I'm new to this forum but I am seeking advice on excellent medical oncologists or urologists in Canada (or the US) who take a curative approach (such as Dr. Eugene Kwon).
My dad was diagnosed with Gleason 8 prostate cancer in early 2010 and a combination of radiation therapy and hormones kept his PSA low for 6 years. Unfortunately, the prostate cancer is back because he was recently diagnosed with high grade neuroendocrine carcinoma. It has spread to his spine and possibly lungs and liver.
My family is desperate to prolong my dad's life and therefore we are on the search for a good medical oncologist who is willing to go beyond standard care for this rare and deadly cancer. I apologize in advance if there is already a similar thread (sorry, I'm a newbie!). In that case, it would be great if you can point me to it.
Thanks so much, in advance. I'm very grateful for all your help!