i suffer from depression and it has increased as my cancer has progressed . recently i read in a book called " The Psychedelic Explorers's Guide " by James Fadiman,. in the book it indicates that folks who have cancer, often have problems with depression and that micro dose of LSD enhances mood improvement. this is just one of many improvements that it makes, i do not want to diminish his contribution. my question is this , has any members of our group tried this and what was the outcome?
depression: i suffer from depression... - Advanced Prostate...

I hope you get a response from someone that had taken a hit so then you would know, unfortunately probably not. There has been many claims about acid that people believe, and it may help with your depression, but so may weed, but then again, will they crack down on use of that for medical purposes. Both may improve your mood for a while, but the lasting affect maybe what you seek, good luck!
Hi Joe,
Like Don, I hope you get an answer from someone in your situation who has tried it. My thoughts about the possibility that you would find it beneficial are more positive than Don's. Did Fadiman convince you that folks with cancer & depression have found that a microdose of LSD helped them, either in a controlled experiment or a less formal setting? Did he advise trying it for the first time with a support person (partner, friend, healer, etc.) present? It seems to me that it would be a good idea--someone to share your good experience, or help you through if it wasn't so good. Does Fadiman say the mood enhancement is only until the acid wears off, or is there a continuing benefit, perhaps after a few experiences?
Are you in a cancer support group? If there's one where you live, you might well find it worthwhile.
If you're in a legal medical &/or recreational marijuana state, that's well worth considering. Medical marijuana dispensary staff members, at least in my experience, are very knowledgeable about what strain of marijuana, or what product, might be best for you. In my extensive experience, marijuana improves my mood, no matter what mood I'm in. It makes me more social & fun-loving. It makes the music sound more entrancing, or whatever you're reading more enjoyable. I don't suffer from clinical depression, but marijuana has helped me through depressing experiences & stressful times. I generally limit it to evening use.
Good luck! If you could report to us on what you try & whether it helps, I'm sure I'm far from the only one who would be very interested!
Sage advice. Thanks!

You're welcome, Lulu. Thanks for the kind compliment!
I tried Orange Sunshine and Purple Microdot, but that was a long time ago, when I was in my experimental period. I would still like to try Peyote bud, a natural substance, or maybe, magic mushrooms. Ah, the seventies.
But truth be told, I think some pot would help tremendously. And, if you have met pain, it helps with that too. My primary doc put me on Cymbalta for the severe headaches I was getting. Apparently these were from stress, and this med put that to rest pretty quickly.
Peace, Joe
I tried those things in the 70' s also. Do too much and you could have a bad time.Done properly you will for sure have at least a unforgettable 6 hrs and possibly reach some higher intuition .Thanks Joe!

I tried (synthetic) mescaline 3 times in the late '60s/early '70s. They were highly enjoyable, & as you say, unforgettable. You do have a bit of nausea after 1 hour that passes quickly, & then you're ready for fun!
You may have hallucinations that you know are hallucinations, & they're wonderfully trippy. Like the time we were on the beach in Santa Barbara, CA, & I looked out at the oil rigs they had then, except they were beautiful clipper ships!
I was always with someone, & she had a great time too. Once there was 1 other person, who just smoked weed & had fun with us. Once there were more people smoking weed & having fun with us. We weren't really looking for higher intuitions, but I know some people have them.
I tried LSD a few times back in the 1960s. It was more than a microdose, so I don't know that my experience is like what you'd get with a microdose.
My overall impression of the drug was negative. It caused visual hallucinations that I knew were hallucinations but I couldn't turn them off. For example, walls appeared bowed out instead of flat, carpets appeared to be moving, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling appeared to hang at an angle instead of straight down, as I knew it really was. Apparently, the mental mechanisms that we use to process sensory input were disrupted and the raw sense data appeared different. I liked marijuana a lot better.
My feeling is that depression is not something one easily conquers. It's a day at a time kind of thing. You beat it one day and it can be back the next. However, if you beat it one day you can beat it again and I do believe that each victory over depression makes you stronger against it in the future.
The things that work best for me are, first, take an interest in other people. Many of our friends and family are meaningful to us. Good things that happen to them can make us happy. When we die, they'll still be here, still living, still remembering us. We die but life does go on and is still meaningful in the large scheme of things.
Another thing that helped me was to go outside and look at the world - the earth, the sky, the stars, the buildings and roads and achievements of people. To have been able to see all that, to have been a part of it, seems like a wonderful thing even if it's not permanent.
As I get older I think I get more used to the idea that I'm going to die. I wish it weren't so, but that's the way it is and I don't want the fear of death to turn into a fear of life. The worst thing is the poor guy who kills himself because he's afraid to die. It seems like the exact wrong thing to do.
Best of luck.
Alan , you are right about that.The person who actually follows thru with suicide is in my opinion a person that could have got professional help.Suicidal thoughts , for those that have them can be very strong indeed. I also did some big doses .I believe in the micro use of LSD. also shrooms and some other Amazonian drugs that I've done since my diagnosis and treatments that have helped me out of some dark days and thoughts ..All of these things are not for everybody But I ve known several people personally that have "C"
And have greatly benifited from the ayahuasca in particular. Of course you must have an open mind to all of it if you wish success.The natives that have used these plants for eons don't have much stress or "C". I'm not selling these things Rather just sharing my personal experience. Thanks ! As always for you informed perspectives..

