Xofigo treatment: Hi all, I'm a bit... - Advanced Prostate...

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Xofigo treatment

9 Replies

Hi all,

I'm a bit lost as to what Radium-223/Xofigo actually does. Does it attack the cancer, or relieve the pain? Or, both? Also, how is it administered? And, how many treatments?

I have few mets, but no pain. Actually I've been very lucky in the pain department. I had quite a lot from the cystitis, but now I'm pain free.

Peace, Joe

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9 Replies
JoelT profile image

Hi Joe,

Xofigo attacks the cancer inthe bones (not in the soft tissue). It is given by injection or infusion into a vein. The entire injection lasts about 1 min and is given by a nuclear medicine doctor. It

Is given every 4 weeks for a total of 6 injections.

It has not been approved for pain relief, however most men do report that it relieves their pain. This is probably the result if the tumors shrinking.


NiallMcC profile image

Hi Joe,

I have been lucky enough to have had Radium 223. Essentially it is a radioactive form/isotope of Radium. It's radiation can penetrate just less than a millimetre. When infused into a vein, because radium is in the same chemical family as calcium, it is taken up mostly by bones. Once in the bones the radiation damages the metastases nearby, so as to reduce their potential to continue to enlarge or spread. In my case my scans showed zero growth of metastases, which is obviously good news. Also because it is taken up primarily by bones and has a short penetration distance it is no threat to your internal organs. I felt absolutely no side effects or discomfort of any nature whatsoever.

It is administered 4 weekly for six months. Because I live in England, I receive my treatment free, but our NHS will only fund the treatment once. Apparently there is no medical reason why it shouldn't be repeated after another 12 to 18 months, but obviously a really in depth medical assessment would be necessary to see if this was appropriate. Over here the cost is about £4000.00 or $6000.00 per injection/infusion.

Best of wishes to you,


rhbishop2 profile image
rhbishop2 in reply to NiallMcC

We keep being told that there are new treatments in the pipeline for Prostate Cancer but they all seem to be fantastically expensive. How can an injection of something as basic as a radium isotope cost £4000?

NiallMcC profile image
NiallMcC in reply to rhbishop2

It has to be manufactured specifically in complex nuclear facilities.

Cancer09 profile image

I am on my second treatment I had a flare from the first injection which means my pain was unbearable for 5 days having to increase my pain med ...now after the second dose I'm weaning down on my meds ...you can not take calcium with xofigo ....13000$ an injection

NiallMcC profile image
NiallMcC in reply to Cancer09

Clearly having pain is not welcome and as I have said I have not yet experienced any pain, although my metastases were widespread, (all my vertebrae, all ribs, head of one femur and a small one in my skull); these were reduced by about 40/60 % prior to radium 223, even so, can I encourage you to persist as the rewards are tremendous.

Best wishes,


Thanks guys.

BobChanin profile image

Have just had my first Radium treatment and my goal is pain management. My Dr. says I have maxed out on radiation treatment due to potential organ damage. I am on large dose of pain pills and am having a Medtronic pump implanted 9/15. We shall see if the Radium can affect painful lesions especially in vertebrae.

Bob Chanin

in reply to BobChanin

Hi Bob

Sorry to hear about your pain issues. Good luck with the pain pump.

I spoke to my pain management doctor and she mentioned that I might benefit from the pump. I don't think I am ready but she cautioned me not to wait too long because once the metra protrude into the spinal canal the pump can not be installed.

Is the pain pump for pain in your spine? Did you have a trial epidural procedure done? It was explained to me this would be a 2 day in hospital stay with a temporary catheter to see if it helped with the pain.

Good luck with the pump and I hope it brings you some relief and you can take less pills.

Bill Manning

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