My Dad PSA was 363 currently using resveratrol -Reserve supplement and results are good am also mixing it with Tumeric Big improvement PSA 50 currently
Resveratrol - prostate cancer killer - Advanced Prostate...
Resveratrol - prostate cancer killer

Wow! That's AWESOME!
So his PSA has dropped with this supplement and no other treatment at all?
What’s the dosage of reversatrol? I’m thinking of picking the nature answer blend, as it contains some vit c and quertin as well and take it with my ip6
Also how much curcumin is he taking? I’m taking 1000 mg currently
no way PSA goes from 350 to 50 with just just resveratrol+ tumeric with a diagnosis of PCa....without ADT
"Based on these preliminary data that resveratrol may be harmful, caution should be advised in using resveratrol for patients until further studies can be conducted."
Be careful about taking drugs that haven't been adequately tested for safety.
Tall Allen
I have been wondering about that type of effect.
Supplements that help healthy cells can also help cancer cells.
You just don't know without some clinical trials.
Almost all medications I take have a list of possible side effects- some up to and including death. The only supplement I've heard of with death as a possibility is Vitamin A and you'll turn a trump orange before that happens so it's a decent warning.
The FDA evaluates drugs based on their "therapeutic ratio" - the expected benefit relative to the toxicity risk. When a drug - and supplements ARE drugs - has both low confidence in benefit and potential toxicity, is it really worth the risk of taking it? Supplement manufacturers and retailers (like Life Extensions) make a fortune pandering to cancer patients who are willing to take anything even if it makes them worse off.
many studies say it works
August 2017 lists 4 at the bottom:
. A 2009 study found curcumin to be 400 times more potent than the diabetes drug metformin.
None of these studies reach a level of evidence that would encourage its use. Lab studies prove nothing at all, but may alert us to hidden dangers. Be careful with supplements - they are drugs - they must prove to be efficacious and safe. Eat foods instead of taking pills. The internet sites you quote, that purport to be scientific, aren't. Sites like Life Extension prey on desperate people to sell product.
and makers of statins don't?
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are not allowed to advertise their products for indications that the FDA has not approved. They are also subject to strict scrutiny of purity and dose in the products they sell. With supplements you have no idea what is really in the bottle. Statin manufacturers are not allowed to advertise a benefit for men with PC.
Those who take natural supplements may not be getting what they think they're getting. While we're discussing statins...
Many of us take statins, for one reason or another. Some of you may know that statins were discovered in a fungus on rice called red yeast rice. The active ingredient in it is called monacolin K. That ingredient is purified and sold as a prescription drug, lovastatin. Some prefer the natural source.
So a recent study looked at 28 popular brands of red yeast rice and analyzed them for monacolin K, Here's what they found:
• Monacolin K was not detected in two brands.
• In the 26 brands that contained monacolin K, the quantity ranged more than 60-fold from 0.09 to 5.48 mg per 1200 mg of red yeast rice.
• Following the manufacturers’ recommendations for daily servings, the quantity of monacolin K consumed per day would range more than 120-fold from 0.09 to 10.94 mg.
An accompanying editorial points out the safety hazard... The editorial said...
"The adverse effects that were reported relate to muscle symptoms, liver enzyme abnormalities, allergic, skin and gastrointestinal reactions...Uncertainties related to safety issues also exist when it comes to the composition of these products; some may also contain monacolins other than monacolin K, which may also influence the lipid profile. These supplements may also contain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, pigments, minerals, plant sterols and citrinin. The precise content of the supplements is generally not labelled; methods to measure the composition are insufficiently standardized; the absence of mycotoxins such as citrinin should be measured with great precision."
Even when the labels are correct, we have to be cautious about taking supplements. There is nothing "natural" about supplements. Our bodies evolved to process foods, not isolated and concentrated ingredients. We, and our microbiomes, can extract what we need and handle the limited amounts of toxins that occur naturally. The internet is full of sites like "Life Extension" and daytime TV is full of shows like "Dr Oz" that promote supplements while playing fast and loose with medical evidence. They spin research to make it sound scientific, but it is usually fake medical news.
Snuffy Myers swears by resveratrol
Dr. Bob does too.
Tell us that he is not solely relying on supplements as a treatment option for prostate cancer. Does he have a urologist or oncologist treating him? Best to get aggressive treatment and not allow this disease a head start.
tall allen – said -- "Doctor Snuffy Myers and Dr. Bob's opinion is no better than yours – both lack the level of evidence necessary to make an informed judgment".
According to tall allen, the DOCTORS “lack the level of evidence [that tall allen has] necessary to make an informed judgment”. According to tall allen, tall allen is more qualified to determine these things than the Doctors are.
