Hi my name is LARRY —this is my first time on this site
I’m a 68-year-old — that got diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer about 3 1/2 months ago
I was diagnosed with stage (4) — with 5+4 = Gleason score 9
I have 3 spots in the bones—(2 in the spine and 1 in the thigh)
And lymph nodes involvement in the front - they also thought my bladder might be involved - still not sure about that
The urologist immediately put me on Lupron shots One shot every six months
Then almost immediately I saw medical oncologist
And he started me on chemo — -(Docetaxel) for a total of six treatments three weeks apart — I have taken three treatments
At diagnosis my PSA was 28
After the first month my PSA came down to .88 after the second Month. came down to .48 after the third month Came down to .23
My question is— since it came down so much in three months— Does that really mean anything ??