Great observations, Lulu. You nailed it about having an open mind so you can succeed. If you're uptight or fearful, you're in the wrong frame of mind to have a positive experience. If you think it's gonna be cool, it will be.
Yes, very true..a clear conscience on the way in is beneficial to any process.
Good answer, Alan. I love to see the world with a camera, especially when we travel or get together with our kids & grandkids. It's actually increased my eye for visual beauty and for spotting interesting subjects. Good photos preserve the moments--both what you saw & captured, & the experiences you were having.
In this digital age, you can photoedit by yourself at your computer. This is a further way to enjoy your photos, & to enjoy your creative, artistic side. You can crop and enhance photos so they look their best. Then you can share your best photos, on a website or just by email for a small number of photos.
The cameras on the new I-phones are amazing! Unthinkable quality even just a few years back.
Speaking of photographs, I think that they can be a way to preserve images of ourselves and our activities to hand down through our families. I find it very interesting to look at old photos from family that I remember as a child, and some even who died before I ever got to meet them.
If you take photos for the purpose of leaving them for others I think there are some important things to do to enhance their value.
One is to separate out family photos from photos of flowers or beaches or mountains. For digital photos, I often do that by naming the file, for example: "2012_Marcia_Alan_RockyMountains.jpg" rather than P12376423.JPG. It enables people to search through big piles of images quickly, getting the subject, year, and location immediately.
Another useful technique is to scan old paper photos. It makes it easy to give copies to multiple family members, and to preserve them.
must have gotten posted here by mistake , it is not appropriate for the problem described
I guess I started the subject of photography, Joe. We're sort of thinking out loud about things that might fight depression. Sorry if we've gone too far from what you wanted.
Sorry for the digression.
Neal was suggesting something that was on topic but I got sidetracked.
I think Neal's idea about having an outside interest, a hobby, is one that will help some people with depression. It may help connecting you with family, with other people, with the environment, with a tradition, or with some inner goals of things you want to achieve before you go.
I think a key problem in depression is withdrawal inside yourself. I did that when I was depressed. I couldn't think about anything except how bad I felt and how nobody else could know what I was going through. I felt different from everyone else. They had a life. I only had a death. They could plan for the future. I hated the future.
I think that overcoming those feelings is a major key to overcoming depression. Anything that helps you connect to the rest of the world might be something to try. Different things work for different people. If you look for it, you may find something that works for you.
Best of luck.
the author is talking about MICRO dose, that is 1/10 reg. hit
Probably just makes you feel good at a micro-dose..I don't see the down side.You won't trip hard on that,and if you don't like it "Nothig ventured nothing gained! You tried..and who knows? You might really like it.. good luck!
The problem I see with LSD is the regular dose is already micrograms to begin with. And the problem with buying anything that is "black market" is that there is no quality control so who knows what or how much you are getting. Besides that, the outcome is also unpredictable. It's too much of a crap shoot.
I am an advocate for medical marijuana and a user myself. I can speak from experience. I grew my own and mainly use it for depression although it also helps with pain and in my opinion, is the best med there is for sleep. I like the 50/50 hybrids that have the head effects of the sativa to start off with, then the indica body part kicks in later and by bedtime, you are very relaxed and ready for a good night's sleep. Getting a good night's sleep is important when it comes to mental health.
Well, that's my 2 cents. Good luck with your treatment and I hope you find the best solution.

