Hubby's PSA is under 1: One month post... - Advanced Prostate...

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Hubby's PSA is under 1

CantChoose profile image
13 Replies

One month post chemo, he's at 0.9, down from 3.6 last month. AP is finally also within normal range.

I know it's not forever, but I'm so pleased to finally see it dip below one. Hope it keeps falling.

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CantChoose profile image
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13 Replies
Loves2golf profile image

So happy for you! My husband and I are on this journey, too. Did you go through at lot of other treatments before chemo? My husband is currently on Zytiga and Lupron, but his PSA is ticking up. Chemo may be next, although he says he does't want to go through it.

CantChoose profile image
CantChoose in reply to Loves2golf

My husband chose chemo first. He was diagnosed end of March, so this is the first-line for him (other than Lupron/Casodex).

Chemo has a few bad days, but now it's over and hopefully he'll have a year or more without meds and side effects.

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to CantChoose

Great news. I also have "extensive bone mets". Straight to Xtandi after chemo and psa is now 0.1 Most do Zytiga after chemo. There are other options also. My AP is back to normal after chemo (2 years ago). Since your husband already has many bone mets, I assume he his already taking Xgeva or Zometa. Sorry, thinking meds and side effects are your new normal. Wishing you the best of luck. Enjoy.

CantChoose profile image
CantChoose in reply to monte1111

He's not doing Xgeva - - the doctor said she didn't want to start it yet because he is relatively young and bones are strong. She also doesn't want to go right to a next gen androgen blockage, but give the cancer time to rebound. I know doctors have different opinions on this so it makes me nervous, but we're going with her recommendation. 0.1 is so awesome!!!!

When I started chemo my PSA was 850. After 6 courses it dropped to 0.6. It took a year for my PSA to bottom out at 0.03. It stayed at 0.03 for 3 years.

AlanMeyer profile image
AlanMeyer in reply to

What a fabulous response to chemo!


in reply to AlanMeyer

I rode a favorable Casodex withdrawal for two years. I recently started zytiga, (PSA climbed to 1.7). When it fails I plan trying doxetaxel again. Ended up with a five year reprieve before starting second line treatment, (zytiga).

Cheerr profile image
Cheerr in reply to

Excellent response!

Did you take any other medication During the 3 year period post chemo?

in reply to Cheerr

Just Eligard and Casodex.

CantChoose profile image
CantChoose in reply to

I love this. Hope he is so lucky.

in reply to CantChoose

I should have added that since diagnoses, I have adapted a mainly Mediterranean diet and exercise daily. My oncologist continuously tells me that she wishes she could put exercise in a pill. Last comment, I have always done exactly what she tells me to do. She has guided me through 5 years of cancer care and she estimates based on previous patients she has treated, I have at least 5 more years of quality life ahead of me. I will take 10 years considering I was nearly dead. Good luck.

Collarpurple profile image

So happy for you guys🙏 Hope it’s keeps going down, it’s been a rough road for you guys


j-o-h-n profile image

I CantChoose whether to say Oorah or Yippee.... so I'll just say them both 'OORAH and YIPPEE'

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 11/20/2019 6:50 PM EST

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