I heard today of this thing, which appears to make novel drugs available to very sick people. Repeating what I heard. tapur.org/
An initiative to make available targe... - Advanced Prostate...
An initiative to make available targeted drugs
The TAPUR study is sponsored and supported by the American Society of Clinical Oncologists, the largest professional association of cancer docs.
The study is legitimate and very important. I am not convinced that it will yield you any great personal results for you, but it will add important and very needed information for those behind us.
You are so completely welcome!
What companies for mapping analysis and what is the rough cost as I'm assuming insurance does not cover. Great post ty
I think the most immediate genes for you are the BRCA1 and the BRCA2 genes, and many people do it. Memorial Sloan Kettering certainly does and any of the big places easily can tell you exactly what if you bug them, or ask the correct person. The reason for the BRCAx test is that if it is there, then the PARP inhibitor usually makes a significant change for the better. Don't ask me to explain - I dont know, and you can look it up also.
I just did look it up:
"PARP inhibitors are a group of pharmacological inhibitors of the enzyme poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP). They are developed for multiple indications; the most important is the treatment of cancer."
Oh wait I was thinking ATP, one of the main energy sources in the body. The TP is tri-phosphate. When it gives off energy it becomes di-phosphate (ADP). So it's this metabolite, not ATP, that is involved in this bio-checmical reaction. Still. It seems like it would be everywhere.
Ty so very much. This helps. I'm going to.pass on the info. I'm having a horible time with acceptance and trying to be strong. This have me some hope when I need it. Thanks