A valuable answer, Gregg. For psychedelic drugs, you need a supplier you really trust. Nowadays, a good cannabis dispensary has excellent quality & safety controls. I have no idea whether anything like that exists in the world of psychedelics, but I imagine there are responsible suppliers.
I also find marijuana invaluable for sleep, & believe that a good night's sleep is necessary for physical & mental health, including one's cancer fight. Ever since I found out I had micrometastases to pelvic lymph nodes at the time of my RP, my subconscious has thoughts that interfere with going to sleep. I need a trazodone, a "smoke," & music from my iPad going through headphones or Sleepphones. For getting back to sleep, or for a nap, I just need music.
I too had mets in 2 lymph nodes and a bad 1st diagnosis..2yrsback .It 's Tuff on your head to accept your lot and deal with it or even sleep at night..I can relate ..Tubes out of kidney for a yr. Pain and discomfort always . until recently I be need to pee about 6 x per night.-about every hour and 1/2.. enterupted slept never getting more than 2 hrs at a time. Now I'm better it's only 4-5 per night..I'm not good and don't like painkillers or downers at all.So M. M. Is helping me in many ways . I'm a believer.
True you never can be sure unless you know some one who is confident in the quality..That you can trust. M. M. Has my hope of healthy rewards.
What if you were to get drug tested Joe? After the doc drug tested Ellgie...They gave him a choice.....marijuana or your pain pills. I think they were both helping him.
Years ago I think I might have almost tried anything for depression. I lost way too many years in a dark hole
I would like to know if it would work.
Good wishes Joe.
Jackie, I think what the docs did with Ellgie is awful. I've been able to be open with my doctors about my marijuana use, without causing any problems with prescribing.
I'm very sorry to hear about your years in a dark hole. From what you write on this site, I would never have guessed. It certainly seems that you found a way to escape from that dark hole, & reach a place where you can be positive, loving & compassionate.
As you say, good wishes, Joe.
I guess it's PA government rules Neal. I think it's so wrong too. It also helped his nausea and I'm sure that's a part of losing the weight too. I'm so glad your docs are understandabLe and continue to help you.
I hid it by putting on a smile ..which I called my mask. I am so truly thankful to be where I am now Neal. I lived such depression, anxiety and awful fear of death from the age of 5 to 45. { Long line of Family history of mental illness} I tried every legal script, mixed scripts, tranquilizers, hormones, supplements, natural docs and nothing worked. That's why the micro LSD interested me. I awoke one day at 45 and that was it. It lifted. I had my life ♡ I still have a little here and there but so dealable compared to to the depth of what it was. I am so truly grateful and so truly blessed and I've always had so much love, compassion for anyone with or without fur suffering....maybe too much at times I'll tell you another shocker. I have pretty severe social anxiety. I'm working on that one too
I wish and hope and pray to not have that happen to me again or anyone. Even through all of those years, I've always appreciated my life ♡
Thank you for your very kind words and thoughts Neal.
Most sincere,
40 years! Ohhhh, Jackie! And then you just woke up one day & most of those conditions/symptoms were gone? Amazing. I'm so glad that you've always appreciated your life.
I do know what you mean about too much compassion at times. You have to take care to have enough compassion for yourself.
Is your social anxiety shyness? If so, I have a story for you. But I guess that might not be it.
I've always appreciated your warm personality on this site. It's a major contribution to all of us!
PA needs to be dragged into the 21st Century.
Most sincerely,
Yes Neal....I just felt stronger then I had ever felt. I heard Oprah say one day that women hit a certain age around 46 where they wake up one day LOL and they just lose all of their baggage. I'm not sure if that's what happened but it sure happened to me
The social anxiety.... I think it ties to painful life experiences with people. Do you have a large enough couch for me? Ba ha ha....get it....Physchiatrist lolol. You are all so kind here. It makes my heart smile. Such kind, compassionate, caring people.
I'd love to hear your story Neal!
I've lived a good life, mostly. I'm 75 years old, but I don't look, act or think like an old guy, so people think I'm younger.
I went through a divorce, with 2 young daughters. But I met a young woman who was a fellow attorney in a public law office. We got married & we have a son. The "girls" have always been in our lives. The "kids" are all happily married & we have 4 grandsons. We get along fine with my ex. Everyone's families party together.
I had a good career as an attorney for first my county, & then my state, in child abuse cases. For the county, it was intervening in cases of child abuse in the home. For the state, it was intervening in cases of child abuse in licensed day care or foster care. I did a lot of work on boards, committees, etc., of nonprofit child protection organizations, among other activities.
I haven't led a charmed life. Advanced prostate cancer. Spinal cord compression--having to learn to walk again, & many other issues. Bad knees. A sore ankle no 1 can fix. I used to play basketball a lot, & I miss it.
A divorce with 2 young daughters. The high cost of living here in the SF Bay Area.
But lots of good things. My wife & I love to go live / travel in Thailand & Southeast Asia. Their best weather, generally, is during winter at home. My wife & I love the hot weather, great food, great people, beautiful art, architecture & crafts.
