The compound thymoquinone (TQ) selectively kills prostate cancer cells at advanced stages, according to a new study published in Oncogene.
Advanced prostate cancer has an unexp... - Advanced Prostate...
Advanced prostate cancer has an unexpected weakness that can be targeted by drugs

George..You are really validating my own dietary plan...Only two months ago, I read a few papers about benefits of Thymoquinone in cases of prostate cancer and ordered BLACK SEED OIL capsules (health harmony brand) from Amazon. Seemed I might not be getting enough thymoquinone by these small capsule, I went looking for can of black seed oil and found it in an Asian Grocery store. It does not taste good I am trying to see how can I inculcate this oil in day to day cooking to get best effect.
Like Whimpy says "keep moving the apple cart" I say " whatever man"!
Thanks, I have black seed oil but was unaware it had thymoquinone in it or that thymoquinone might be the ingredient that makes if effective against cancer .
Cardiac Inotropic Effect of Long-Term Administration of Oral Thymoquinone
George, In several Middle Eastern countries as well as in Indian Subcontinent, Black seeds and oil are used as a healing substance . There are research studies published from Malaysia, Iran, Turkey , India and other countries about its beneficial effects. Its inexpensive. I just bought a half liter bottle for $12.
So do you just drink this straight up? Maybe a teaspoon at a time?
Ramp...I just discovered its beneficial effects about 3 months ago after reading studies from India, Malaysia, Iran, japan and some others.
First I bought capsules on Amazon, Its called Black seed oil (healths harmony brand)
I am taking 2 caps a day.
I recently bought 1/2 liter bottle of Black seed oil and am trying to find a way as to how to inculcate 1 or 2 teaspoonful of this oil without spoiling taste of meal.
I just ordered some. I've seen where people are taking it but never saw laboratory evidence of effectiveness. It's on my list.
LearnAll, I use black seed oil along with virgin olive oil in making my liposomes.
You mix 50/50? how much do you take daily? Its good info to know what others are doing ..
I make an liposome using lecithin and olive and black seed oil. I also mix in my other phytochemicals with this. After blending all of this together in a mixer I put it in the refrigerator. Ounce chilled it has the consistency of jello. I usually make enough to last a month and store it in an airtight container.
I mix equal parts of each oil in making my liposomes and I take a tablespoon full of it each day. It will keep if stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
Thanks, I take them all separate throughout the day -- may give your mixture a try
The good thing about the liposomes is the the increased bioavailability of the compounds suspended in the emulsion thus you could probably get by with taking smaller amounts of them.
Thanks for sharing. This is really interesting information.
Gents, please reply back, if this has had any effect on you. ???
I am going to order some oil today. It seems to get to an effective dose of Thymoquinone, one has to consume a lot of oil. Trial data I have seen, mention 400mg per day.