Hi folks,firstly hope every one on this lovely friendly forum doing fine👍just finished my 36 sessions of Radiothereapy to the prostate Bed?hoping it has some effect?current PSA before Radiothereapy was 0.13 before I started Hormone injections had my 5th hormone injection one left July 9th?thas all aim allowed my Onc said?How long after Radiothereapy should I be looking for PSA reading?from what I understand PSA jumps after having Radiothereapy?any advice would be appreciated folks?
Finished Radiotherapy : Hi folks... - Advanced Prostate...
Finished Radiotherapy

Hi Nuray
Hope it goes well for you my PSA before RT was .7 and after 33 sessions it was 2.1 so mine had tripled I saw my Oncologist 6 weeks after my RT had finished the only positive thing for mine is my PSA has gone from doubling every 4 weeks to going up .7 back at the end of May to 2.8 so it has slowed a little.
Good luck
Hurrah for nuray! Congrats on finishing. Just heading to session # 2.
I believe psa can rise but I'll leave to others to respond.
How did you handle the treatment? Would appreciate a play-by-play describing what it was like as you went through treatments.
All the best

Hi hankm,pretty simple really most importantly having a full bladder and your bowls empty treatment it self only takes 5 mins or so?try not to eat to much Mornings and stay away from spicy food and Romany veg?other you have to much gas bloating ect👍

Each of us is different. Diet and spicy food not a major issue. I did limit gaseous vegetables to earlier in the day, but still ended up taking Metamucil every other day. I believe drinking 48 - 64 ounces of water (including 32 ounces right before treatment) made a big difference. Wishing you an easy course of treatment.
Thanks garrunner. Today's treatment delayed because bladder was a little low although drank same amt 30 oz as yesterday. Dr had to give the ok. So from now on I will do the night before as you did. My bladder and continence is a precious thing that one comes to dearly appreciate after experiencing the alternative after rp.
All the best
Thanks nuray!
All the best,
I did the same 11/2 yrs ago ..It's working . For the past yr I'm clear . Don't nessasarily think that Your Psa needs to go up anytime soon . with luck and taking good care of ourself we can push back and survive as we keep in mind that we are fighting for our life's. I've experienced mainly fatigue and mood issues..Still holding on to some anger.. If you can accept and avoid negativity you will be ahead of the game..Running with APC is not a sprint but a marathon..You can do it..There isn't much of a choice..

Thank you lulu mate,we have to treasure what we have 🙏👍
Since I was on ADT while having RT it's not possible to say what impact RT itself had on PSA reading. The important thing is what happens to PSA after you stop ADT. Then you find out if RT was successful. In my case it was successful both times.but I had recurrence in another part of my anatomy which had not been radiated. So it becomes a question of zapping it ( if you can based on where it occurs) as you find it with scans.
RT itself is painless but it takes a toll on your system for awhile as your body fights to recover from the assault. Fatigue is the most common reaction towards the latter part of the process. And you may suffer from indigestion, rectal bleeding etc. for a time.
Cheers bob,nice to know what's ahead👍hope your PSA stays Undetected mate 🤞
I'm not sure psa is undetectable yet since I restarted ADT a month ago and it's too early to get a PSA test. I was pointing out that no cancer had been detected in prostate bed and lymph nodes which had been radiated in 2014 and 2015 respectively. But thanks for the good wishes😰!
I had radiotherapy 2.5 years after a PSA rise to 0.183 after a prior RP. I chose to skip ADT and go it alone with radiotherapy. I had my PSA tested 3 months after last radiatiion treatment. 9 months out undetectable at <0.1 due for my next ultrasensitive PSA test next week. My first PSA test was ultrasensitive of 0.06, Dr screwed up and wrote an order for a standard PSA test at 6 months that came back undetectable at <0.1. Good luck! Will say a prayer for you brother!