Metformin reverses prostate cancer re... - Advanced Prostate...

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Metformin reverses prostate cancer resistance to enzalutamide?

34 Replies

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Of course what do I know?

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34 Replies
gusgold profile image

old news.....what we need is a study showing how long metformin can prevent resistance

in reply to gusgold

Sorry to offend you gusgold. Ever stop to think not everyone has a photographic mind like yours? Do me a favor, in the future ignore my posts. After all, I'm not a genius like you.

ronton2 profile image
ronton2 in reply to gusgold

I was not aware of this either, Nameless, though I am aware of Metaformin as a possible aid in treatment.

Break60 profile image
Break60 in reply to gusgold

Who cares? It’s worked for me!

Not old news to me. Thanks for the post!

in reply to

Your welcome.

Apollo123 profile image
Apollo123 in reply to

It was new news to me. Thank you for the info it’s important to repost as new followers such as myself can learn new things. Thanks nameless I appreciate all your posts. 👍

Ssiddy profile image

It always helps to repost stuff because you have new people coming to the forum who are seeing something for the first time. My dad is on enzalutamide now so this is relevant for me. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to post information and to comment.

Ssiddy profile image

Can someone clarify for me. Does this mean you should be taking metformin from the start of treatment with enzalutamide, or can you start once enzalutamide is showing signs that it is no longer working as welll?

pjoshea13 profile image
pjoshea13 in reply to Ssiddy

Dr. Myers has said that the benefit of Metformin increases with duration. There is certainly no reason to delay use.

Note that the study used PCa cells & mice - not men.

The study title is:

"Metformin reverses prostate cancer resistance ..."

which certainly suggests that resistance was allowed to develop before Metformin was introduced - but the full text is a bit muddy IMO. There are 40 places where "inhibit" was used.


in reply to pjoshea13

Thank you Patrick, I think you may have cleared this up a bit.

Of course what do I know?

charmander profile image

Thanks for the post and I agree with sdiddy its always helpful. Here is my question for my onc doc tomorrow: since I've already done xtandi and completed 6 docataxels (which reduced psa from 32 to 10 but allowed lymph nodes to become involved) could this be something to try? or am I already past this combo?

Break60 profile image

Thanks for the info. I’ve been on metformin since 2015 . Never exactly knew why but I trusted my great RO’s advice; after all he’s the expert not me.


Dan59 profile image

Thanks for posting Sarge, encourage me to actually take the metformin in my medicine case, in hopes of a rechallenge with xtandi.


JeffLikesBikes profile image

Thanks for this info Nameless. My first post on this site. Diagnosed Nov 2016, PSA 77...Gleason 9. Began Eligard Nov 2016 PSA dropped to less than 1.0, Docetaxil Jan 2017, Complications led to a Hartman's Resection (removal of 12 in. of colon due to serious infection) Feb 2017, Ostomy for 9 months, Eligard began failing May 2017, rose from 0.17 to 1.9 by Aug. Xtandi began Aug 2017 and PSA dropped to 0.12 but in Sept 2017, it began to slowly rise again, rwaching 1.1 by Dec. In British Columbia, cancer services are administered by the BC Cancer Agency. My Med Onc is based in the regional centre of Victoria and I receive monthly monitoring through visits with another Med Onc at a BC Cancer Clinic at a nearby hospital. On my last visit there, the Med Onc suggested that a new treatnent plan will be initiated and may be Radium 223. I have a meeting at end of this this month (Jan 2018), with my Med Onc in Victoria, who actually does the prescribing. I will definitely bring up this treatment approach, during that meeting. Not sure I really want to consume radioactive material unless absolutely necessary. Thanks again!

in reply to JeffLikesBikes

Glad that I could be of some sort of help.

ronnie1943 profile image
ronnie1943 in reply to

Hi nameless9999, I'm only a month or so into this group myself. I so appreciate all the information I can get. I'm not very good at this technology stuff, so forgive the mistakes. I'm going to ask my husbands oncologist about this Metformin our next appointment.

My husband started at age sixty five withPC cancer, he is now seventy four. Long journey, many bumps in the road. Always like all of us here looking for some help.

