg - a patient diagnosed with stage 4 PC, Gl 9-10, PSA over 500, large locally advanced tumor, surprisingly without mets yet. All doctors advise to use ADT first and wait until he becomes resistant, then to go for chemo. And only after all this fails only then to think of LU /AC treatment. Even saying - “wait for mets to grow”. Sounds strange to us.
We tried to ask doctors - WHY, why to wait until things become worse ? May be there any adverse effect for this treatment at the moment when just diagnosed, but not treated yet ? Though trails, especially South African trail show the opposite. We did not get an answer (asked several) that will explain the actual reason.
So this question here - any ideas - why they all say to wait and use other things ?
Asking on behalf of my father. Thanks in advance.