Husband started zytiga 12 days ago and is suffering with some upset stomach. Wondering if it’s the prednisone or the zytiga? What have you used besides Zantac? I don’t want him to miss out on events due to stomach issues .
Upset stomach from zytiga or predniso... - Advanced Prostate...
Upset stomach from zytiga or prednisone ?

I do not really know for sure but prednisone can increase the production of acid in the stomach. Perhaps he could talk with the oncologist to reduce the dose of prednisone to 5 mg instead of 10 or he could consult if it is adequate to start taking proton pump inhibitors (prilosec or similar) or drugs like Zantac or Prilosec.
I’ve been on this protocol for 7 years. I was given 30mg Lanzaprozole to prevent the stomach issues. I take it in the morning at breakfast with 5mg Prednisone and Amias (blood pressure reducer). 2 hours later at 11am I take the Zytiga, and then have lunch @ 12.30. It works remarkably well, no stomach problems at all. I also have a Zoladex implant every 3 months.
PSA @ dx was 571 it’s multiple Mets. Still doing fine 7 years later. PSA currently immeasurable.
Omg! That’s so good!! We are hoping he gets that much time! Thank u for sharing
Wow - 7 years - that's amazing! Thank you for sharing! My husband has the same issues with Zytiga and prednisone - his oncologist gave him a prochlorperazine suppository because when he's throwing up he can't take Zantac or anything else. This works perfectly. He can take it every 12 hours but seems to only need it every other day or so.
It is important to take Prednisone with food to prevent stomach issues.
Medication with food as Dan says should help. Pred is unlikely to be the cause though. Try Lanzoprazole not Zantac though or Buscopan for stomach issues. Also 2 litres of fluids a day, water or juices and reduce coffee/tea intake as this can dehydrate you.
I was given prilosec with the zytiga and rednisone to prevent the problem and have had no problems.
Hi Cynth I've been on Zytiga, Prednisone, Eligard injection for 9 months now. I found the best outcome for my side effects are as follows:
I take my Zytiga at 6:00 AM with a full bottle of Spring water 12oz. This was recommended by someone on this site it really works at least for me.
Prednisone with Breakfast 2 hours later. The second one with my Dinner. Side effects are gone.
I usually don't eat lunch so you can take the second one then or with a snack. I don't have any trouble with my regiment. It works and that's the importance of my schedule. The water is a key factor on an empty stomach.
I'm at 6.5 years: S4, g10. 3 bone Mets, Zytiga and prednisone (and Lupron if course). So 7-year longevity, though not the norm, is certainly happening.
Zytiga and Prednisone sometime at night. Prednisone again in AM. No probs so far. BEST.
I don’t know about the other, but as far as Prednisone, I did take 30 mg a day ( taken as 20 mg in am and 10 mg in pm) fir six months. Taken with food. The only side effect which I had was weight gain; as expected.