More Hopeful therapies Hopefully on t... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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More Hopeful therapies Hopefully on the Way

Schwah profile image
14 Replies

Just saw this new promising therapy currently going into clinical trials. This new therapy was shown to reduce tumor size in half in the lab. I don’t beiive I’ve seen this yet on our site. Any thoughts from the braintrust here ???


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Schwah profile image
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14 Replies
arete1105 profile image

By advanced I take it they mean metastasized. Shrink the prostate tumor all you want, but what happens to the mets?

This sounds like a good therapy for T1, T2 stage in conjunction with radiation.

whatsinaname profile image
whatsinaname in reply to arete1105

I thought exactly the same. They are going to inject the "tumor", they say.

So which tumor of mine will they choose ?? The prostate, the skull, the neck, the collar bone, the ribs, the thighs, the buttocks, the spine..... which, oh which ??? :-)

And, by the time they come around to injecting, I may have developed several more tumors in the ass, penis, testicles, abdomen, bladder.....I could go on.

Life has been great thus far. I have been extremely fortunate (some say, blessed).

So, Ill take it as it comes. You win some, you lose some.

Cheers everyone !!!

Schwah profile image
Schwah in reply to whatsinaname

Gotta love the gallows humor on this forum. Makes us all feel more alive to smile and laugh and to not let the beast win by taking away all of our joy. They say laughter is the best medicine so thanks for the medicine “whatsinaname”.


whatsinaname profile image
whatsinaname in reply to Schwah

Absolutely, schwah :-) You are most welcome :-)

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Schwah

I second the motion.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 12/23/2018 7:17 PM EST

in reply to whatsinaname

That’s some line up of Metz don’t how you held it together ... scary to me just hearing about it....So glad you’re better.. great attitude towards these nightmarish scenarios..

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to whatsinaname

Penis? what's that? Testicles? what's that? Now tities. that's more like it

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 12/23/2018 7:20 PM EST

whatsinaname profile image
whatsinaname in reply to j-o-h-n

Fortunately, thus far, I have not developed anything even remotely resembling "tities" :-) But, who can "predict the future" ?? :-)

Fitzbruce1 profile image
Fitzbruce1 in reply to j-o-h-n

Remember that Kramer on the Seinfeld show invented ‘The Bro’ for those man titties. I haven’t seen any in the stores though. He could be having a distribution problem. 😂

whatsinaname profile image
whatsinaname in reply to Fitzbruce1

Good one, Fitzbruce1, lol, lol, lol. Cheers !!

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Fitzbruce1

That's because he forgot to include the pasties....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 12/24/2018 5:26 PM EST

Graham49 profile image

The Daily Mail article says there's a trial starting next year at St Guys hospital London for 20 people.

monte1111 profile image

The survival stats in the link seem to have many of us going to the gallows a little earlier than we should. Is the survival rate in Great Britain less than in the United States?

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to monte1111

Sure is... It's their fare... that does them in. Ever hear about delicious English cuisine?

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 12/23/2018 7:22 PM EST

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