I know what situational depression is like. But I only know from people like you, & things I've read, about what I suppose is clinical depression. I think it's very cool that you can grow out of it, so to speak. At least women can. Can men?
Such a beautiful description of your life Neal. I'm so glad you've had happiness, love, compassion, children and grandbabies and persevered through the tough times. Thank you so much for sharing with us. You had me at....You being an attorney for abused children in their homes. You see.....that's where.....it all started for me....abus at home....the depression. It's so admirable to protect children! I'm not sure you can grow out of it. ...it can rear it's ugly head at any time. I just hope it does not
I'm 52, I love Yellowstone, I was a school bus driver for grades pre-k to 12 th and handicapped and vocational school and trips for 20 years. I LOVE kind people. I love to save and love animals. I love to travel in the United States. I have an awesome Son who I raised alone. I married lg in 2011. We now porch sit and watch the wildlife.
I'm so glad you only know depression from others.
Be happy
Thank you, Jackie.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but I did guess what ruined your childhood.
What's inspiring in your beautiful story is the fine things you've done with your life, & the enjoyment & appreciation you have in your life.
You did a job for 20 years with very vulnerable kids. And you treated them with kindness, didn't you? I'm sure you know that too many people with jobs like that are mean & uncaring. The way you treated those kids was very important to them.
You raised a fine son yourself, treating him completely differently from how you were treated. That's a really HUGE accomplishment! Congrats!
Your life revolves around kindness to people & animals, & love of nature & wildlife. Plus traveling in our country, which contains many places of beauty & majesty. And of course you have lg to share love with, & you are kindly serving as his family PCa expert.
Were you loved & treated kindly by someone in your childhood? I always wonder why some abused kids turn out as well as you, & others have bad lives of every variety there is.
I didn't mention it last time, but my younger daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 8. It was difficult in a lot of ways, especially for her, but also for all who care for her. I'm happy to say that she's taken such good care of herself that she was able to give birth to a delightful son at the somewhat advanced age of 35. This required the consent of a perinatologist, who determined that she had what it took, & she sure did!
Enjoy your porch sitting, wildlife watching, grown son, husband & travel!
Wow Neal. ...that's incredibly awesome that your daughter healthily gave birth to a beautiful son! How precious to have them both so well under the circumstances So young to have such health issues to grow with and yes difficult..on so many levels for parents too. Is the diabetes hereditary? Was baby boy born with it? I hope they are both doing wonderful.
Our school bus was like an awesome tour bus We stopped and moooooed at cows, baaaahd at sheep, goats, stopped to sightsee any animal, detoured different roads to see wildlife, stopped for icecream, told many stories, taught many children the 50 states in alphabetical order by song, picked up puppies running down the road and kitties different times throughout the years, babysat many of them, drove their children, f took drinks in coolers in the heat for them and so much more. No bullying allowed. I so loved all of my children. A funny......the school had to separate my son off of my bus because he couldn't leave me and I couldn't leave him.....so he wouldn't go to school lol. From then on he road another bus
Wow, you already knew. .......Yes, I was loved so very much by my mom and step dad but she always protected my biological father and told us 3 children to never tell on him or he would go to jail and she continued to send us with him I only recently stopped taking his calls. There's always a guilt to not answer.
All true though. ...I'm a fairly well rounded, kind and loving human
who has lg carry spiders out of the home instead of killing them lol. I wish the best for you and your family too Neal. Thank you for your kindness.
I try to enjoy e every single second
Just realized that I'm not on pain meds, so I can't really speak to whether they have to drug test here in CA. If it's federal law, obviously they do.
Wow....no pain meds! That's awesome! Elgie couldn't walk if we even took one pill away. He's on 4 different meds for pain....sometimes 5. 6 if you count alcohol
I'm glad you don't need them.
Boy that's brutal..wow ..I have no complaints when I hear that. You must be strong ..Thanks'
Thanks. I am taking gabapentin (Neurontin) for central pain syndrome in my feet. That started with a prostate cancer tumor causing a spinal cord compression. I think of it more as a strange, unpleasant feeling than pain. I assume you're talking more about opiates?
I have a variety of non-cancer pains that I choose to take nothing for, unless you count that smoking marijuana is a good distraction.
I don't know what I'm going to do with serious cancer pain. As much as I'd like to avoid opiates, maybe there's no real alternative. I sure you know more about this than I do, since I haven't even looked into it, & you're married to a guy who's in that situation & trying to cope.
I have a grown daughter in her late 40s who has social anxieties. Occasionally manifesting as panic attacks, or borderline agoraphobia. It's a tough place to be. So many others just don't understand.
Do you mean to say that across the big lake they test for drug use, as a patient? That's an intrusion of your privacy. I get blood work every four weeks, with no drug testing involved. I can't get over that.

