I was a patient of Dr. Charles Myers. As he was retiring, he recommended Dr. Sartor at Tulane. Dr. Sartor is not accepting new patients until next August or September at the earliest. Anyone have any suggestions of an oncologist that specializes in advanced prostate cancer that would be equivalent to Dr. Myers?
Looking for Oncologist specializing i... - Advanced Prostate...
Looking for Oncologist specializing in advanced prostate cancer.

I was also a patient of Dr. Myers. Despite my living in NC, he strongly suggested I go to Dr. Mark Scholz at Prostate Oncology in Marina Del Ray, CA. I so far have had two telephone consultations with Dr. Scholz - no office visits (I last saw Dr. Myers in April) and so far, I am impressed and satisfied with Dr. Scholz. I was also considering Dr. Alicia Morgans who is now associated with Northwestern University in Chicago.
My case is a tough one to solve - but with the help of Dr. Myers in particular, I have survived nearly 12 years since my initial diagnosis (and five years since my second recurrence.) Dr. Myers thinks that Dr. Scholz is the closest to himself on his approach to treatment and being on the cutting edge.
I last saw Dr. Myers in August and consulted with him again in Sept. He referred me out to Dr. Scholz' office where I am seeing Dr. Turner. I made the trip out to L.A. from Ohio several weeks ago. I was very satisfied. I am on AS.
You did not say where you live. If it is near New Orleans (guessing based on Tulane Med Center), you should look into Dr. Stephen Bardot at Ochsner Clinic. He treated me well when I was diagnosed and had a radical prostatectomy. If you do, please say Hi to him for me.
Continue West to Houston and see Robert Amato, Professor and Researcher at Texas Medicak School and Genitourlogic Oncologist at Hermann Memorial at the Texas Medical Center. Treats very aggressively and has very positive results.
Gourd Dancer