Thank you so much for the post.

Sincerely, Lynn

in reply to ronnie1943

Anything to help Lynn. This is the reason we are here, to share new information and rehash old.

ronnie1943 profile image
ronnie1943 in reply to ronnie1943

Thanks again!!! my husband went for almost ten years on hormone shots and casodex, after having a large tumor removed from his left that time his PSA was 483.00 the treatment quit working put on Zytiga,, next Xtandi neither worked. This past year the cancer came back . Tumor grew up from the prostrate and blocked his kidney tubes, bags for six months , five weeks radiation almost eight months chemo, now they found a cancerous lymph node, being operated on this Friday the 19th sorry for the long post, I'm a nervous wreck. I so appreciate your kind words and for posting the information about the Metformin. Can't wait until they remove the lymph node this Friday coming up and we go to see Sam's oncologist so I can ask her to put perscribing metiformin.

Thanks again!! Lynn

in reply to ronnie1943


Just remember, we will all be with you. You may not see us but we will be there supporting the both of you. I marked the 19th on my calendar so I will be sure to summon the spirits of my tribal ancestors to your side. (I'm half Shoshoni). Please don't be so nervous, it makes me sad. The both of you are loved here and always will be.

ronnie1943 profile image
ronnie1943 in reply to

thank you,they were the kindness words!! I needed that!! 😊 I believe in the power of spirits and prayer.I will let you know probably not until after the 25th the results of the biopsy. and what the new course of treatment will be? The waiting is the worst😪 Thank you again!!

Sincerely, Lynn

ronnie1943 profile image
ronnie1943 in reply to

Hi, Judt wondering did you say you had any cancerous lymph nodes remove and if so, after the operation were drains put in?? I forgot to,ask the surgeon that question the other day and my husband goes in this Friday the 19th, I'm still climbing the walls. 😪

ronnie1943 profile image
ronnie1943 in reply to ronnie1943

Oh, I meant to write the word just wondering.

ronnie1943 profile image
ronnie1943 in reply to

Don't forget us tomorrow, send the spirit. Sam's surgery is scheduled for three thirty to remove the largest of the lymph nodes I forgot to mention to you I live in Pa, now but I was raised in Minnesota,land of ten thousands lakes would visit Minnetonka in the summer, my Dad had a cabin. I know that tanka stands for " "great water"

Thank you!! Lynn

in reply to ronnie1943

It's on my calender Lynn. Only 1,000 of us are left who speak our native language. We will draw the spirits. It will be fine.

ronnie1943 profile image
ronnie1943 in reply to

Thank you so much!!

Bless you!!!


Mrkharn profile image

I can't get the doctors to agree to prescribe Metformin to add to my supplements. Basically, if I am not prone to diabetes, they don't want to get involved in supplementing my supplements. (Hey Gusgold, back off of Nameless9999). : )


SusanHorizons profile image
SusanHorizons in reply to Mrkharn

We took in a few research studies when we met with our GP (not the oncologists!), and he had also heard good things about metformin, so his comment was ‘I could get in trouble for this since you’re not pre-diabetic’ but he did prescribe it, and hubby started slowly but gradually increasing to 500 mg twice a day. No downside and hopefully having a good effect! Good luck!

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Mrkharn

I take Berberine. Here are some links:

My best to you

Fight On - Randy

Drcrunch profile image
Drcrunch in reply to dockam

What quantity of Berberine do you take. Silmilar mechanism as metformin

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to Drcrunch

I have a 900mg Berberine from aSquared Nutrition that I got from and I take it twice/day

in reply to dockam

May I asked how long you have been taking 900mg Berberine twice daily and have you seen any effects via blood work, etc?

Thank you.

dockam profile image
dockam in reply to

Hey, I just started this supplement and my PSA has been ticking up from 0.1 to 0.2 two months ago, and to 0.5 last month. Last Lupron was 03/31/17 and MedOnc agreed to allow the T to rise and hopefully not go castrate resistant. I'll post at the end of the month what that PSA is. Thank you for all of your contributions to this forum

It's just the way Gus is, he means no harm.

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