Does anyone has a list of drugs that are under investigation to overcome resistance to ADT/Abi/Doc etc?
List of new drugs to overcome resistance - Advanced Prostate...
List of new drugs to overcome resistance

Thanks Nal. That is in fact the plan. I'm told by my MO that the two PARPi you mentioned got FDA approval for my case. He just wants to see ow far I go with Abi without additional intervention. Jury is out there. He's also open to adding a PD1/PDL1 agent to PARPs, but wants to monitor the progress of the clinical trials for another few months. Interestingly, they are working on a Thorium227 therapy with a new ligand (not PSMA) that he was very happy about.
Sometimes chemo will reverse resistance to Zytiga or Xtandi. They hope that BAT might. Some of the new hormone therapies (Erleada and Nubiqa) inhibit AR proliferation and may extend the usefulness of ADT. Carboplatin and PARP inhibitors seem to be effective in similar situations and may extend the usefulness of taxane therapy.
Thanks Allen. I thought there were a few drugs on trial specifically for overcoming resistance, similar to Onvarsertib ( . My MO also thinks PARPi would achieve similar results.
Hai Allen, I have been following your well-informed advice and comments for years now. Your comment above "new hormone therapies (Erlada and Nubiqa) inhibit AR proliferation and extend usefulness of ADT" drew my attention. Iam MCRPC and failed Zytiga with PSA of 16.5 and was put on Apalutamide by an oncologistfor 2 months and PSA shot up to 52. He has since advised me to stop the drug. What do you think happened in this context
It sounds like you are cross-resistant
Thank you Allen for the reply. Does it mean any of the new drugs including Enza will not work in my case even if I added Indomathasin or Chemo to knockdown AR resistance. So what are my options at this point if you do not mind.
Are you currently castrate resistant, with rising psa on adt alone?
I'm on 10mg a day. Side effects are mainly fatigue, but I exercise aggressively and that helps a great deal.