Ever notice home many military guys from generals on down get PCa. I just read a study that links sex with prostitutes and or STD's with PCa. I was in NAM and Germany and everybody was banging prostitutes because no other girls were available.
The Military and Prostate Cancer - Advanced Prostate...
The Military and Prostate Cancer

Nam vet here too with PC. I was mildly active in the "visiting" area too. Still alive and kicking though.
There are a number of exposures that increase the risks for developing prostate cancer. Vets who had been in NAM and who were exposed to Agent Orange are at a very high risk. also exposures to depleted uranium and burning oil fields (Iraq) will probably also be at an increased risk.
FYI- If you were feet down in NAM and do develop prostate cancer then the VA will automatically assume that you have a serves related disability and you are entitled to benefits.
I'm just a regular vet who served, but I was in a lot of places, going TDY all the time.
Check out this site: water.usgs.gov/nawqa/trace/arsenic. Take a look at where you've been. It's a real eye opener.
It's not just Agent Orange in NAM. In the early 90's I tested the dyes used in signalling grenades for "environmental safety" and found another bad actor. [in case you were wondering why the colors were changed.]
Not proud to say "guilty as charged"
I suspect that it is not related to prostitution or promiscuity.
Sex with prostitutes, absent anything else, is not a cause of anything, except a mild risk for self-hatred.
Nam combat vet, Agent Orange and Agent White was dusting us all, and we generally hit those sprayed areas soon after, rooting-out VC from their hiding places. I remember the light coating of powder on a can of Ham N Limas (I actually liked those C-Rats!) after heating them up on a pinch of C4! Looked like salt sometimes! Tasted bitter.