I'm one month shy of being cancer free for 3 years.
Prostate cancer: I'm one month shy of... - Advanced Prostate...
Prostate cancer

Happy to hear this news🙏
Guess that puts you 2 years and 10 months ahead of me. Told I was in remission last week. Battle won, but the war goes on. Stage 4, Gleason 9/10. PSA now 0.118.
Shooter1–Please see my bio about my dad. This gives me such tremendous hope. Thank you for sharing and I wish you many many many years of health.
Papaphil-God bless and May you always stay cancer free.
God bless you both with the rest of your lives being free from cancer.
You rock friend!
Great news Papa what was the course of your treatments, and what stage were you G Eason etc.
Congrats and god bless you. I'm hoping for similar news for my husband one day. I thought this disease was chronic so I'd like to ask a question; when you are diagnosed with Prostate cancer stage 4, outside the prostate, gleason 4+3 (7), I was told it is a chronic disease. Is this true? I am confused when I read 'remission' Can remission be attained when your PSA is at a certain number? Looking for some help here so I can understand some of the postings.

I too had GS 4+3 (7) PSA 95. CT and BS did not pickup any mets but 6 urologists (all knife men) said surgery was out of the question because of PSA level and that I had to have micro metastases. So I went with ERBT and seeds. Was in "remission" for 14 years then PSA started climbing again. Now an additional 7 years later still here fighting PC. Expect to be around for quite a bit more.
Thank you for your response. You are truly blessed and certainly one of the lucky ones
Hey cloc.... chronic it is . Also terminal. Meaning no known cure, REMission is a Big word, one that id prefer not to use, maybe after 20yrs . The nature of apc is to lay in waitif we ar3 so lucky t9 go into that state with treatments then we canntake nothing for granted for the rest of our shortened lifes in most cases. Wr cant dwell on this negstive thinking about months and maybe years. Live for now. Love each other . We are all on a similar path. There is hope for him as there was little optimism for my living long, the love from my wife is worth staying around foe. Even with suffeting as we all do . With a loving parner all is worth it. I knew when they told me #4 , that death is stage five. That doesnt mean that with effort and support w3 cant live for untold years. What im learning after 3yrs with apc is what women already know. Hormones or the lack of hormones control our very existence.. cant fight self or against the tide of no male hormone. Got to go with the flow. Accept paddle and kerp stroking. This is life . Its hardest at the start..We’ve all been there. It can be brutal for the spuose. It was far from easy giving up the ego. I fought self and the world for almost my entire time. Didnt want to accept mt lot. Bewilderment, anger, fear, lonliness , i ve gone thru it all . Not easily for my bride marrying me with a foley and tubes out of mt back .. Im in a much better place. He will be too with time ,luck, and your love.. 5hat what it boils down to. . Take care of yourself so that you can be stronger for him. He will depend on your strength. Love will cure his spirit, APC feeds on negative emotions.. At first it overwheming with bad mojo in every direction. Youre on a path to heal now.. many prayers🙏
This is great news! Had your cancer spread out of your prostate?
You got this!! Keep on truckin!
Papaphil, keep rolling!