Introducing myself...
my husband and I will probably both be posting on here with this profile- but for now mostly will be me.
My husband will be 50 in December. 17 mos ago he was diagnosed with enlarged prostate- had to catheterize every three months or so. Not sure why- but despite his father having prostate cancer (dx at age 74) the urologist never suggested a PSA. Fast forward to this past June (14 months after initial enlarged prostate dx) he was needing to catheterize 3-4x a day. He also started getting UTI infections. Finally his urologist suggested a TURP- which he had on Aug. 4th. The TURP was successful and his urine stream is now back to normal. However, we found out on the 8th, in the routine biopsy of the TURP tissue they found cancer. Few days later he had a pelvic and abdominal MRI as well as a bone scan.
They gave him a gleason score of 4+5 (9). It has metastasized into his local pelvic area- a tiny spot on lower spine and tiny in pelvic lymph. His prostate is protruding into his bladder. His urologist put him on 150mg of Bicalutamide immediately (we then learned a few days later at Foxchase Cancer this was old way of thinking and he went to 50mg.) That was the last time we saw that urologist.
We have a wonderful friend/neighbor who is a nurse and works in all of the major hospitals in the Philadelphia area and she was able to get us appts within a week at Penn, Jefferson, and Foxchase with the best docs. When we tried ourselves they were telling us mid-september. We have been to all three- all three suggested same initial protocol- he has his first shot of Lupron last week and is scheduled for his first Taxotere treatment next week- on the 13th. He also had blood tests for PSA and kidney function- kidney looks blocked from prostate pushing into bladder.
PSA came back at 677 but kidney function great. He also had a chest CAT which came back fine. All three docs have been great at listening to my nutrition ideas that I've researched (our daughter was diagnosed with crohn's 3 years ago and we already have lots of great nutrition in place- but upping the C, adding lots of D3, 3 servings of phytonutrients daily, and we went Vegan- he's had no alcohol since June because it helped his UTI symptoms)
Some things going for us... He is young so we are being aggressive and he is in great shape- was a college track athlete but is upping his workouts now and adding more weightlifting. Food is not something really important to him so we are able to make some dietary changes easily- he doesn't miss a lot of the stuff we are now staying clear of. Wondering about adding K2 to his regime.
We did send off the TURP tissue for some genomic testing. Also talked immunology for down the road. All docs have said nothing is off the table- right now hoping to calm it all down with Lupron and Taxotere.
Whew- that was a lot to write. I've already learned A TON from reading a lot of your posts here and have a background in research and stats which is helping me sort through some Thank you all for your openness in here and all of the info you share!