anyone had a rise in PSA after 8 months following SBRT. Had increase from 0.9 to 1.3 at month eight and now at 1.54 at month eleven. Original PSA never higher then 3.5. Gleason 3-3, 3-3, 3-4, 3-4, 3-4 5 cores involved. no core more then 30%.
2months after SBRT 3.4 dropped to 1.9. Three month later the 1.9 dropped to the
.9 mentioned above then the increase to 1.3 and later 1.54. The urologist following me says he was not concerned, radiology patients have changes
in PSA. He wants to continue PSA testing every 3 months as we have been doing.
I am thinking of returning to the Oncology Radiologist for a consult since she did the treatment and has seen more PSA changes like this in the first year.
Anyone have any opinion on what I am thinking?