Yes Joe, they sure do. When you are on pain medication they drug test you.
That's right! It is the same here too. I had forgotten about it.

Jackie & Joe, are you talking about every time you take a PSA test, etc., or only when they're deciding whether to prescribe strong pain meds?
Neal, I had forgotten that if you are being prescribed opiods for your pain, you'll be tested for other "illegal" substances. If you have pot in your system they won't give you your meds.

Thanks Joe. That would explain why it hasn't been a problem for me so far. But it's a bad policy, & one that certainly won't improve while Jeff Sessions is AG.
When the doc prescribes pain meds. Random drug testing. 3 x's in the last 8 months.
That's total bullshit! And, these are people who probably go home at the end of the day and smoke up. It's pretty clear, in 2017, that pot has a lot of potential to ween people off of opioids. The states that have legalized weed have seen a dramatic drop in opioid deaths and overdoses. Now, if our governments would stop thinking like a bunch of old farts, we could actually do some good in our lifetimes.
Drs are again looking at possible benefits of LSD. One lady saw her "C " faced it and it went away .As recently as last year my wife and I did ayahuasca .It was a great experience and Yes! , It helped me kick my depression and morbid fear of death and suicidal thoughts that I had been having. .majic mushrooms are great for all the same reasons. You open up to a different reality and when our true reality is depressing and dismal these drugs can lift that fog .If done correctly with good supervision you can do some great healing to your soul , free your mind to help heal your body. My whole A. P. C. Experience has been stressful and at time overwhelming. I will try and benifit from these substances again.Good luck!

Wow, Lulu, just the kind of experience that might be really helpful for Joe. It's wonderful to hear about such a big success! As with Jackie, I'm really sorry about what you've had to go through.
All drugs can be good when used correctly or bad once abused.One good thing about these mind altering and in my opinion conscience raising drugs is that they can't be used often or daily but the experience can stay with you for your whole life.Get with some spiritual healing people to help you see a good impact..I recommend that you Google ayahuasca and you can find a ceremony. We did it over a yr ago, but we both still have the good loving feeling from our 1st time..We summer in co. And I might go to a ceremony close by this summer. Thank you for your response and good health to your man.

Man? Jackie's Ellgie?
So sorry!