I disagree with tall allen – tall allen is not a doctor - can not legally prescribe treatment – and should not be telling others to follow tall allen’s advise over Doctor Snuffy Myers and Dr. Bob.
I’m sure the renowned, famous and highly esteemed, Doctor Snuffy Myers and Doctor Bob who each have 30 years experience and have treated thousands of patients in their practices, know a lot more about this than tall allen does.
I'm going to trust the doctor’s opinion, research and experience over tall allen’s on this one.
I know all the FDA approved pharmaceuticals @ $1000 per shot are all good and perfectly safe when taken as prescribed BUT - We’ve had 5 oncology doctors specializing in prostate cancer (2 with M D Anderson) tell us that ADT (the mainstay, cornerstone drug after 50 years and billions of donated dollars given to big pharma) does not extend life – makes the cancer more virulent (usually within 2 years) and has been shown to increase chances of heart disease, bone loss and irreversible dementia.
But tall allen’s worry is about the potentially awful side effects of vitamin C, grape seed extract, curcumin or lycopene supplementation, and, whether you are getting the right amount for optimal therapeutic benefit and that the supplement company will make money off of people --- just like the pharmaceutical companies do.. And like ADT and all other pharmaceuticals, – each supplement may not be a stand alone cure or work either.
Anticancer and Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of Grape Seed Extract and Other Grape-Based Products
"In 2011, a study conducted by Subash D. Gupta, Ph.D., and his colleagues at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences revealed that resveratrol — a compound found in red grapes, wine, peanuts, plums, and other plants — can sensitize tumor cells to chemotherapy. (1)
In the study, resveratrol was found to act on cell-signaling molecules in the tumor’s resistance process to make the cancer more sensitive to chemotherapy drugs. (1) Resveratrol was shown to overcome this resistance in a number of different ways: It influenced how the cancer cells grew, communicated with each other, destroyed themselves, and infiltrated healthy cells, among other mechanisms. (1) In the lab, the researchers tested resveratrol on a long list of different types of cancers, including lung, leukemia, myeloma, prostate, oral, and pancreatic cancers. They showed that resveratrol helped make each type of these cells more receptive to chemotherapy. (1)
turmeric, (curcuma longa)
"We are certainly not alone in our views on this antioxidant and powerful anti-inflammatory agent.
Professor Bharat Aggarwal Ph. D. in MD Anderson´s Department of Therapeutics has conducted a large number of studies, for example showing that in pancreatic cancer with patients having no chemotherapy, it reduced tumour size on its own. He believes it is effective against many types of cancer because it suppresses angiogenesis (the growth of blood vessels essential to a tumour).
Indeed he goes further: "No cancer has been found, to my knowledge, which is not affected by curcumin," Aggarwal says. "The reason curcumin is so effective against cancer is that it hits not just a single target or cell signalling pathway but dozens of targets implicated in cancer."
Curcumin is known to stop inflammation, a precursor to cancer. And it has been shown to play a part in glucose metabolism high blood glucose is linked to cancer risk. "
Effects of lycopene supplementation in patients with localized prostate cancer;
"subjects in the intervention group had smaller tumors (80% vs 45%, less than 4 ml), less involvement of surgical margins and/or extra-prostatic tissues with cancer (73% vs 18%, organ-confined disease), and less diffuse involvement of the prostate by high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (33% vs 0%, focal involvement) compared with subjects in the control group."
Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version
Three clinical studies have examined the effect of interventions with pomegranate products on changes in PSADT in patients with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer who had a rising PSA after surgery or radiation therapy for presumed localized cancer. The first study was a single-arm trial of 48 patients who drank 8 ounces (570 mg/d total polyphenol gallic acid equivalents) of PJ for up to 33 months. PSADT rose from a mean of 15 months (±11 months) at baseline to a mean of 54 months (±102 months, P < .001) on treatment (with a twofold increase in median PSADT from 11.8 to 24 months, P = .029).[19]
Good to hear that. There's a 2017 study, I believe at University Of Kentucky, where over 100 phytotherapy combos were tested for their ability to stop prostate cancer cells from utilizing glutamine, their backup fuel supply to glucose.
The study showed that of the many combos, Curcumin/Ursolic Acid was found to be the best for this, followed by Resveratrol/Ursolic Acid.
Make sure you're using top-grade curcumin, not just 95% curcuminoids because very little of it will be absorbed and made bioavailable. Try brands like Curcuwin, Longvida, or BCM-95, all of which have been formulated for very high absorption and bioavalability.
May want to consider Quercetin as well. It's the other powerhouse flavonoid for this discussion.