Hi, I am 49 years old and was diagnosed several months ago with prostate cancer. I had robotic surgery to remove my prostate on the 8th of January. My Gleason was a 6. My prostate was really enlarged and the doctor said it made even more sense to have taken it out considering the trouble it would have caused me in the further. However, I haven't received the pathology report. Nervous
Still Waiting: Hi, I am 49 years old... - Advanced Prostate...
Still Waiting

Feeling "nervous" in anticipation of your post surgery pathology report is quite human and "normal." Don't hesitate to telephone your urologist - today - for your report. If they say it isn't ready yet, then nail them down as to when and how they will convey it to you.
There is really no need to be nervous. In fact, many men with Gleason 6 opt for active surveillance (presumably you were offered this?).
The pathologist may upgrade the Gleason to 3+4, say, but that's still no reason to be concerned.
Your "really enlarged" prostate might have been due to BPH, rather than the PCa.
Praying that you receive good news on pathology.
Hi. Friend just had RP recently. Laughing about how he never thought he would have to wear Depends. Those of us whose pc spread before discovery and still have prostate since there is no use to take it out now (may be controversial) would like to be in your shoes. Relax. Sounds like you got it before it became a monster.
I recommend you ask your doctor, or find in the pathology report, if there were positive or negative margins. Negative is the better outcome.
My lowly regarded opinion is that you hit the lotto. You caught it just in time... Hopefully your side effects (SE) from the Radical Prostatectomy (RPD) are bearable.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
J-o-h-n Wednesday 01/23/2019 7:09 PM EST
see my new post...Post Surgery Report