This is a bit long, so bear with me. My husband, Mike, died of Gleason 9 prostate cancer -- and an undiagnosed brain tumor -- two weeks ago today. At his memorial gathering at the funeral home Friday evening, several family members of his were there, including some siblings. One of his brothers commented that they are convinced the cancer in his family is due to all the 'shit' they were exposed to growing up on a dairy farm here in Wisconsin.
A little background: Mike, oldest of eight -- four siblings diagnosed with cancer. His Mom died at 86 (heart problems) and Dad at 88 after having cataract surgery the previous day. He also had asthma, so we don't know if that may have been the cause. Neither, however, had cancer.
Family: (I'll use initials for names) 2010: Sister T. dx with kidney cancer. A few months later, brother Z. also dx with kidney cancer; he died in 2014. The previous year, Z's three year-old grandson died of aggressive (AML) leukemia. Sister T's daughter was subsequently treated for thyroid cancer. She is doing well. In early 2014 my husband Mike was dx and a few months later his brother P. with prostate cancer. In the past year, another brother - P's twin - was also dx with the same cancer and had surgery. In the mid 90's, a first cousin of Mike's died (age 28 or 29) of testicular cancer. I recently learned that another cousin of his is 'not doing well' after battling liver cancer -- another family member told me that it is prostate cancer that metastasized. I should mention that the cousins are on his mother's side. I am not asking this because I'm contemplating some sort of legal action -- I wouldn't even know where to start. I am simply curious to know if anyone has experienced a similar situation. What sort of chemicals might cause these cancers if that's the case? These would be the years of 1950-today. On the other hand, there does seem to be a genetic fault on his mother's side, so maybe everyone is barking up the wrong tree entirely. Anyone? Again, this is not a legal question -- just your thoughts and opinions. Genny