New Denmeade paper, but free Abstract lacks details.
"Bipolar androgen therapy (BAT) is a paradoxical treatment for castrate-resistant prostate cancer whereby testosterone levels are rapidly alternated between supraphysiologic and near-castrate concentrations. Initial studies demonstrated that BAT is safe and produces clinical responses. A trial comparing enzalutamide against BAT is ongoing."
I suppose that I bristle a little when I read "paradoxical" & "supraphysiologic".
It is well-established that ADT causes CRPC. In fact, the price of ADT is accelerated aggressive disease. It is Reasonable to think that restoration of androgen might unsettle CRPC cells & perhaps reverse certain aspects of it.
Many men do not acheive "supraphysiologic" levels of T. Far from it. & it is not necessary, it seems. Is 2,000 ng/dL better than 1,000 ng/dL? I haven't seen the evidence. When androgen receptors are saturated with T, how does extra T act?