Have been on Zitiga and Prednisone since October-(and Lupron for 11 years)-for a couple of months no real side effects but then the fatique hit in December-had to stop playing tennis--get so tired I just sit and read--- the drug is working Psa from 13 to 0.14---my GP says too bad you are old (85)--oncologist says drink red bull--Admit coffee does help--but I've become a couch potato --- I know exercise should help and I try---------does anyone have any suggestions that helped them??
extreme fatique: Have been on Zitiga... - Advanced Prostate...
extreme fatique

I used to “hit the wall” when I was on Zytiga. Allow yourself to rest, and eat well. It went in cycles for me.
Mayo study showed ginseng helps fatigue. I have used, helps.
I was on Zytiga for almost 3 years. I always took it at bedtime & didn't have much fatigue while awake. Now I'm on Xtandi, which is another story. I take it at bedtime, but when I was on 4 softgels, it just knocked me over after lunch, & I had to take a big nap. When I went down to 3 softgels, I became a little more functional, but I still really feel the strong fatigue, pretty much all the time. I have no idea whether Xtandi did me less good than if I'd been on 4 softgels. They've discovered what is apparently my first visceral (soft tissue) metastasis, & my wife & I have to cut short our Thailand/Vietnam trip, to deal with this at our Kaiser Hospital. I'll probably be moving on to chemo. In any case, I'm glad to read here about ginseng & will try that as soon as I can get some.
I’ll blurt this out. 85! You are amazing! You could try a leasurely walk to start. Someone to join would be even better or walk a dog. ?motivation??? At least it helps me to get nudged. Left to my own I’d probably wouldn’t do much either. It s tough ..I saw Jack Lalane as an super senior , he must have been 80 and was still showing people his secrets. What he said is it doesn’t mater what you do just keep moving .So there he was with his 30year younger blonde at his side just shaking and movin. I suggest putting on some of your favorite music and get up and move to it. There are routines for a chair only If it’s not fun or enjoyable it’s hard to self motivate..Drink that coffee walk around the block or as far you wish. My mother is 90 ,she still lives alone by choice ,drives, and is self sufficient .Shes never exercised and lived the most voluntary sedentary lifestyle of any one I’ve ever met .She was thrown into a catholic orphanage during the Great Depression with thousands of other children that could not feed their children The nuns taught her well .Shes my angel still
Looking out for me.. Your spirit is strong I’m 56 and fighting letheragy at times .If I stay inactive at my Age I’d be done quickly .If I’m not in horrible shape down the road I wouldn’t mind seeing 70. That’s my goal . Good luck to you Sir.
Hello milto27xabc,
Fatigue is horrible to deal with during this journey. Those “bully cells” are robbing your healthy cells of oxygen.
Do your best to get out into the sunshine, close to the and trees, water, especially after the rain. (Negatively charged ions are highest in the environment).
Do your best to deep breathe, and move your limbs, even while sitting or lying in bed. Push your lower abdominal muscles out as you breathe in and pull those muscles in as you breathe out. ( Pushes the diaphragm down and up respectively, to accommodate O2 and expell CO2) Relax your shoulder muscles during the process. I found placing your hands over the lower abdomen gives some control during the exercise.
Get to bed early, so the body can rest and repair itself.( Check up on the Circadian Rhythm)
Don’t eat after 6 Pm or the body systems will have to work overnight to digest food and thus will rob you of your vitality.
I have been adding chlorella, spirulina, and barley green to my husbands smoothies. ( Spinach, kale, celery, apple, banana, pear, pineapple and almond milk).
Matcha tea has also been helping him.
I have added Colodial Silver to his regimen today.
Remember emotional and mental stress (companions of this horrible disease) depletes the body of it’s vital force.
Keep a positive attitude (not always easy or possible... but do try).
My husband and I have been learning to live and experience each moment of our pleasure and pain....best wishes!