No apology needed if you were referring to him.
In my opinion, the best mind altering and consciousness raising "trip" happens when you learn how to wake up during a vivid dream. It's completely natural and safe. Not easy to learn, but well worth the effort. Unlike drugs that distort reality, you can experience a perfectly real alternative reality in high resolution detail, real even down to the touch. You can analyze the details in real time and remember it like it happened when you were awake, none of the typical fuzzy memories. It's not really possible to describe, must be experienced to be believed, and even then you won't believe it.
How do I learn how to do that?
Stephen Laberge is the person who pioneered many of the methods that are commonly used for what is called "lucid dreaming". He has quite a few books on the subject. You can go on Amazon and find them. The best technique is called WILD or Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming. That's where you maintain consciousness and go straight into the dream world. It's also the most difficult method to learn. I've done this several times. I've watched a blurry two dimensional, black and white image suddenly snap into a 3 dimensional, color high definition world complete with people, buildings, etc. You can talk with the people (although they are often silent), touch everything and explore, making decisions and mentally comparing the reality to what you know in waking life while you are there. It's really the ultimate "trip" because you are not drugged, but fully functional mentally only in another world. I've even wondered what my body was doing in the bed while I was there in the other world. If you can remember your dreams when you wake up, that's a good starting point. The more vivid they are, the better the experience will be.
Unfortunately, frequent marijuana use messes up your dreams and will make this pretty much impossible. But if you need MM for pain, that's a higher priority than having conscious dreams.
My friend went blind at 80. He is spiritual and he told me of a technique he uses to go in and out of his dreams kind of under his control. remember he is in total darkness.Thank for the info.
I was with you until the last statement. I was always a vivid dreamer, so much so, I could write several scary stories, and several not so scary stories. I prefer the nightmares myself, each one getting me further into the gloom that never ends. If pot messed up my ability to dream "logically", I hadn't noticed it. And on the pain side of it, I'm still waiting for the mets I have to start hurting.
thanks for your comments
I want to make another comment about the downside of LSD. When my sister was 13, she was exposed to paper acid. She didn't take the person seriously, so she tried it. It was her only experience, but it had left her scarred for years. She had a bad trip. For those who are not familiar, it's a deathly experience. And, that wasn't the end of it, for years she had flashbacks. So, remember, pick your poison carefully.

Sorry about your sister, Joe. No 1 should take it that young, or without an experienced guide. It was obviously more than a mere microdose.
Hey Joe! my older brother at the age of 14 started Heavy dosing always doing way too much.Lsd ,peyote , mescaline ,and who knows what else.I did my own experimentations and had mostly good trips but anyone that does too much or mixes different drugs can have a bad trip. So my brother even to this day keeps abusing everything.He is stunted cognitively and emotionally .He thinks and acts in my opinion like a 14 yr old still and he is now 60...All the stuff he 's done and still doing but he hasn't got "C" . I've always been the one in the family promoting healthy eating and exercise. So who know?? Sorry about you sister. I felt terrible as a teenager my self because my big brother was so spaced out .Unbelievably he straitened up a bit joined the army for 8 yrs then the us post office for another 16 or so. He's ready to retire and has no major med problems..Unbelievable after all he 's done..and still,does . God bless him,I love him.
He sounds like my brother, but mines got Hep C from shooting up. He went to Penn State for 4 years, oh, I'm sorry I meant state pen! I can't stomach my brother, he continues to act like a punk ass kid.
Thank you so much. I'm very interested in this. I'll let you know once I try it. Stay cool!
Med Marijuana 🌱
Hey Joe,
I normally don't watch regular TV, but this morning the TV was left on a channel that had "The Drs." program on. Apparently, NYU's Langone Medical Center, has been testing shrooms for anxiety and depression on cancer patients, with dramatic results. Just one or two doses works for up to seven months of relief. Where are you at? Other facilities must be doing the same research I would think. The patients they had on the program spoke of outer body experiences, enlightenment, and for some reason, an inordinate amount of love.
Peace, pot, microdot, Joe

Wow Joe! That sounds better than daily pills and longer acting!
It was a real eye opener. It wouldn't be right for me, but it sure would help a lot of guys/girls here, and everywhere.

thanks joe. i had no idea what a shroom is , had to google it. i am going to investigate and see if C U MEDICAL SCHOOL is into it
While we're on the subject, another very interesting substance is DMT. It occurs throughout nature and has just been discovered in the pineal gland of rats. Some think it's also produced in humans during REM sleep and at other times such as near death experiences. Doctor Rick Strassman did some research on it and wrote a very interesting book called "The Spirit Molecule". Very interesting read, especially the "trip reports" his research subjects wrote. DMT is different than all other hallucinogenics in that the trip is very short and mentally you are not impaired so you can process the experience with your full mental capacity.