Hi everyone.
We came back from a long day in hospital about one hour ago.
We are very tired. But the third Carbo Platin infusion went well and the news are only good: The liver markers AST and ALT are both going back down into their normal range. They go a little bit up and a little bit down all the time, but over all they are moving towards their normal range. The doctor is happy with the result so far. We will have three more cycles to go.
Paul is doing okay. The second cycle went without any major difficulties. Side-effects were manageable - tiredness and exhaustion. No nausea, no lack of appetite, and he even put on a little weight.
I am doing okay as well. Last week I went for a massage and I have also downloaded some fitness and yoga courses that I can easily do at home. The website where I found them is blindalive.com. The exercises are designed for people with vision impairment, like myself, but they are good for everyone, and the audio description is great, you can play them from a phone or computer. I am also using an ap called Headspace, a meditation ap which sends you short guided meditations daily to help you pause and feel yourself when you have been very busy or distracted and haven't paid much attention to yourself. All good stuff to support me and therefore both of us on this journey.
Best wishes from us to everyone!
Mel and Paul.