Recently I have read a lot about BAT. Testosterone treatment? Is it effective or could it be worse? When will it be available for public treatment? Thanks.
Has bipolar androgen therapy started... - Advanced Prostate...
Has bipolar androgen therapy started treatment?

It may be useful in extending enzalutamide and in providing a vacation for a few select individuals, otherwise disappointing results.
From what I have read, the trials have been mixed, but relatively good. It definitely is said to improve Quality of Life, if that is a bigger concern for you.
Here's a very good "Patient's Guide to BAT Therapy" from the lead researcher at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Sam Denmeade. Many castrate-resistant men have had excellent, durable results (but, not all) with BAT therapy. It's not used for men with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.
Bob in New Mexico
I never felt better when I was on BAT…Quality of life returned….Energy, Libido, etc…After 7 months PSA went up..,I’m in the process now of lowering my PSA so I can start BAT again….QOL is more important to me than just existing….

Thanks Roxysdad.